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Correlations constrained by composite measurements

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 Added by John Selby
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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How to understand the set of correlations admissible in nature is one outstanding open problem in the core of the foundations of quantum theory. Here we take a complementary viewpoint to the device-independent approach, and explore the correlations that physical theories may feature when restricted by some particular constraints on their measurements. We show that demanding that a theory exhibits a composite measurement imposes a hierarchy of constraints on the structure of its sets of states and effects, which translate to a hierarchy of constraints on the allowed correlations themselves. We moreover focus on the particular case where one demands the existence of an entangled measurement that reads out the parity of local fiducial measurements. By formulating a non-linear Optimisation Problem, and semidefinite relaxations of it, we explore the consequences of the existence of such a parity reading measurement for violations of Bell inequalities. In particular, we show that in certain situations this assumption has surprisingly strong consequences, namely, that Tsirelsons bound can be recovered.

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We show that, for any n, there are m-outcome quantum correlations, with m>n, which are stronger than any nonsignaling correlation produced from selecting among n-outcome measurements. As a consequence, for any n, there are m-outcome quantum measurements that cannot be constructed by selecting locally from the set of n-outcome measurements. This is a property of the set of measurements in quantum theory that is not mandatory for general probabilistic theories. We also show that this prediction can be tested through high-precision Bell-type experiments and identify past experiments providing evidence that some of these strong correlations exist in nature. Finally, we provide a modified version of quantum theory restricted to having at most n-outcome quantum measurements.
We introduce quantum correlations measures based on the minimal change in unified entropies induced by local rank-one projective measurements, divided by a factor that depends on the generalized purity of the system in the case of non-additive entropies. In this way, we overcome the issue of the artificial increasing of the value of quantum correlations measures based on non-additive entropies when an uncorrelated ancilla is appended to the system without changing the computability of our entropic correlations measures with respect to the previous ones. Moreover, we recover as limiting cases the quantum correlations measures based on von Neumann and Renyi entropies (i.e., additive entropies), for which the adjustment factor becomes trivial. In addition, we distinguish between total and semiquantum correlations and obtain some relations between them. Finally, we obtain analytical expressions of the entropic correlations measures for typical quantum bipartite systems.
115 - Thomas Durt 2012
The role played by Time in the quantum theory is still mysterious by many aspects. In particular it is not clear today whether the distribution of decay times of unstable particles could be described by a Time Operator. As we shall discuss, different approaches to this problem (one could say interpretations) can be found in the literature on the subject. As we shall show, it is possible to conceive crucial experiments aimed at distinguishing the different approaches, by measuring with accuracy the statistical distribution of decay times of entangled particles. Such experiments can be realized in principle with entangled kaon pairs.
122 - A. Asadian , C. Brukner , P. Rabl 2013
We describe a new and experimentally feasible protocol for performing fundamental tests of quantum mechanics with massive objects. In our approach a single two level system is used to probe the motion of a nanomechanical resonator via multiple Ramsey interference measurements. This scheme enables the measurement of modular variables of macroscopic continuous variable systems and we show that correlations thereof violate a Leggett-Garg inequality and can be applied for tests of quantum contextuality. Our method can be implemented with a variety of different solid state or photonic qubit-resonator systems and provides a clear experimental signature to distinguish the predictions of quantum mechanics from those of other alternative theories at a macroscopic scale.
If there are correlations between two qubits then the results of the measurement on one of them can help to predict measurement results on the other one. It is an interesting question what can be predicted about the results of two complementary projective measurements on the first qubit. To quantify these predictions the complementary emph{knowledge excesses} are used. A non-trivial constraint restricting them is derived. For any mixed state and for arbitrary measurements the knowledge excesses are bounded by a factor depending only on the maximal violation of Bells inequalities. This result is experimentally verified on two-photon Werner states prepared by means of spontaneous parametric down-conversion.
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