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Tensor structure on the Kazhdan-Lusztig category for affine $mathfrak{gl}(1|1)$

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 Added by Jinwei Yang
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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We show that the Kazhdan-Lusztig category $KL_k$ of level-$k$ finite-length modules with highest-weight composition factors for the affine Lie superalgebra $widehat{mathfrak{gl}(1|1)}$ has vertex algebraic braided tensor supercategory structure, and that its full subcategory $mathcal{O}_k^{fin}$ of objects with semisimple Cartan subalgebra actions is a tensor subcategory. We show that every simple $widehat{mathfrak{gl}(1|1)}$-module in $KL_k$ has a projective cover in $mathcal{O}_k^{fin}$, and we determine all fusion rules involving simple and projective objects in $mathcal{O}_k^{fin}$. Then using Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations, we prove that $KL_k$ and $mathcal{O}_k^{fin}$ are rigid. As an application of the tensor supercategory structure on $mathcal{O}_k^{fin}$, we study certain module categories for the affine Lie superalgebra $widehat{mathfrak{sl}(2|1)}$ at levels $1$ and $-frac{1}{2}$. In particular, we obtain a tensor category of $widehat{mathfrak{sl}(2|1)}$-modules at level $-frac{1}{2}$ that includes relaxed highest-weight modules and their images under spectral flow.

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145 - Kang Lu , E. Mukhin , A. Varchenko 2017
We define a $mathfrak{gl}_N$-stratification of the Grassmannian of $N$ planes $mathrm{Gr}(N,d)$. The $mathfrak{gl}_N$-stratification consists of strata $Omega_{mathbf{Lambda}}$ labeled by unordered sets $mathbf{Lambda}=(lambda^{(1)},dots,lambda^{(n)})$ of nonzero partitions with at most $N$ parts, satisfying a condition depending on $d$, and such that $(otimes_{i=1}^n V_{lambda^{(i)}})^{mathfrak{sl}_N} e 0$. Here $V_{lambda^{(i)}}$ is the irreducible $mathfrak{gl}_N$-module with highest weight $lambda^{(i)}$. We show that the closure of a stratum $Omega_{mathbf{Lambda}}$ is the union of the strata $Omega_{mathbfXi}$, $mathbf{Xi}=(xi^{(1)},dots,xi^{(m)})$, such that there is a partition ${I_1,dots,I_m}$ of ${1,2,dots,n}$ with $ {rm {Hom}}_{mathfrak{gl}_N} (V_{xi^{(i)}}, otimes_{jin I_i}V_{lambda^{(j)}}big) eq 0$ for $i=1,dots,m$. The $mathfrak{gl}_N$-stratification of the Grassmannian agrees with the Wronski map. We introduce and study the new object: the self-dual Grassmannian $mathrm{sGr}(N,d)subset mathrm{Gr}(N,d)$. Our main result is a similar $mathfrak{g}_N$-stratification of the self-dual Grassmannian governed by representation theory of the Lie algebra $mathfrak {g}_{2r+1}:=mathfrak{sp}_{2r}$ if $N=2r+1$ and of the Lie algebra $mathfrak g_{2r}:=mathfrak{so}_{2r+1}$ if $N=2r$.
81 - Kang Lu , Evgeny Mukhin 2019
We study the $mathfrak{gl}_{1|1}$ supersymmetric XXX spin chains. We give an explicit description of the algebra of Hamiltonians acting on any cyclic tensor products of polynomial evaluation $mathfrak{gl}_{1|1}$ Yangian modules. It follows that there exists a bijection between common eigenvectors (up to proportionality) of the algebra of Hamiltonians and monic divisors of an explicit polynomial written in terms of the Drinfeld polynomials. In particular our result implies that each common eigenspace of the algebra of Hamiltonians has dimension one. We also give dimensions of the generalized eigenspaces. We show that when the tensor product is irreducible, then all eigenvectors can be constructed using Bethe ansatz. We express the transfer matrices associated to symmetrizers and anti-symmetrizers of vector representations in terms of the first transfer matrix and the center of the Yangian.
131 - Huanchen Bao , Weiqiang Wang , 2018
We generalize a construction in [BW18] (arXiv:1610.09271) by showing that the tensor product of a based $textbf{U}^{imath}$-module and a based $textbf{U}$-module is a based $textbf{U}^{imath}$-module. This is then used to formulate a Kazhdan-Lusztig theory for an arbitrary parabolic BGG category $mathcal{O}$ of the ortho-symplectic Lie superalgebras, extending a main result in [BW13] (arXiv:1310.0103).
183 - AM Semikhatov 2009
For a Hopf algebra B, we endow the Heisenberg double H(B^*) with the structure of a module algebra over the Drinfeld double D(B). Based on this property, we propose that H(B^*) is to be the counterpart of the algebra of fields on the quantum-group side of the Kazhdan--Lusztig duality between logarithmic conformal field theories and quantum groups. As an example, we work out the case where B is the Taft Hopf algebra related to the U_qsl(2) quantum group that is Kazhdan--Lusztig-dual to (p,1) logarithmic conformal models. The corresponding pair (D(B),H(B^*)) is truncated to (U_qsl(2),H_qsl(2)), where H_qsl(2) is a U_qsl(2) module algebra that turns out to have the form H_qsl(2)=oC_q[z,d]tensor C[lambda]/(lambda^{2p}-1), where C_q[z,d] is the U_qsl(2)-module algebra with the relations z^p=0, d^p=0, and d z = q-q^{-1} + q^{-2} zd.
125 - B. Feigin , M. Jimbo , 2018
On a Fock space constructed from $mn$ free bosons and lattice ${Bbb {Z}}^{mn}$, we give a level $n$ action of the quantum toroidal algebra $mathscr {E}_m$ associated to $mathfrak{gl}_m$, together with a level $m$ action of the quantum toroidal algebra ${mathscr E}_n$ associated to ${mathfrak {gl}}_n$. We prove that the $mathscr {E}_m$ transfer matrices commute with the $mathscr {E}_n$ transfer matrices after an appropriate identification of parameters.
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