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ClipFlip : Multi-view Clipart Design

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 Added by I-Chao Shen
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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We present an assistive system for clipart design by providing visual scaffolds from the unseen viewpoints. Inspired by the artists creation process, our system constructs the visual scaffold by first synthesizing the reference 3D shape of the input clipart and rendering it from the desired viewpoint. The critical challenge of constructing this visual scaffold is to generate a reference 3Dshape that matches the users expectation in terms of object sizing and positioning while preserving the geometric style of the input clipart. To address this challenge, we propose a user-assisted curve extrusion method to obtain the reference 3D shape.We render the synthesized reference 3D shape with consistent style into the visual scaffold. By following the generated visual scaffold, the users can efficiently design clipart with their desired viewpoints. The user study conducted by an intuitive user interface and our generated visual scaffold suggests that the users are able to design clipart from different viewpoints while preserving the original geometric style without losing its original shape.

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314 - I-Chao Shen , Bing-Yu Chen 2021
This paper presents a novel deep learning-based approach for automatically vectorizing and synthesizing the clipart of man-made objects. Given a raster clipart image and its corresponding object category (e.g., airplanes), the proposed method sequentially generates new layers, each of which is composed of a new closed path filled with a single color. The final result is obtained by compositing all layers together into a vector clipart image that falls into the target category. The proposed approach is based on an iterative generative model that (i) decides whether to continue synthesizing a new layer and (ii) determines the geometry and appearance of the new layer. We formulated a joint loss function for training our generative model, including the shape similarity, symmetry, and local curve smoothness losses, as well as vector graphics rendering accuracy loss for synthesizing clipart recognizable by humans. We also introduced a collection of man-made object clipart, ClipNet, which is composed of closed-path layers, and two designed preprocessing tasks to clean up and enrich the original raw clipart. To validate the proposed approach, we conducted several experiments and demonstrated its ability to vectorize and synthesize various clipart categories. We envision that our generative model can facilitate efficient and intuitive clipart designs for novice users and graphic designers.
Trusses are load-carrying light-weight structures consisting of bars connected at joints ubiquitously applied in a variety of engineering scenarios. Designing optimal trusses that satisfy functional specifications with a minimal amount of material has interested both theoreticians and practitioners for more than a century. In this paper, we introduce two main ideas to improve upon the state of the art. First, we formulate an alternating linear programming problem for geometry optimization. Second, we introduce two sets of complementary topological operations, including a novel subdivision scheme for global topology refinement inspired by Michells famed theoretical study. Based on these two ideas, we build an efficient computational framework for the design of lightweight trusses. AD{We illustrate our framework with a variety of functional specifications and extensions. We show that our method achieves trusses with smaller volumes and is over two orders of magnitude faster compared with recent state-of-the-art approaches.
We suggest representing light field (LF) videos as one-off neural networks (NN), i.e., a learned mapping from view-plus-time coordinates to high-resolution color values, trained on sparse views. Initially, this sounds like a bad idea for three main reasons: First, a NN LF will likely have less quality than a same-sized pixel basis representation. Second, only few training data, e.g., 9 exemplars per frame are available for sparse LF videos. Third, there is no generalization across LFs, but across view and time instead. Consequently, a network needs to be trained for each LF video. Surprisingly, these problems can turn into substantial advantages: Other than the linear pixel basis, a NN has to come up with a compact, non-linear i.e., more intelligent, explanation of color, conditioned on the sparse view and time coordinates. As observed for many NN however, this representation now is interpolatable: if the image output for sparse view coordinates is plausible, it is for all intermediate, continuous coordinates as well. Our specific network architecture involves a differentiable occlusion-aware warping step, which leads to a compact set of trainable parameters and consequently fast learning and fast execution.
We present a computational design system that assists users to model, optimize, and fabricate quad-robots with soft skins.Our system addresses the challenging task of predicting their physical behavior by fully integrating the multibody dynamics of the mechanical skeleton and the elastic behavior of the soft skin. The developed motion control strategy uses an alternating optimization scheme to avoid expensive full space time-optimization, interleaving space-time optimization for the skeleton and frame-by-frame optimization for the full dynamics. The output are motor torques to drive the robot to achieve a user prescribed motion trajectory.We also provide a collection of convenient engineering tools and empirical manufacturing guidance to support the fabrication of the designed quad-robot. We validate the feasibility of designs generated with our system through physics simulations and with a physically-fabricated prototype.
We present a system to convert any set of images (e.g., a video clip or a photo album) into a storyboard. We aim to create multiple pleasing graphic representations of the content at interactive rates, so the user can explore and find the storyboard (images, layout, and stylization) that best suits their needs and taste. The main challenges of this work are: selecting the content images, placing them into panels, and applying a stylization. For the latter, we propose an interactive design tool to create new stylizations using a wide range of filter blocks. This approach unleashes the creativity by allowing the user to tune, modify, and intuitively design new sequences of filters. In parallel to this manual design, we propose a novel procedural approach that automatically assembles sequences of filters for innovative results. We aim to keep the algorithm complexity as low as possible such that it can run interactively on a mobile device. Our results include examples of styles designed using both our interactive and procedural tools, as well as their final composition into interesting and appealing storyboards.
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