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Joint Policy Search for Multi-agent Collaboration with Imperfect Information

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 Added by Yuandong Tian
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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To learn good joint policies for multi-agent collaboration with imperfect information remains a fundamental challenge. While for two-player zero-sum games, coordinate-ascent approaches (optimizing one agents policy at a time, e.g., self-play) work with guarantees, in multi-agent cooperative setting they often converge to sub-optimal Nash equilibrium. On the other hand, directly modeling joint policy changes in imperfect information game is nontrivial due to complicated interplay of policies (e.g., upstream updates affect downstream state reachability). In this paper, we show global changes of game values can be decomposed to policy changes localized at each information set, with a novel term named policy-change density. Based on this, we propose Joint Policy Search(JPS) that iteratively improves joint policies of collaborative agents in imperfect information games, without re-evaluating the entire game. On multi-agent collaborative tabular games, JPS is proven to never worsen performance and can improve solutions provided by unilateral approaches (e.g, CFR), outperforming algorithms designed for collaborative policy learning (e.g. BAD). Furthermore, for real-world games, JPS has an online form that naturally links with gradient updates. We test it to Contract Bridge, a 4-player imperfect-information game where a team of $2$ collaborates to compete against the other. In its bidding phase, players bid in turn to find a good contract through a limited information channel. Based on a strong baseline agent that bids competitive bridge purely through domain-agnostic self-play, JPS improves collaboration of team players and outperforms WBridge5, a championship-winning software, by $+0.63$ IMPs (International Matching Points) per board over 1k games, substantially better than previous SoTA ($+0.41$ IMPs/b) under Double-Dummy evaluation.

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In multi-agent reinforcement learning, the inherent non-stationarity of the environment caused by other agents actions posed significant difficulties for an agent to learn a good policy independently. One way to deal with non-stationarity is agent modeling, by which the agent takes into consideration the influence of other agents policies. Most existing work relies on predicting other agents actions or goals, or discriminating between their policies. However, such modeling fails to capture the similarities and differences between policies simultaneously and thus cannot provide useful information when generalizing to unseen policies. To address this, we propose a general method to learn representations of other agents policies via the joint-action distributions sampled in interactions. The similarities and differences between policies are naturally captured by the policy distance inferred from the joint-action distributions and deliberately reflected in the learned representations. Agents conditioned on the policy representations can well generalize to unseen agents. We empirically demonstrate that our method outperforms existing work in multi-agent tasks when facing unseen agents.
Recent advances in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) have achieved super-human performance in games like Quake 3 and Dota 2. Unfortunately, these techniques require orders-of-magnitude more training rounds than humans and dont generalize to new agent configurations even on the same game. In this work, we propose Collaborative Q-learning (CollaQ) that achieves state-of-the-art performance in the StarCraft multi-agent challenge and supports ad hoc team play. We first formulate multi-agent collaboration as a joint optimization on reward assignment and show that each agent has an approximately optimal policy that decomposes into two parts: one part that only relies on the agents own state, and the other part that is related to states of nearby agents. Following this novel finding, CollaQ decomposes the Q-function of each agent into a self term and an interactive term, with a Multi-Agent Reward Attribution (MARA) loss that regularizes the training. CollaQ is evaluated on various StarCraft maps and shows that it outperforms existing state-of-the-art techniques (i.e., QMIX, QTRAN, and VDN) by improving the win rate by 40% with the same number of samples. In the more challenging ad hoc team play setting (i.e., reweight/add/remove units without re-training or finetuning), CollaQ outperforms previous SoTA by over 30%.
Reward decomposition is a critical problem in centralized training with decentralized execution~(CTDE) paradigm for multi-agent reinforcement learning. To take full advantage of global information, which exploits the states from all agents and the related environment for decomposing Q values into individual credits, we propose a general meta-learning-based Mixing Network with Meta Policy Gradient~(MNMPG) framework to distill the global hierarchy for delicate reward decomposition. The excitation signal for learning global hierarchy is deduced from the episode reward difference between before and after exercise updates through the utility network. Our method is generally applicable to the CTDE method using a monotonic mixing network. Experiments on the StarCraft II micromanagement benchmark demonstrate that our method just with a simple utility network is able to outperform the current state-of-the-art MARL algorithms on 4 of 5 super hard scenarios. Better performance can be further achieved when combined with a role-based utility network.
Cooperative multi-agent tasks require agents to deduce their own contributions with shared global rewards, known as the challenge of credit assignment. General methods for policy based multi-agent reinforcement learning to solve the challenge introduce differentiate value functions or advantage functions for individual agents. In multi-agent system, polices of different agents need to be evaluated jointly. In order to update polices synchronously, such value functions or advantage functions also need synchronous evaluation. However, in current methods, value functions or advantage functions use counter-factual joint actions which are evaluated asynchronously, thus suffer from natural estimation bias. In this work, we propose the approximatively synchronous advantage estimation. We first derive the marginal advantage function, an expansion from single-agent advantage function to multi-agent system. Further more, we introduce a policy approximation for synchronous advantage estimation, and break down the multi-agent policy optimization problem into multiple sub-problems of single-agent policy optimization. Our method is compared with baseline algorithms on StarCraft multi-agent challenges, and shows the best performance on most of the tasks.
This paper proposes a definition of system health in the context of multiple agents optimizing a joint reward function. We use this definition as a credit assignment term in a policy gradient algorithm to distinguish the contributions of individual agents to the global reward. The health-informed credit assignment is then extended to a multi-agent variant of the proximal policy optimization algorithm and demonstrated on particle and multiwalker robot environments that have characteristics such as system health, risk-taking, semi-expendable agents, continuous action spaces, and partial observability. We show significant improvement in learning performance compared to policy gradient methods that do not perform multi-agent credit assignment.

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