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Recent advancements in textit{Learning from Human Feedback} present an effective way to train robot agents via inputs from non-expert humans, without a need for a specially designed reward function. However, this approach needs a human to be present and attentive during robot learning to provide evaluative feedback. In addition, the amount of feedback needed grows with the level of task difficulty and the quality of human feedback might decrease over time because of fatigue. To overcome these limitations and enable learning more robot tasks with higher complexities, there is a need to maximize the quality of expensive feedback received and reduce the amount of human cognitive involvement required. In this work, we present an approach that uses active learning to smartly choose queries for the human supervisor based on the uncertainty of the robot and effectively reduces the amount of feedback needed to learn a given task. We also use a novel multiple buffer system to improve robustness to feedback noise and guard against catastrophic forgetting as the robot learning evolves. This makes it possible to learn tasks with more complexity using lesser amounts of human feedback compared to previous methods. We demonstrate the utility of our proposed method on a robot arm reaching task where the robot learns to reach a location in 3D without colliding with obstacles. Our approach is able to learn this task faster, with less human feedback and cognitive involvement, compared to previous methods that do not use active learning.
Machine learning models that first learn a representation of a domain in terms of human-understandable concepts, then use it to make predictions, have been proposed to facilitate interpretation and interaction with models trained on high-dimensional data. However these methods have important limitations: the way they define concepts are not inherently interpretable, and they assume that concept labels either exist for individual instances or can easily be acquired from users. These limitations are particularly acute for high-dimensional tabular features. We propose an approach for learning a set of transparent concept definitions in high-dimensional tabular data that relies on users labeling concept features instead of individual instances. Our method produces concepts that both align with users intuitive sense of what a concept means, and facilitate prediction of the downstream label by a transparent machine learning model. This ensures that the full model is transparent and intuitive, and as predictive as possible given this constraint. We demonstrate with simulated user feedback on real prediction problems, including one in a clinical domain, that this kind of direct feedback is much more efficient at learning solutions that align with ground truth concept definitions than alternative transparent approaches that rely on labeling instances or other existing interaction mechanisms, while maintaining similar predictive performance.
Optimizing lower-body exoskeleton walking gaits for user comfort requires understanding users preferences over a high-dimensional gait parameter space. However, existing preference-based learning methods have only explored low-dimensional domains due to computational limitations. To learn user preferences in high dimensions, this work presents LineCoSpar, a human-in-the-loop preference-based framework that enables optimization over many parameters by iteratively exploring one-dimensional subspaces. Additionally, this work identifies gait attributes that characterize broader preferences across users. In simulations and human trials, we empirically verify that LineCoSpar is a sample-efficient approach for high-dimensional preference optimization. Our analysis of the experimental data reveals a correspondence between human preferences and objective measures of dynamicity, while also highlighting differences in the utility functions underlying individual users gait preferences. This result has implications for exoskeleton gait synthesis, an active field with applications to clinical use and patient rehabilitation.
Characterizing what types of exoskeleton gaits are comfortable for users, and understanding the science of walking more generally, require recovering a users utility landscape. Learning these landscapes is challenging, as walking trajectories are defined by numerous gait parameters, data collection from human trials is expensive, and user safety and comfort must be ensured. This work proposes the Region of Interest Active Learning (ROIAL) framework, which actively learns each users underlying utility function over a region of interest that ensures safety and comfort. ROIAL learns from ordinal and preference feedback, which are more reliable feedback mechanisms than absolute numerical scores. The algorithms performance is evaluated both in simulation and experimentally for three non-disabled subjects walking inside of a lower-body exoskeleton. ROIAL learns Bayesian posteriors that predict each exoskeleton users utility landscape across four exoskeleton gait parameters. The algorithm discovers both commonalities and discrepancies across users gait preferences and identifies the gait parameters that most influenced user feedback. These results demonstrate the feasibility of recovering gait utility landscapes from limited human trials.
Deep reinforcement learning has recently been widely applied in robotics to study tasks such as locomotion and grasping, but its application to social human-robot interaction (HRI) remains a challenge. In this paper, we present a deep learning scheme that acquires a prior model of robot approaching behavior in simulation and applies it to real-world interaction with a physical robot approaching groups of humans. The scheme, which we refer to as Staged Social Behavior Learning (SSBL), considers different stages of learning in social scenarios. We learn robot approaching behaviors towards small groups in simulation and evaluate the performance of the model using objective and subjective measures in a perceptual study and a HRI user study with human participants. Results show that our model generates more socially appropriate behavior compared to a state-of-the-art model.
We present situated live programming for human-robot collaboration, an approach that enables users with limited programming experience to program collaborative applications for human-robot interaction. Allowing end users, such as shop floor workers, to program collaborative robots themselves would make it easy to retask robots from one process to another, facilitating their adoption by small and medium enterprises. Our approach builds on the paradigm of trigger-action programming (TAP) by allowing end users to create rich interactions through simple trigger-action pairings. It enables end users to iteratively create, edit, and refine a reactive robot program while executing partial programs. This live programming approach enables the user to utilize the task space and objects by incrementally specifying situated trigger-action pairs, substantially lowering the barrier to entry for programming or reprogramming robots for collaboration. We instantiate situated live programming in an authoring system where users can create trigger-action programs by annotating an augmented video feed from the robots perspective and assign robot actions to trigger conditions. We evaluated this system in a study where participants (n = 10) developed robot programs for solving collaborative light-manufacturing tasks. Results showed that users with little programming experience were able to program HRC tasks in an interactive fashion and our situated live programming approach further supported individualized strategies and workflows. We conclude by discussing opportunities and limitations of the proposed approach, our system implementation, and our study and discuss a roadmap for expanding this approach to a broader range of tasks and applications.