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Motivic integration and the birational invariance of BCOV invariants

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 Added by Lie Fu
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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Bershadsky, Cecotti, Ooguri and Vafa constructed a real valued invariant for Calabi-Yau manifolds, which is now called the BCOV invariant. The BCOV invariant is conjecturally related to the Gromov-Witten theory via mirror symmetry. Based upon previous work of the second author, we prove the conjecture that birational Calabi-Yau manifolds have the same BCOV invariant. We also extend the construction of the BCOV invariant to Calabi-Yau varieties with Kawamata log terminal singularities, and prove its birational invariance for Calabi-Yau varieties with canonical singularities. We provide an interpretation of our construction using the theory of motivic integration.

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We construct an upgrade of the motivic volume by keeping track of dimensions in the Grothendieck ring of varieties. This produces a uniform refinement of the motivic volume and its birational version introduced by Kontsevich and Tschinkel to prove the specialization of birational types. We also provide several explicit examples of obstructions to stable rationality arising from this technique.
We construct a period regulator for motivic cohomology of an algebraic scheme over a subfield of the complex numbers. For the field of algebraic numbers we formulate a period conjecture for motivic cohomology by saying that this period regulator is surjective. Showing that a suitable Betti--de Rham realization of 1-motives is fully faithful we can verify this period conjecture in several cases. The divisibility properties of motivic cohomology imply that our conjecture is a neat generalization of the classical Grothendieck period conjecture for algebraic cycles on smooth and proper schemes. These divisibility properties are treated in an appendix by B. Kahn (extending previous work of Bloch and Colliot-Thel`ene--Raskind).
172 - Amit Hogadi , Vikram Mehta 2010
Let $X$ and $Y$ be nonsingular projective varieties over an algebraically closed field $k$ of positive characteristic. If $X$ and $Y$ are birational, we show their $S$-fundamental group schemes are isomorphic.
211 - Kentaro Nagao 2011
We study motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants in the sense of Behrend-Bryan-Szendroi. A wall-crossing formula under a mutation is proved for a certain class of quivers with potentials.
220 - S. Katz , A. Klemm , 2014
For a K3 surface S, we study motivic invariants of stable pairs moduli spaces associated to 3-fold thickenings of S. We conjecture suitable deformation and divisibility invariances for the Betti realization. Our conjectures, together with earlier calculations of Kawai-Yoshioka, imply a full determination of the theory in terms of the Hodge numbers of the Hilbert schemes of points of S. The work may be viewed as the third in a sequence of formulas starting with Yau-Zaslow and Katz-Klemm-Vafa (each recovering the former). Numerical data suggest the motivic invariants are linked to the Mathieu M_24 moonshine phenomena. The KKV formula and the Pairs/Noether-Lefschetz correspondence together determine the BPS counts of K3-fibered Calabi-Yau 3-folds in fiber classes in terms of modular forms. We propose a framework for a refined P/NL correspondence for the motivic invariants of K3-fibered CY 3-folds. For the STU model, a complete conjecture is presented.
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