The spontaneous emission of an excited two-level emitter driven by a strong classical coherent low-frequency electromagnetic field is investigated. We find that for relatively strong laser driving, multi-photon processes are induced, thereby opening additional decay channels for the atom. We analyze the interplay between the strong low-frequency driving and the interfering multiphoton decay channels, and discuss its implications for the spontaneous emission dynamics.
We analyze the role of the difference between the central frequencies of the spectral distributions of the vector potential and the electric field of a short laser pulse. The frequency shift arises when the electric field is determined as the derivative of the vector potential to ensure that both quantities vanish at the beginning and end of the pulse. We derive an analytical estimate of the frequency shift and show how it affects various light induced processes, such as excitation, ionization and high harmonic generation. Since observables depend on the frequency spectrum of the electric field, the shift should be taken into account when setting the central frequency of the vector potential to avoid potential misinterpretation of numerical results for processes induced by few-cycle pulses.
The strong-field approximation can be and has been applied in both length gauge and velocity gauge with quantitatively conflicting answers. For ionization of negative ions with a ground state of odd parity, the predictions of the two gauges differ qualitatively: in the envelope of the angular-resolved energy spectrum, dips in one gauge correspond to humps in the other. We show that the length-gauge SFA matches the exact numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation.
We use classical electron ensembles and the aligned-electron approximation to examine the effect of laser pulse duration on the dynamics of strong-field double ionization. We cover the range of intensities $10^{14}-10^{16} W/cm^2$ for the laser wavelength 780 nm. The classical scenario suggests that the highest rate of recollision occurs early in the pulse and promotes double ionization production in few-cycle pulses. In addition, the purely classical ensemble calculation predicts an exponentially decreasing recollision rate with each subsequent half cycle. We confirm the exponential behavior by trajectory back-analysis.
We show that a simple scheme based on nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a hot atomic vapor behaves like a near-perfect phase-insensitive optical amplifier, which can generate bright twin beams with a measured quantum noise reduction in the intensity difference of more than 8 dB, close to the best optical parametric amplifiers and oscillators. The absence of a cavity makes the system immune to external perturbations, and the strong quantum noise reduction is observed over a large frequency range.
We consider a one-dimensional chain of N equidistantly spaced noninteracting qubits embedded in an open waveguide. In the frame of single-excitation subspace, we systematically study the evolution of qubits amplitudes if the only qubit in the chain was initially excited. We show that the temporal dynamics of qubits amplitudes crucially depend on the value of kd, where k is the wave vector, d is a distance between neighbor qubits. If kd is equal to an integer multiple of $pi$, then the qubits are excited to a stationary level which scales as SN^{-1}S. We show that in this case, it is the dark states which prevent qubits from decaying to zero even though they do not contribute to the output spectrum of photon emission. For other values of kd the excitations of qubits have the form of damping oscillations, which represent the vacuum Rabi oscillations in a multi-qubit system. In this case, the output spectrum of photon radiation is defined by a subradiant state with the smallest width.