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Can Pulsars in the inner parsecs from Galactic Centre probe the existence of Dark Matter?

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 Added by Maksym Deliyergiyev
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We discuss the formation of dark compact objects in a dark matter environment in view of the possible mass dependence of pulsars on the distribution of dark matter in the Galaxy. Our results indicate that the pulsar masses should decrease going towards the center of the Milky Way due to dark matter capture, thus becoming a probe for the existence and nature of dark matter. We thus propose that the evolution of the pulsar mass in a dark matter rich environment can be used to put constraints, when combined with future experiments, on the characteristics of our Galaxy halo dark matter profile, on the dark matter particle mass and on the dark matter self-interaction strength.

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A search for high-energy neutrinos coming from the direction of the Galactic Centre is performed using the data recorded by the ANTARES neutrino telescope from 2007 to 2012. The event selection criteria are chosen to maximise the sensitivity to possible signals produced by the self-annihilation of weakly interacting massive particles accumulated around the centre of the Milky Way with respect to the atmospheric background. After data unblinding, the number of neutrinos observed in the line of sight of the Galactic Centre is found to be compatible with background expectations. The 90% C.L. upper limits in terms of the neutrino+anti-neutrino flux, $rm Phi_{ u_{mu}+bar{ u}_mu}$, and the velocity averaged annihilation cross-section, $rm <sigma_{A}v>$, are derived for the WIMP self-annihilation channels into $rm bbar{b},W^{+}W^{-},tau^{+}tau^{-},mu^{+}mu^{-}, ubar{ u}$. The ANTARES limits for $rm <sigma_{A}v>$ are shown to be the most stringent for a neutrino telescope over the WIMP masses $rm 25,GeV < M_{WIMP} < 10,TeV$.
We compute the sensitivity to dark matter annihilations for the forthcoming large Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) in several primary channels and over a range of dark matter masses from 30 GeV up to 80 TeV. For all channels, we include inverse Compton scattering of e$^pm$ by dark matter annihilations on the ambient photon background, which yields substantial contributions to the overall gamma-ray flux. We improve the analysis over previous work by: i) implementing a spectral and morphological analysis of the gamma-ray emission; ii) taking into account the most up-to-date cosmic ray background obtained from a full CTA Monte Carlo simulation and a description of the diffuse astrophysical emission; and iii) including the systematic uncertainties in the rich observational CTA datasets. We find that our spectral and morphological analysis improves the CTA sensitivity by roughly a factor 2. For the hadronic channels, CTA will be able to probe thermal dark matter candidates over a broad range of masses if the systematic uncertainties in the datasets will be controlled better than the percent level. For the leptonic modes, the CTA sensitivity will be well below the thermal value of the annihilation cross-section. In this case, even with larger systematics, thermal dark matter candidates up to masses of a few TeV will be easily studied.
We update our earlier calculations of gamma ray and radio observational constraints on annihilations of dark matter particles lighter than 10 GeV. We predict the synchrotron spectrum as well as the morphology of the radio emission associated with light decaying and annihilating dark matter candidates in both the Coma cluster and the Galactic Centre. Our new results basically confirm our previous findings: synchrotron emission in the very inner part of the Milky Way constrains or even excludes dark matter candidates if the magnetic field is larger than 50 micro Gauss. In fact, our results suggest that light annihilating candidates must have a S-wave suppressed pair annihilation cross section into electrons (or the branching ratio into electron positron must be small). If dark matter is decaying, it must have a life time that is larger than t = 3. 10^{25} s. Therefore, radio emission should always be considered when one proposes a light dark matter candidate.
498 - Jesus Zavala 2014
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory has observed highly energetic neutrinos in excess of the expected atmospheric neutrino background. It is intriguing to consider the possibility that such events are probing physics beyond the standard model. In this context, $mathcal{O}$(PeV) dark matter particles decaying to neutrinos have been considered while dark matter annihilation has been dismissed invoking the unitarity bound as a limiting factor. However, the latter claim was done ignoring the contribution from dark matter substructure, which for PeV Cold Dark Matter would extend down to a free streaming mass of $mathcal{O}$($10^{-18}$M$_odot$). Since the unitarity bound is less stringent at low velocities, ($sigma_{rm ann}$v)$leq4pi/m_chi^2v$, then, it is possible that these cold and dense subhalos would contribute dominantly to a dark-matter-induced neutrino flux and easily account for the events observed by IceCube. A Sommerfeld-enhanced dark matter model can naturally support such scenario. Interestingly, the spatial distribution of the events shows features that would be expected in a dark matter interpretation. Although not conclusive, 9 of the 37 events appear to be clustered around a region near the Galactic Center while 6 others spatially coincide, within the reported angular errors, with 5 of 26 Milky Way satellites. However, a simple estimate of the probability of the latter occurring by chance is $sim35%$. More events are needed to statistically test this hypothesis. PeV dark matter particles are massive enough that their abundance as standard thermal relics would overclose the Universe. This issue can be solved in alternative scenarios, for instance if the decay of new massive unstable particles generates significant entropy reheating the Universe to a slightly lower temperature than the freeze-out temperature, $T_{rm RH} lesssim T_{rm f}sim4times10^4$~GeV.
High-energy gamma rays are promising tools to constrain or reveal the nature of dark matter, in particular Weakly Interacting Massive Particles. Being well into its pre-construction phase, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will soon probe the sky in the 20 GeV - 300 TeV energy range. Thanks to its improved energy and angular resolutions as well as significantly larger effective area when compared to the current generation of Cherenkov telescopes, CTA is expected to probe heavier dark matter, with unprecedented sensitivity, reaching the thermal annihilation cross-section at ~1 TeV. This talk will summarise the planned dark matter search strategies with CTA, focusing on the signal from the Galactic centre. As observed with the Fermi LAT at lower energies, this region is rather complex and CTA will be the first ground-based observatory sensitive to the large scale diffuse astrophysical emission from that region. We report on the collaboration effort to study the impact of such extended astrophysical backgrounds on the dark matter search, based on Fermi-LAT data in order to guide our observational strategies, taking into account various sources of systematic uncertainty.
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