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Exclusive Diffraction at the LHC

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 Added by Christophe Royon
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English
 Authors C. Royon

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In this report, we describe the most recent results on exclusive diffraction from the ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, TOTEM experiments at the LHC concerning exclusive pions, $J/Psi$, $Psi(2S)$, dilepton, diphoton, $WW$ productions and prospects concerning the search for anomalous couplings and axion-like particle production.

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A process of Central Exclusive $pi^+pi^-$ production in proton-proton collisions and its theoretical description is presented. A possibility of its measurement, during the special low luminosity LHC runs, with the help of the ATLAS central detector for measuring pions and the ALFA stations for tagging the scattered protons is studied. A visible cross section is estimated to be 21 $mu$b for $sqrt{s}=7$ TeV, which gives over 2000 events for 100 $mu$b$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity. Differential distributions in pion pseudorapidities, pion and proton transverse momenta as well as $pi^+pi^-$ invariant mass are shown and discussed.
135 - S. Fazio 2010
The exclusive diffractive production of vector mesons and real photons in ep collisions has been studied at HERA in a wide kinematic range. Here the most recent experimental results are presented together with a Regge-type model and projects for new diffractive studies at LHC.
69 - Marek Tasevsky 2017
Various aspects of forward physics have been studied by the ATLAS collaboration using data from Run I at the LHC. In this text, main results of three published analyses are summarized, based on data from proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ or 8 TeV collected between 2010 and 2012. One analysis deals with diffractive signature with at least two jets in the final state, the other two study exclusive production of a pair of leptons or W bosons.
153 - R. Schicker 2014
The ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN consists of a central barrel, a muon spectrometer and additional detectors for trigger and event classification purposes. The low transverse momentum threshold of the central barrel gives ALICE a unique opportunity to study the low mass sector of central exclusive production at the LHC.
112 - Sebastian White 2010
In diffractive interactions of protons or nuclei a violent collision can occur that leaves the forward going particle completely intact -with probability determined by the structure of the proton or nucleus. At very high energies these collisions also occur with both incident particles remaining intact. This is called central exclusive production. If a new particle, such as the Higgs boson, were produced exclusively this process would give a precise measurement of its mass and test for expected properties of the Higgs. Because of its unusual features this process is also a promising discovery tool. In this paper I focus on analogous electromagnetic processes because many aspects apply to both- particularly the role of coherence. Also, topics in diffraction with nuclear beams are based on electromagnetic interactions. I also discuss two proposed measurements in ATLAS with Pb beams and with proton beams (diffractive Higgs production).
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