An approach to modelling volatile financial return series using stationary d-vine copula processes combined with Lebesgue-measure-preserving transformations known as v-transforms is proposed. By developing a method of stochastically inverting v-transforms, models are constructed that can describe both stochastic volatility in the magnitude of price movements and serial correlation in their directions. In combination with parametric marginal distributions it is shown that these models can rival and sometimes outperform well-known models in the extended GARCH family.
Stationary and ergodic time series can be constructed using an s-vine decomposition based on sets of bivariate copula functions. The extension of such processes to infinite copula sequences is considered and shown to yield a rich class of models that generalizes Gaussian ARMA and ARFIMA processes to allow both non-Gaussian marginal behaviour and a non-Gaussian description of the serial partial dependence structure. Extensions of classical causal and invertible representations of linear processes to general s-vine processes are proposed and investigated. A practical and parsimonious method for parameterizing s-vine processes using the Kendall partial autocorrelation function is developed. The potential of the resulting models to give improved statistical fits in many applications is indicated with an example using macroeconomic data.
An approach to the modelling of volatile time series using a class of uniformity-preserving transforms for uniform random variables is proposed. V-transforms describe the relationship between quantiles of the stationary distribution of the time series and quantiles of the distribution of a predictable volatility proxy variable. They can be represented as copulas and permit the formulation and estimation of models that combine arbitrary marginal distributions with copula processes for the dynamics of the volatility proxy. The idea is illustrated using a Gaussian ARMA copula process and the resulting model is shown to replicate many of the stylized facts of financial return series and to facilitate the calculation of marginal and conditional characteristics of the model including quantile measures of risk. Estimation is carried out by adapting the exact maximum likelihood approach to the estimation of ARMA processes and the model is shown to be competitive with standard GARCH in an empirical application to Bitcoin return data.
In recent biomedical scientific problems, it is a fundamental issue to integratively cluster a set of objects from multiple sources of datasets. Such problems are mostly encountered in genomics, where data is collected from various sources, and typically represent distinct yet complementary information. Integrating these data sources for multi-source clustering is challenging due to their complex dependence structure including directional dependency. Particularly in genomics studies, it is known that there is certain directional dependence between DNA expression, DNA methylation, and RNA expression, widely called The Central Dogma. Most of the existing multi-view clustering methods either assume an independent structure or pair-wise (non-directional) dependency, thereby ignoring the directional relationship. Motivated by this, we propose a copula-based multi-view clustering model where a copula enables the model to accommodate the directional dependence existing in the datasets. We conduct a simulation experiment where the simulated datasets exhibiting inherent directional dependence: it turns out that ignoring the directional dependence negatively affects the clustering performance. As a real application, we applied our model to the breast cancer tumor samples collected from The Cancer Genome Altas (TCGA).
Quantile regression, that is the prediction of conditional quantiles, has steadily gained importance in statistical modeling and financial applications. The authors introduce a new semiparametric quantile regression method based on sequentially fitting a likelihood optimal D-vine copula to given data resulting in highly flexible models with easily extractable conditional quantiles. As a subclass of regular vine copulas, D-vines enable the modeling of multivariate copulas in terms of bivariate building blocks, a so-called pair-copula construction (PCC). The proposed algorithm works fast and accurate even in high dimensions and incorporates an automatic variable selection by maximizing the conditional log-likelihood. Further, typical issues of quantile regression such as quantile crossing or transformations, interactions and collinearity of variables are automatically taken care of. In a simulation study the improved accuracy and saved computational time of the approach in comparison with established quantile regression methods is highlighted. An extensive financial application to international credit default swap (CDS) data including stress testing and Value-at-Risk (VaR) prediction demonstrates the usefulness of the proposed method.
The minute-by-minute move of the Hang Seng Index (HSI) data over a four-year period is analysed and shown to possess similar statistical features as those of other markets. Based on a mathematical theorem [S. B. Pope and E. S. C. Ching, Phys. Fluids A {bf 5}, 1529 (1993)], we derive an analytic form for the probability distribution function (PDF) of index moves from fitted functional forms of certain conditional averages of the time series. Furthermore, following a recent work by Stolovitzky and Ching, we show that the observed PDF can be reproduced by a Langevin process with a move-dependent noise amplitude. The form of the Langevin equation can be determined directly from the market data.