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Random derangements and the Ewens Sampling Formula

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 Added by Simon Tavar\\'e
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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We study derangements of ${1,2,ldots,n}$ under the Ewens distribution with parameter $theta$. We give the moments and marginal distributions of the cycle counts, the number of cycles, and asymptotic distributions for large $n$. We develop a ${0,1}$-valued non-homogeneous Markov chain with the property that the counts of lengths of spacings between the 1s have the derangement distribution. This chain, an analog of the so-called Feller Coupling, provides a simple way to simulate derangements in time independent of $theta$ for a given $n$ and linear in the size of the derangement.

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510 - Stefano Favaro , Shui Feng 2014
Let $M_{l,n}$ be the number of blocks with frequency $l$ in the exchangeable random partition induced by a sample of size $n$ from the Ewens-Pitman sampling model. We show that, as $n$ tends to infinity, $n^{-1}M_{l,n}$ satisfies a large deviation principle and we characterize the corresponding rate function. A conditional counterpart of this large deviation principle is also presented. Specifically, given an initial sample of size $n$ from the Ewens-Pitman sampling model, we consider an additional sample of size $m$. For any fixed $n$ and as $m$ tends to infinity, we establish a large deviation principle for the conditional number of blocks with frequency $l$ in the enlarged sample, given the initial sample. Interestingly, the conditional and unconditional large deviation principles coincide, namely there is no long lasting impact of the given initial sample. Potential applications of our results are discussed in the context of Bayesian nonparametric inference for discovery probabilities.
Consider a population of individuals belonging to an infinity number of types, and assume that type proportions follow the two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet distribution. A sample of size n is selected from the population. The total number of different types and the number of types appearing in the sample with a fixed frequency are important statistics. In this paper we establish the moderate deviation principles for these quantities. The corresponding rate functions are explicitly identified, which help revealing a critical scale and understanding the exact role of the parameters. Conditional, or posterior, counterparts of moderate deviation principles are also established.
We present a general framework for uncertainty quantification that is a mosaic of interconnected models. We define global first and second order structural and correlative sensitivity analyses for random counting measures acting on risk functionals of input-output maps. These are the ANOVA decomposition of the intensity measure and the decomposition of the random measure variance, each into subspaces. Orthogonal random measures furnish sensitivity distributions. We show that the random counting measure may be used to construct positive random fields, which admit decompositions of covariance and sensitivity indices and may be used to represent interacting particle systems. The first and second order global sensitivity analyses conveyed through random counting measures elucidate and integrate different notions of uncertainty quantification, and the global sensitivity analysis of random fields conveys the proportionate functional contributions to covariance. This framework complements others when used in conjunction with for instance algorithmic uncertainty and model selection uncertainty frameworks.
The univariate extreme value theory deals with the convergence in type of powers of elements of sequences of cumulative distribution functions on the real line when the power index gets infinite. In terms of convergence of random variables, this amounts to the the weak convergence, in the sense of probability measures weak convergence, of the partial maximas of a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables. In this monograph, this theory is comprehensively studied in the broad frame of weak convergence of random vectors as exposed in Lo et al.(2016). It has two main parts. The first is devoted to its nice mathematical foundation. Most of the materials of this part is taken from the most essential Lo`eve(1936,177) and Haan (1970), based on the stunning theory of regular, pi or gamma variation. To prepare the statistical applications, a number contributions I made in my PhD and my Doctorate of Sciences are added in the last chapter of the last chapter of that part. Our real concern is to put these materials together with others, among them those of the authors from his PhD dissertations and Science doctorate thesis, in a way to have an almost full coverage of the theory on the real line that may serve as a master course of one semester in our universities. As well, it will help the second part of the monograph. This second part will deal with statistical estimations problems related to extreme values. It addresses various estimation questions and should be considered as the beginning of a survey study to be updated progressively. Research questions are tackled therein. Many results of the author, either unpublished or not sufficiently known, are stated and/or updated therein.
By introducing the notion of relative derangements of type $B$, also called signed relative derangements, which are defined in terms of signed permutations, we obtain a type $B$ analogue of the well-known relation between relative derangements and the classical derangements. While this fact can be proved by using the principle of inclusion and exclusion, we present a combinatorial interpretation with the aid of the intermediate structure of signed skew derangements.
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