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Pressure Induced Topological Superconductivity in the Spin-Orbit Mott Insulator GaTa4Se8

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 Added by Moon jip Park
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Lacunar spinel GaTa$_4$Se$_8$ is a unique example of spin-orbit coupled Mott insulator described by molecular $j_{text{eff}}!=!3/2$ states. It becomes superconducting at T$_c$=5.8K under pressure without doping. In this work, we show, this pressure-induced superconductivity is a realization of a new type topological phase characterized by spin-2 Cooper pairs. Starting from first-principles density functional calculations and random phase approximation, we construct the microscopic model and perform the detailed analysis. Applying pressure is found to trigger the virtual interband tunneling processes assisted by strong Hund coupling, thereby stabilizing a particular $d$-wave quintet channel. Furthermore, we show that its Bogoliubov quasiparticles and their surface states exhibit novel topological nature. To verify our theory, we propose unique experimental signatures that can be measured by Josephson junction transport and scanning tunneling microscope. Our findings open up new directions searching for exotic superconductivity in spin-orbit coupled materials.

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157 - C. H. Wong , R.A. Duine 2012
We investigate topological transport in a spin-orbit coupled bosonic Mott insulator. We show that interactions can lead to anomalous quasi-particle dynamics even when the spin-orbit coupling is abelian. To illustrate the latter, we consider the spin-orbit coupling realized in the experiment of Lin textit{et al}. [Nature (London) textbf{471}, 83 (2011)]. For this spin-orbit coupling, we compute the quasiparticle dispersions and spectral weights, the interaction-induced momentum space Berry curvature, and the momentum space distribution of spin density, and propose experimental signatures. Furthermore, we find that in our approximation for the single-particle propagator, the ground state can in principle support an integer Hall conductivity if the sum of the Chern numbers of the hole bands is nonzero.
431 - J. Zhu , J. L. Zhang , P. P. Kong 2013
Topological superconductivity is one of most fascinating properties of topological quantum matters that was theoretically proposed and can support Majorana Fermions at the edge state. Superconductivity was previously realized in a Cu-intercalated Bi2Se3 topological compound or a Bi2Te3 topological compound at high pressure. Here we report the discovery of superconductivity in the topological compound Sb2Te3 when pressure was applied. The crystal structure analysis results reveal that superconductivity at a low-pressure range occurs at the ambient phase. The Hall coefficient measurements indicate the change of p-type carriers at a low-pressure range within the ambient phase, into n-type at higher pressures, showing intimate relation to superconducting transition temperature. The first principle calculations based on experimental measurements of the crystal lattice show that Sb2Te3 retains its Dirac surface states within the low-pressure ambient phase where superconductivity was observed, which indicates a strong relationship between superconductivity and topology nature.
We study how $d$-wave superconductivity is changed when illuminated by circularly-polarised light (CPL) in the repulsive Hubbard model in the strong-coupling regime. We adopt the Floquet formalism for the Gutzwiller-projected effective Hamiltonian with the time-periodic Schrieffer-Wolff transformation. We find that CPL induces a topological superconductivity with a $d+id$ pairing, which arises from the chiral spin coupling and the three-site term generated by the CPL. The latter effect remains significant even for low frequencies and low intensities of the CPL. This is clearly seen in the obtained phase diagram against the laser intensity and temperature for various frequencies red-detuned from the Hubbard $U$, with the transient dynamics also examined. The phenomenon revealed here can provide a novel way to induce a topological superconductivity.
The intertwined charge, spin, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom could endow 5d compounds with exotic properties. Current interest is focused on electromagnetic interactions in these materials, whereas the important role of lattice geometry remains to be fully recognized. For this sake, we investigate pressure-induced phase transitions in the spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr3Ir2O7 with Raman, electrical resistance, and x-ray diffraction measurements. We reveal an interesting magnetic transition coinciding with a structural transition at 14.4 GPa, but without a concurrent insulator-metal transition. The conventional correlation between magnetic and Mott insulating states is thereby absent. The observed softening of the one-magnon mode can be explained by a reduced tetragonal distortion, while the actual magnetic transition is associated with tilting of the IrO6 octahedra. This work highlights the critical role of lattice frustration in determining the high-pressure phases of Sr3Ir2O7. The ability to control electromagnetic properties via manipulating the crystal structure with pressure promises a new way to explore new quantum states in spin-orbit Mott insulators.
Using the time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group (tDMRG), we study the time evolution of electron wave packets in one-dimensional (1D) metal-superconductor heterostructures. The results show Andreev reflection at the interface, as expected. By combining these results with the well-known single-spin-species electron-hole transformation in the Hubbard model, we predict an analogous spin Andreev reflection in metal-Mott insulator heterostructures. This effect is numerically confirmed using 1D tDMRG, but it is expected to be present also in higher dimensions, as well as in more general Hamiltonians. We present an intuitive picture of the spin reflection, analogous to that of Andreev reflection at metal-superconductors interfaces. This allows us to discuss a novel antiferromagnetic proximity effect. Possible experimental realizations are discussed.
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