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Geometry creates inertia

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 Added by Amitabha Lahiri
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The dynamics of fermions in curved spacetime is governed by a spin connection, a part of which is contorsion, an auxiliary field independent of the metric, without dynamics but fully expressible in terms of the axial current density of fermions. Its effect is the appearance of a quartic interaction involving all fermions. Contorsion can couple to left and right-handed fermions with different strengths, leading to an effective mass for fermions propagating on a background containing fermionic matter.

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We describe the Hamilton geometry of the phase space of particles whose motion is characterised by general dispersion relations. In this framework spacetime and momentum space are naturally curved and intertwined, allowing for a simultaneous description of both spacetime curvature and non-trivial momentum space geometry. We consider as explicit examples two models for Planck-scale modified dispersion relations, inspired from the $q$-de Sitter and $kappa$-Poincare quantum groups. In the first case we find the expressions for the momentum and position dependent curvature of spacetime and momentum space, while for the second case the manifold is flat and only the momentum space possesses a nonzero, momentum dependent curvature. In contrast, for a dispersion relation that is induced by a spacetime metric, as in General Relativity, the Hamilton geometry yields a flat momentum space and the usual curved spacetime geometry with only position dependent geometric objects.
Quantum gravity phenomenology suggests an effective modification of the general relativistic dispersion relation of freely falling point particles caused by an underlying theory of quantum gravity. Here we analyse the consequences of modifications of the general relativistic dispersion on the geometry of spacetime in the language of Hamilton geometry. The dispersion relation is interpreted as the Hamiltonian which determines the motion of point particles. It is a function on the cotangent bundle of spacetime, i.e. on phase space, and determines the geometry of phase space completely, in a similar way as the metric determines the geometry of spacetime in general relativity. After a review of the general Hamilton geometry of phase space we discuss two examples. The phase space geometry of the metric Hamiltonian $H_g(x,p)=g^{ab}(x)p_ap_b$ and the phase space geometry of the first order q-de Sitter dispersion relation of the form $H_{qDS}(x,p)=g^{ab}(x)p_ap_b + ell G^{abc}(x)p_ap_bp_c$ which is suggested from quantum gravity phenomenology. We will see that for the metric Hamiltonian $H_g$ the geometry of phase space is equivalent to the standard metric spacetime geometry from general relativity. For the q-de Sitter Hamiltonian $H_{qDS}$ the Hamilton equations of motion for point particles do not become autoparallels but contain a force term, the momentum space part of phase space is curved and the curvature of spacetime becomes momentum dependent.
134 - Gagik Ter-Kazarian 2011
To investigate the origin and nature of inertia, we introduce a new concept of hypothetical 2D, so-called, master-space (MS), subject to certain rules. The MS, embedded in the background 4D-spacetime, is an indispensable individual companion to the particle of interest, without relation to every other particle. We argue that a deformation/(distortion of local internal properties) of MS is the origin of inertia. With this perspective in sight, we construct the alternative relativistic theory of inertia (RTI), which allows to compute the relativistic inertial force acting on an arbitrary point-like observer due to its absolute acceleration. We go beyond the hypothesis of locality with an emphasis on distortion of MS, which allows to improve essentially the standard metric and other relevant geometrical structures related to the noninertial reference frame of an arbitrary accelerated observer. We compute the inertial force exerted on the photon in a gravitating system in the semi-Riemann space. Despite the totally different and independent physical sources of gravitation and inertia, this approach furnishes justification for the introduction of the principle of equivalence. Consequently, we relate the inertia effects to the more general post-Riemannian geometry. We derive a general expression of the relativistic inertial force exerted on the extended spinning body moving in the Rieman-Cartan space.
We study geodesics in the Schwarzschild space-time affected by an uncertainty in the mass parameter described by a Gaussian distribution. This study could serve as a first attempt at investigating possible quantum effects of black hole space-times on the motion of matter in their surroundings as well as the role of uncertainties in the measurement of the black hole parameters.
393 - Qasem Exirifard 2015
We consider a deviation of the physical length from the Riemann geometry toward the Randers. We construct a consistent second-order relativistic theory of gravity that dynamically reduces to the Einstein-Hilbert theory for the strong and Newtonian gravity while its weak gravitational regime reproduces MOND and the gravitational lensing attributed to the dark matter halo. It also naturally accommodates the observed value of the cosmological constant. We show that it predicts a few percent deviation for the post Newtonian parameter $gamma$ in a part of the regime that interpolates the Newtonian regime to the MOND regime. The deviation is consistent with the reported observations but can possibly be detected by fine-tuned refinements of the current data or specified future observations.
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