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We propose a hierachy of nonclassicality criteria in phase space. Our formalism covers the negativity in phase space as a special case and further adresses nonclassicality for quantum states with positive phase-space distributions. Remarkably, it enables us to detect every nonclassical Gaussian state and every finite dimensional state in Fock basis by looking into only three phase-space points. Furthermore, our approach provides an experimentally accessible lower bound for the nonclassicality measure based on trace distance. We also extend our method to detecting genuine quantum non-Gaussianity of a state with a non-negative Wigner function. We finally establish our formalism by employing generalized quasiprobability distributions to demonstrate its power for a practical test using an on-off detector array.
Continuous variable entanglement is a manifestation of nonclassicality of quantum states. In this paper we attempt to analyze whether and under which conditions nonclassicality can be used as an entanglement criterion. We adopt the well-accepted definition of nonclassicality in the form of lack of well-defined positive Glauber Sudarshan P-function describing the state. After demonstrating that the classicality of subsystems is not sufficient for the nonclassicality of the overall state to be identifiable with entanglement, we focus on Gaussian states and find specific local unitary transformations required to arrive at this equivalency. This is followed by the analysis of quantitative relation between nonclassicality and entanglement.
We theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate a nonclassicality test of single-mode field in phase space, which has an analogy with the nonlocality test proposed by Banaszek and Wodkiewicz [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2009 (1999)]. Our approach to deriving the classical bound draws on the fact that the Wigner function of a coherent state is a product of two independent distributions as if the orthogonal quadratures (position and momentum) in phase space behave as local realistic variables. Our method detects every pure nonclassical Gaussian state, which can also be extended to mixed states. Furthermore, it sets a bound for all Gaussian states and their mixtures, thereby providing a criterion to detect a genuine quantum non-Gaussian state. Remarkably, our phase-space approach with invariance under Gaussian unitary operations leads to an optimized test for a given non-Gaussian state. We experimentally show how this enhanced method can manifest quantum non-Gaussianity of a state by simply choosing phase-space points appropriately, which is essentially equivalent to implementing a squeezing operation on a given state.
A measure of nonclassicality of quantum states based on the volume of the negative part of the Wigner function is proposed. We analyze this quantity for Fock states, squeezed displaced Fock states and cat-like states defined as coherent superposition of two Gaussian wave packets.
A standard method to obtain information on a quantum state is to measure marginal distributions along many different axes in phase space, which forms a basis of quantum state tomography. We theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate a general framework to manifest nonclassicality by observing a single marginal distribution only, which provides a novel insight into nonclassicality and a practical applicability to various quantum systems. Our approach maps the 1-dim marginal distribution into a factorized 2-dim distribution by multiplying the measured distribution or the vacuum-state distribution along an orthogonal axis. The resulting fictitious Wigner function becomes unphysical only for a nonclassical state, thus the negativity of the corresponding density operator provides an evidence of nonclassicality. Furthermore, the negativity measured this way yields a lower bound for entanglement potential---a measure of entanglement generated using a nonclassical state with a beam splitter setting that is a prototypical model to produce continuous-variable (CV) entangled states. Our approach detects both Gaussian and non-Gaussian nonclassical states in a reliable and efficient manner. Remarkably, it works regardless of measurement axis for all non-Gaussian states in finite-dimensional Fock space of any size, also extending to infinite-dimensional states of experimental relevance for CV quantum informatics. We experimentally illustrate the power of our criterion for motional states of a trapped ion confirming their nonclassicality in a measurement-axis independent manner. We also address an extension of our approach combined with phase-shift operations, which leads to a stronger test of nonclassicality, i.e. detection of genuine non-Gaussianity under a CV measurement.
We perform a phase-space analysis of strong-field enhanced ionisation in molecules, with emphasis on quantum-interference effects. Using Wigner quasi-probability distributions and the quantum Liouville equation, we show that the momentum gates reported in a previous publication [N. Takemoto and A. Becker, Phys. Rev. A textbf{84}, 023401 (2011)] may occur for static driving fields, and even for no external field at all. Their primary cause is an interference-induced bridging mechanism that occurs if both wells in the molecule are populated. In the phase-space regions for which quantum bridges occur, the Wigner functions perform a clockwise rotation whose period is intrinsic to the molecule. This evolution is essentially non-classical and non-adiabatic, as it does not follow equienergy curves or field gradients. Quasi-probability transfer via quantum bridges is favoured if the electrons initial state is either spatially delocalised, or situated at the upfield molecular well. Enhanced ionisation results from the interplay of this cyclic motion, adiabatic tunnel ionisation and population trapping. Optimal conditions require minimising population trapping and using the bridging mechanism to feed into ionisation pathways along the field gradient.