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Cost-optimal single-qubit gate synthesis in the Clifford hierarchy

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 Added by Gary Mooney
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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For universal quantum computation, a major challenge to overcome for practical implementation is the large amount of resources required for fault-tolerant quantum information processing. An important aspect is implementing arbitrary unitary operators built from logical gates within the quantum error correction code. A synthesis algorithm can be used to approximate any unitary gate up to arbitrary precision by assembling sequences of logical gates chosen from a small set of universal gates that are fault-tolerantly performable while encoded in a quantum error-correction code. However, current procedures do not yet support individual assignment of base gate costs and many do not support extended sets of universal base gates. We analysed cost-optimal sequences using an exhaustive search based on Dijkstras pathfinding algorithm for the canonical Clifford+$T$ set of base gates and compared them to when additionally including $Z$-rotations from higher orders of the Clifford hierarchy. Two approaches of assigning base gate costs were used. First, costs were reduced to $T$-counts by recursively applying a $Z$-rotation catalyst circuit. Second, costs were assigned as the average numbers of raw (i.e. physical level) magic states required to directly distil and implement the gates fault-tolerantly. We found that the average sequence cost decreases by up to $54pm 3%$ when using the $Z$-rotation catalyst circuit approach and by up to $33pm 2 %$ when using the magic state distillation approach. In addition, we investigated observed limitations of certain assignments of base gate costs by developing an analytic model to estimate the proportion of sets of $Z$-rotation gates from higher orders of the Clifford hierarchy that are found within sequences approximating random target gates.

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Quantum error-correcting codes are used to protect qubits involved in quantum computation. This process requires logical operators, acting on protected qubits, to be translated into physical operators (circuits) acting on physical quantum states. We propose a mathematical framework for synthesizing physical circuits that implement logical Clifford operators for stabilizer codes. Circuit synthesis is enabled by representing the desired physical Clifford operator in $mathbb{C}^{N times N}$ as a partial $2m times 2m$ binary symplectic matrix, where $N = 2^m$. We state and prove two theorems that use symplectic transvections to efficiently enumerate all binary symplectic matrices that satisfy a system of linear equations. As a corollary of these results, we prove that for an $[![ m,k ]!]$ stabilizer code every logical Clifford operator has $2^{r(r+1)/2}$ symplectic solutions, where $r = m-k$, up to stabilizer degeneracy. The desired physical circuits are then obtained by decomposing each solution into a product of elementary symplectic matrices, that correspond to elementary circuits. This enumeration of all physical realizations enables optimization over the ensemble with respect to a suitable metric. Furthermore, we show that any circuit that normalizes the stabilizer of the code can be transformed into a circuit that centralizes the stabilizer, while realizing the same logical operation. Our method of circuit synthesis can be applied to any stabilizer code, and this paper discusses a proof of concept synthesis for the $[![ 6,4,2 ]!]$ CSS code. Programs implementing the algorithms in this paper, which includes routines to solve for binary symplectic solutions of general linear systems and our overall LCS (logical circuit synthesis) algorithm, can be found at:
Clifford gates play a role in the optimisation of Clifford+T circuits. Reducing the count and the depth of Clifford gates, as well as the optimal scheduling of T gates, influence the hardware and the time costs of executing quantum circuits. This work focuses on circuits protected by the surface quantum error-correcting code. The result of compiling a quantum circuit for the surface code is called a topological assembly. We use queuing theory to model a part of the compiled assemblies, evaluate the models, and make the empiric observation that at least for certain Clifford+T circuits (e.g. adders), the assemblys execution time does not increase when the available hardware is restricted. This is an interesting property, because it shows that T gate scheduling and Clifford gate optimisation have the potential to save both hardware and execution time.
77 - Benjamin J. Brown 2019
Fault-tolerant logic gates will consume a large proportion of the resources of a two-dimensional quantum computing architecture. Here we show how to perform a fault-tolerant non-Clifford gate with the surface code; a quantum error-correcting code now under intensive development. This alleviates the need for distillation or higher-dimensional components to complete a universal gate set. The operation uses both local transversal gates and code deformations over a time that scales with the size of the qubit array. An important component of the gate is a just-in-time decoder. These decoding algorithms allow us to draw upon the advantages of three-dimensional models using only a two-dimensional array of live qubits. Our gate is completed using parity checks of weight no greater than four. We therefore expect it to be amenable with near-future technology. As the gate circumvents the need for magic-state distillation, it may reduce the resource overhead of surface-code quantum computation considerably.
208 - Bochen Tan , Jason Cong 2021
Before quantum error correction (QEC) is achieved, quantum computers focus on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) applications. Compared to the well-known quantum algorithms requiring QEC, like Shors or Grovers algorithm, NISQ applications have different structures and properties to exploit in compilation. A key step in compilation is mapping the qubits in the program to physical qubits on a given quantum computer, which has been shown to be an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we present OLSQ-GA, an optimal qubit mapper with a key feature of simultaneous SWAP gate absorption during qubit mapping, which we show to be a very effective optimization technique for NISQ applications. For the class of quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), an important NISQ application, OLSQ-GA reduces depth by up to 50.0% and SWAP count by 100% compared to other state-of-the-art methods, which translates to 55.9% fidelity improvement. The solution optimality of OLSQ-GA is achieved by the exact SMT formulation. For better scalability, we augment our approach with additional constraints in the form of initial mapping or alternating matching, which speeds up OLSQ-GA by up to 272X with no or little loss of optimality.
475 - Bernhard K. Meister 2011
The problem of quantum state discrimination between two wave functions of a particle in a square well potential is considered. The optimal minimum-error probability is known to be given by the Helstrom bound. A new strategy is introduced by inserting an impenetrable barrier in the middle of the square well, which is either a nodal or non-nodal point of the wave function. The energy required to insert the barrier is dependent on the initial state. This enables the experimenter to gain additional information beyond the standard probing of the state envisaged by Helstrom and to improve the distinguishability of the states. It is shown that under some conditions the Helstrom bound can be violated, i.e. the state discrimination can be realized with a smaller error probability.
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