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The JSNS$^2$ experiment is aimed to search for sterile neutrino oscillations using a neutrino beam from muon decays at rest. The JSNS$^2$ detector contains 17 tons of 0.1% gadolinium (Gd) loaded liquid scintillator (LS) as a neutrino target. Detector construction was completed in the spring of 2020. A slow control and monitoring system (SCMS) was implemented for reliable control and quick monitoring of the detector operational status and environmental conditions. It issues an alarm if any of the monitored parameters exceed a preset acceptable range. The SCMS monitors the high voltage (HV) of the photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), the LS level in the detector, possible LS overflow and leakage, the temperature and air pressure in the detector, the humidity of the experimental hall, and the LS flow rate during filling and extraction. An initial 10 days of data-taking with a neutrino beam was done following a successful commissioning of the detector and SCMS in June 2020. In this paper, we present a description of the assembly and installation of the SCMS and its performance.
The JSNS$^{2}$ (J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at J-PARC Spallation Neutron Source) experiment aims to search for neutrino oscillations over a 24 m short baseline at J-PARC. The JSNS$^{2}$ inner detector is filled with 17 tons of gadolinium(Gd)-loaded liquid scintillator (LS) with an additional 31 tons of unloaded LS in the intermediate $gamma$-catcher and an optically separated outer veto volumes. A total of 120 10-inch photomultiplier tubes observe the scintillating optical photons and each analog waveform is stored with the flash analog-to-digital converters. We present details of the data acquisition, processing, and data quality monitoring system. We also present two different trigger logics which are developed for the beam and self-trigger.
The JSNS^2 (J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at J-PARC Spallation Neutron Source) experiment aims to search for oscillations involving a sterile neutrino in the eV^2 mass-splitting range. The experiment will search for the appearance of electron antineutrinos oscillated from muon antineutrinos. The electron antineutrinos are detected via the inverse beta decay process using a liquid scintillator detector. A 1MW beam of 3 GeV protons incident on a spallation neutron target produces an intense and pulsed neutrino source from pion, muon, and kaon decay at rest. The JSNS^2 detector is located 24 m away from the neutrino source and began operation from June 2020. The detector contains 17 tonnes of gadolinium (Gd) loaded liquid scintillator (LS) in an acrylic vessel, as a neutrino target. It is surrounded by 31 tonnes of unloaded LS in a stainless steel tank. Optical photons produced in LS are viewed by 120 R7081 Hamamatsu 10-inch Photomultiplier Tubes (PMTs). In this paper, we describe the JSNS^2 detector design, construction, and operation.
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider in KEK, Japan, started physics data-taking with a complete detector from early 2019 with the primary physics goal of probing new physics in heavy quark and lepton decays. An online trigger system is indispensable for the Belle II experiment to reduce the beam background events associated with high electron and positron beam currents without sacrificing the target physics-oriented events. During the Belle II operation upon beam collision, the trigger system must be consistently controlled and its status must be carefully monitored in the process of data acquisition against unexpected situations. For this purpose, we have developed a slow control system for the Belle II trigger system. Around seventy thousand configuration parameters are saved in the Belle II central database server for every run when a run starts and stops. These parameters play an essential role in offline validation of the quality of runs. Around three thousand real-time variables are stored in the Belle II main archiving server, and the trend of some of these variables are regularly used for online and offline monitoring purposes. Various operator interface tools have been prepared and used. When the configuration parameters are not correctly applied, or some of the processes are unexpectedly terminated, the slow control system detects it, stops the data-taking process, and generates an alarm. In this article, we report how we constructed the Belle II trigger slow control system, and how we successfully managed to operate during its initial stage.
This paper describes the design and the construction of the stainless steel tank of the JSNS$^2$ detector. The leakage was examined using water and gas after the construction. The new sealing technique with liquid gasket was developed, and its sealing capability was evaluated quantitatively. The result shows over 5 times better value than the tolerance level of leakage.The acceleration measurement during the transportation of the tank shows adequate robustness.These tests prove that the stainless steel tank is feasible to use the real experiment.
The JSNS$^{2}$ (J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at J-PARC Spallation Neutron Source) experiment will search for neutrino oscillations over a 24 m short baseline at J-PARC. The JSNS$^{2}$ inner detector will be filled with 17 tons of gadolinium-loaded liquid scintillator (LS) with an additional 31 tons of unloaded LS in the intermediate $gamma$-catcher and outer veto volumes. JSNS$^{2}$ has chosen Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) as an organic solvent because of its chemical properties. The unloaded LS was produced at a refurbished facility, originally used for scintillator production by the RENO experiment. JSNS$^{2}$ plans to use ISO tanks for the storage and transportation of the LS. In this paper, we describe the LS production, and present measurements of its optical properties and long term stability. Our measurements show that storing the LS in ISO tanks does not result in degradation of its optical properties.