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The local and global properties of different types of supernova host galaxies

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 Added by Li Zhou
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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By using Data Analysis Pipeline (DAP) products of Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA), which are publicly available from the SDSS Data Release 15, we analyze the local properties at the SN explosion sites and global properties of different types of SN host galaxies to explore the explosion environments of different types of SNe. In our sample, there are 67 SN host galaxies in the field of view of MaNGA, including 32 Type Ia, 29 CCSNe, 1 super-luminous SN (SLSN), 1 Type I and 4 unclassified type of SNe, with which we can perform the K-S test for analysis and derive statistically robust results. Due to the limited sample size, we couldnt remove the mass dependence in this work, which is likely the true driver of the trends for the properties presented in this work. The global star formation rate (SFR) and EW(H$alpha$) for SN Ia hosts is slightly lower than that for CCSN hosts on average. SN Ia host galaxies are $sim$ 0.3 dex more massive than CCSN hosts, which implies that the number ratio of CCSNe to Type Ia SNe will decrease with the increasing of stellar mass of host galaxies. The stellar population age of SN Ia host galaxies is older than that of CCSN hosts on average. There is no significant difference between different types of SN hosts for some properties, including local SFR density ($Sigma rm SFR$), local and global gas-phase oxygen abundance. For most galaxies in our sample, the global gas-phase oxygen abundance estimated from the integrated spectra of SN hosts can represent the local gas-phase oxygen abundance at the SN explosion sites with small bias.

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We aim to understand the properties at the locations of supernova (SN) explosion in their host galaxies and compare with the global properties of the host galaxies. We use the integral field spectrograph (IFS) of Mapping Nearby Galaxies (MaNGA) at Apache Point Observatory (APO) to get the 2D maps of the parameter properties for eleven SN host galaxies. The sample galaxies are analyzed one by one in details on their properties of velocity field, star formation rate, oxygen abundance and stellar mass etc. This sample of SN host galaxies have redshifts around $z$ $sim$ 0.03, which is higher than those of the previous related works. The higher redshift distribution allows us to obtain the properties of more distant SN host galaxies. Metallicity (gas-phase oxygen abundance) estimated from integrated spectra could represent the local metallicity at SN explosion sites with small bias. All the host galaxies in our sample are metal-rich galaxies (12+log(O/H) $>$ 8.5) except for NGC 6387, which means supernovae (SNe) may be more inclined to explode in rich-metallicity galaxies. There is a positive relation between global gas-phase oxygen abundance and the stellar mass of host galaxies. We also try to compare the differences of the host galaxies between SN Ia and SN II. In our sample, both SNe Ia and SNe II could explode in normal galaxies, while SNe II also could explode in an interactive or merger system, which has star formation in the galaxy.
According to star formation histories (SFHs), Local Group dwarf galaxies can be broadly classified in two types: those forming most of their stars before $z=2$ (${it fast}$) and those with more extended SFHs (${it slow}$). The most precise SFHs are usually derived from deep but not very spatially extended photometric data; this might alter the ratio of old to young stars when age gradients are present. Here we correct for this effect and derive the mass formed in stars by $z=2$ for a sample of 16 Local Group dwarf galaxies. We explore early differences between ${it fast}$ and ${it slow}$ dwarfs, and evaluate the impact of internal feedback by supernovae (SN) on the baryonic and dark matter (DM) component of the dwarfs. ${it Fast}$ dwarfs assembled more stellar mass at early times and have larger amounts of DM within the half-light radius than ${it slow}$ dwarfs. By imposing that ${it slow}$ dwarfs cannot have lost their gas by $z=2$, we constrain the maximum coupling efficiency of SN feedback to the gas and to the DM to be $sim$10%. We find that internal feedback alone appears insufficient to quench the SFH of ${it fast}$ dwarfs by gas deprivation, in particular for the fainter systems. Nonetheless, SN feedback can core the DM halo density profiles relatively easily, producing cores of the sizes of the half-light radius in ${it fast}$ dwarfs by $z=2$ with very low efficiencies. Amongst the classical Milky Way satellites, we predict that the smallest cores should be found in Draco and Ursa Minor, while Sculptor and Fornax should host the largest ones.
164 - Chao-Ling Hung 2014
Ultraluminous and luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs and LIRGs) are the most extreme star-forming galaxies in the universe, and dominate the total star formation rate density at z>1. In the local universe (z<0.3), the majority of ULIRGs and a significant portion of LIRGs are triggered by interactions between gas-rich spiral galaxies, yet it is unclear if this is still the case at high-z. To investigate the relative importance of galaxy interactions in infrared luminous galaxies, we carry out a comparison of optical morphological properties between local (U)LIRGs and (U)LIRGs at z=0.5-1.5 based on the same sample selection, morphology classification scheme, and optical morphology at similar rest-frame wavelengths. In addition, we quantify the systematics in comparing local and high-z datasets by constructing a redshifted dataset from local (U)LIRGs, in which its data quality mimics the high-z dataset. Based on the Gini-M20 classification scheme, we find that the fraction of interacting systems decreases by ~8% from local to z<~1, and it is consistent with the reduction between local and redshifted datasets (6(+14-6)%). Based on visual classifications, the merger fraction of local ULIRGs is found to be ~20% lower compared to published results, and the reduction due to redshifiting is 15(+10-8)%. Consequently, the differences of merger fractions between local and z<~1 (U)LIRGs is only ~17%. These results demonstrate that there is no strong evolution in the fraction of (U)LIRGs classified as mergers at least out to z~1. At z>1, the morphology types of ~30% of (U)LIRGs can not be determined due to their faintness in the F814W-band, and thus the merger fraction measured at z>1 suffers from large uncertainties.
We present an analysis of the light curve (LC) decline rates $(Delta m_{15})$ of 407 normal and peculiar supernovae (SNe) Ia and global parameters of their host galaxies. As previously known, there is a significant correlation between the $Delta m_{15}$ of normal SNe Ia and global ages (morphologies, colours, masses) of their hosts. On average, those normal SNe Ia that are in galaxies from the Red Sequence (early-type, massive, old hosts) have faster declining LCs in comparison with those from the Blue Cloud (late-type, less massive, younger hosts) of the colour-mass diagram. The observed correlations between the $Delta m_{15}$ of normal SNe Ia and hosts parameters appear to be due to the superposition of at least two distinct populations of faster and slower declining normal SNe Ia from older and younger stellar components. We show, for the first time, that the $Delta m_{15}$ of 91bg- and 91T-like SNe is independent of host morphology and colour. The distribution of hosts on the colour-mass diagram confirms the known tendency for 91bg-like SNe to occur in globally red/old galaxies while 91T-like events prefer blue/younger hosts. On average, the youngest global ages of 02cx-like SNe hosts and their positions in the colour-mass diagram hint that these events likely originate from young population, but they differ from 91T-like events in the LC decline rate. Finally, we discuss the possible explosion channels and present our favoured SN Ia models that have the potential to explain the observed SN-host relations.
100 - Young-Lo Kim 2017
It is now established that there is a dependence of the luminosity of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) on environment: SNe Ia in young, star-forming, metal-poor stellar populations appear fainter after light-curve shape corrections than those in older, passive, metal-rich environments. This is accounted for in cosmological studies using a global property of the SN host galaxy, typically the host galaxy stellar mass. However, recent low-redshift studies suggest that this effect manifests itself most strongly when using the local star-formation rate (SFR) at the SN location, rather than the global SFR or stellar mass of the host galaxy. At high-redshift, such local SFRs are difficult to determine; here, we show that an equivalent local correction can be made by restricting the SN Ia sample in globally star-forming host galaxies to a low-mass host galaxy subset ($le10^{10} M_{odot}$). Comparing this sample of SNe Ia (in locally star-forming environments) to those in locally passive host galaxies, we find that SNe Ia in locally star-forming environments are $0.081pm0.018$ mag fainter ($4.5sigma$), consistent with the result reported by Rigault et al. (2015), but our conclusion is based on a sample ~5 times larger over a wider redshift range. This is a larger difference than when splitting the SN Ia sample based on global host galaxy SFR or host galaxy stellar mass. This method can be used in ongoing and future high-redshift SN surveys, where local SN Ia environments are difficult to determine.
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