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A comparison of the morphological properties between local and z~1 infrared luminous galaxies. Are local and high-z (U)LIRGs different?

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 Added by Chao-Ling Hung
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Ultraluminous and luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs and LIRGs) are the most extreme star-forming galaxies in the universe, and dominate the total star formation rate density at z>1. In the local universe (z<0.3), the majority of ULIRGs and a significant portion of LIRGs are triggered by interactions between gas-rich spiral galaxies, yet it is unclear if this is still the case at high-z. To investigate the relative importance of galaxy interactions in infrared luminous galaxies, we carry out a comparison of optical morphological properties between local (U)LIRGs and (U)LIRGs at z=0.5-1.5 based on the same sample selection, morphology classification scheme, and optical morphology at similar rest-frame wavelengths. In addition, we quantify the systematics in comparing local and high-z datasets by constructing a redshifted dataset from local (U)LIRGs, in which its data quality mimics the high-z dataset. Based on the Gini-M20 classification scheme, we find that the fraction of interacting systems decreases by ~8% from local to z<~1, and it is consistent with the reduction between local and redshifted datasets (6(+14-6)%). Based on visual classifications, the merger fraction of local ULIRGs is found to be ~20% lower compared to published results, and the reduction due to redshifiting is 15(+10-8)%. Consequently, the differences of merger fractions between local and z<~1 (U)LIRGs is only ~17%. These results demonstrate that there is no strong evolution in the fraction of (U)LIRGs classified as mergers at least out to z~1. At z>1, the morphology types of ~30% of (U)LIRGs can not be determined due to their faintness in the F814W-band, and thus the merger fraction measured at z>1 suffers from large uncertainties.

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In order to pinpoint the place of the (U)LIRGs in the local Universe we examine the properties of a sample of 67 such systems and compare them with those of 268 ETGs and 542 LTGs from the DustPedia database. We make use of multi-wavelength photometric data and the CIGALE SED fitting code to extract their physical parameters. The median SEDs as well as the values of the derived parameters were compared to those of the local ETGs and LTGs. In addition to that, (U)LIRGs were divided into seven classes, according to the merging stage of each system, and variations in the derived parameters were investigated. (U)LIRGs occupy the `high-end on the dust and stellar mass, and SFR in the local Universe with median values of 5.2$times10^7~M_{odot}$, 6.3$times10^{10}~M_{odot}$ and 52$~M_{odot}$yr$^{-1}$, respectively. The PDR-dust emission in (U)LIRGs is 11.7% of the total dust luminosity, significantly higher than ETGs (1.6%) and the LTGs (5.2%). The median value of the dust temperature in (U)LIRGs is 32 K, which is higher compared to both the ETGs (28 K) and the LTGs (22 K). Small differences, in the derived parameters, are seen for the seven merging classes of our sample of (U)LIRGs with the most evident one being on the star-formation rate, where in systems in late merging stages the median SFR reaches up to 99 M$_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ compared to 26 M$_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ for the isolated ones. In contrast to the local normal galaxies where old stars dominate the stellar emission, the young stars in (U)LIRGs contribute with 64% of their luminosity to the total stellar luminosity. The fraction of the dust-absorbed stellar luminosity is extremely high in (U)LIRGs (78%) compared to 7% and 25% in ETGs and ETGs, respectively. The fraction of the stellar luminosity used to heat up the dust grains is very high in (U)LIRGs, while 74% of the dust emission comes from the young stars.
Galactic outflows are known to consist of several gas phases, however, so far the connection between these multiple phases has been investigated little and only in a few objects. In this paper, we analyse MUSE/VLT data of 26 local (U)LIRGs and study their ionised and neutral atomic phases. We also include objects from the literature to obtain a total sample of 31 galaxies with spatially resolved multi-phase outflow information. We find that the ionized phase of the outflows has on average an electron density three times higher than the disc ($n_{rm e, disc}$ $sim$ 145 cm$^{-3}$ vs $n_{rm e, outflow}$ $sim$ 500 cm$^{-3}$), suggesting that cloud compression in the outflow is more important that cloud dissipation. We find that the difference in extinction between outflow and disc correlates with the outflow gas mass. Together with the analysis of the outflow velocities, this suggests that at least some of the outflows are associated with the ejection of dusty clouds from the disc. This may support models where radiation pressure on dust contributes to driving galactic outflows. The presence of dust in outflows is relevant for potential formation of molecules inside them. We combine our data with millimetre data to investigate the molecular phase. We find that the molecular phase accounts for more than 60 $%$ of the total mass outflow rate in most objects and this fraction is higher in AGN-dominated systems. The neutral atomic phase contributes of the order of 10 $%$, while the ionized phase is negligible. The ionized-to-molecular mass outflow rate declines slightly with AGN luminosity, although with a large scatter.
We present the first large, unbiased sample of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at z ~ 1. Far ultraviolet-dropout (1530 A) galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South have been selected using GALEX data. This first large sample in the z ~ 1 universe provides us with a high quality reference sample of LBGs. We analyzed the sample from the UV to the IR using GALEX, SPITZER, ESO and HST data. The morphology (obtained from GOODS data) of 75 % of our LBGs is consistent with a disk. The vast majority of LBGs with an IR detection are also Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs). As a class, the galaxies not detected at 24 microns are an order of magnitude fainter relative to the UV compared with those detected individually, suggesting that there may be two types of behavior within the sample. For the IR-bright galaxies, there is an apparent upper limit for the UV dust attenuation and this upper limit is anti-correlated with the observed UV luminosity. Previous estimates of dust attenuations based on the ultraviolet slope are compared to new ones based on the FIR/UV ratio (for LBGs detected at 24 microns), which is usually a more reliable estimator. Depending on the calibration we use to estimate the total IR luminosity, beta-based attenuations A_{FUV} are larger by 0.2 to 0.6 mag. than the ones estimated from FIR/UV ratio. Finally, for IR-bright LBGs, median estimated beta-based SFRs are 2-3 times larger than the total SFRs estimated as SFR_{TOT} = SFR_{UV} + SFR_{IR} while IR-based SFRs provide values below SFR_{TOT} by 15 - 20 %. We use a stacking method to statistically constrain the 24 microns flux of LBGs non individually detected. The results suggest that these LBGs do not contain large amounts of dust.
Here we explore the infrared (IR) properties of the progenitors of high-z quasar host galaxies. Adopting the cosmological, data constrained semi-analytic model GAMETE/QSOdust, we simulate several independent merger histories of a luminous quasar at z ~ 6, following black hole growth and baryonic evolution in all its progenitor galaxies. We find that a fraction of progenitor galaxies (about 0.4 objects per single luminous quasar) at 6.5 < z < 8 has an IR luminosity of L_IR > 10^13 Lsun (hyper-luminous IR galaxies; HyLIRGs). HyLIRGs progenitors reside in the most massive halos, with dark matter (DM) masses of M_DM ~ 10^12.5 - 10^13 Msun. These systems can be easily observed in their ~ 1 mm-continuum emission in a few seconds of integration time with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), and at least 40% of them host nuclear BH activity that is potentially observable in the soft and hard X-ray band. Our findings are in line with recent observations of exceptional massive DM halos hosting HyLIRGs at z ~ 7, suggesting that z ~ 6 luminous quasars are indeed the signposts of these observed rare peaks in the high-z cosmic density field, and that massive IR-luminous galaxies at higher z are their natural ancestors.
We present the analysis of the integrated spectral energy distribution (SED) from the ultraviolet (UV) to the far-infrared and H$alpha$ of a sample of 29 local systems and individual galaxies with infrared (IR) luminosities between 10^11 Lsun and 10^11.8 Lsun. We have combined new narrow-band H$alpha$+[NII] and broad-band g, r optical imaging taken with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT), with archival GALEX, 2MASS, Spitzer, and Herschel data. The SEDs (photometry and integrated H$alpha$ flux) have been fitted with a modified version of the MAGPHYS code using stellar population synthesis models for the UV-near-IR range and thermal emission models for the IR emission taking into account the energy balance between the absorbed and re-emitted radiation. From the SED fits we derive the star-formation histories (SFH) of these galaxies. For nearly half of them the star-formation rate appears to be approximately constant during the last few Gyrs. In the other half, the current star-formation rate seems to be enhanced by a factor of 3-20 with respect to that occured ~1 Gyr ago. Objects with constant SFH tend to be more massive than starbursts and they are compatible with the expected properties of a main-sequence (M-S) galaxy. Likewise, the derived SFHs show that all our objects were M-S galaxies ~1 Gyr ago with stellar masses between 10^10.1 and 10^11.5 Msun. We also derived from our fits the average extinction (A_v=0.6-3 mag) and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) luminosity to L(IR) ratio (0.03-0.16). We combined the A_v with the total IR and H$alpha$ luminosities into a diagram which can be used to identify objects with rapidly changing (increasing or decreasing) SFR during the last 100 Myr.
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