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Ferromagnetism and superconductivity are generally considered to be antagonistic phenomena in condensed matter physics. Here, we theoretically study the interplay between the ferromagnetic and superconducting orders in a recent discovered monolayered CoSb superconductor with an orthorhombic symmetry and net magnetization, and demonstrate the pairing symmetry of CoSb as a candidate of non-unitary superconductor with time-reversal symmetry breaking. By performing the group theory analysis and the first-principles calculations, the superconducting order parameter is suggested to be a triplet pairing with the irreducible representation of $^3B_{2u}$, which displays intriguing nodal points and non-zero periodic modulation of Cooper pair spin polarization on the Fermi surface topologies. These findings not only provide a significant theoretical insight into the coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism, but also reveal the exotic spin polarized Cooper pairing driven by ferromagnetic spin fluctuations in a triplet superconductor.
A single-hole ground state ansatz for the two-dimensional t-J model has been recently studied by variational Monte Carlo (VMC) method. Such a doped hole behaves like a ``twisted non-Landau quasiparticle characterized by an emergent quantum number in agreement with exact numerics. In this work, we further investigate the ground state of two holes by VMC. It is found that the two holes strongly attract each other to form a pairing state with a new quantum number the same as obtained by the numerical exact diagonalization (ED) and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations. A unique feature of this pairing state is a dichotomy in the pairing symmetry, i.e., a d-wave in terms of the electron c-operators and an s-wave in terms of the new quasiparticles, as explicitly illustrated in the ground state wave function. A similar VMC study of a two-hole wave function for the t-J two-leg ladder also yields a good agreement with the DMRG result. We demonstrate that the pairing mechanism responsible for the strong binding here is not due to the long-range antiferromagnetic nor the resonating-valence-bound pairing in the spin background, but is the consequence of the quantum phase strings created by the hopping of holes. The resulting spin current pattern mediating the pairing force is explicitly illustrated in the VMC calculation. Physical implications to superconductivity at finite doping will be also discussed.
Low-temperature (T) heat-capacity measurements under hydrostatic pressure of up to p=2.1 GPa have been performed on single-crystalline CeCu2Si2. A broad superconducting (SC) region exists in the T-p phase diagram. In the low-pressure region antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations and in the high-pressure region valence fluctuations had previously been proposed to mediate Cooper pairing. We could identify these two distinct SC regions. We found different thermodynamic properties of the SC phase in both regions, supporting the proposal that different mechanisms might be implied in the formation of superconductivity.
The interplay between crystal symmetry and charge stripe order in Pr1.67Sr0.33NiO4 and Nd1.67Sr0.33NiO4 has been studied by means of single crystal x-ray diffraction. In contrast to tetragonal La1.67Sr0.33NiO4, these crystals are orthorhombic. The corresponding distortion of the NiO2 planes is found to dictate the direction of the charge stripes, similar to the case of diagonal spin stripes in the insulating phase of La2-xSrxCuO4. In particular, diagonal stripes seem to always run along the short a-axis, which is the direction of the octahedral tilt axis. In contrast, no influence of the crystal symmetry on the charge stripe ordering temperature itself was observed, with T_CO 240K for La, Pr, and Nd. The coupling between lattice and stripe degrees of freedom allows one to produce macroscopic samples with unidirectional stripe order. In samples with stoichiometric oxygen content and a hole concentration of exactly 1/3, charge stripes exhibit a staggered stacking order with a period of three NiO2 layers, previously only observed with electron microscopy in domains of mesoscopic dimensions. Remarkably, this stacking order starts to melt about 40K below T_CO. The melting process can be described by mixing the ground state, which has a 3-layer stacking period, with an increasing volume fraction with a 2-layer stacking period.
The experimental study of the modulation of the envelope of spin-echo signals due to internal and external fields is an important spectroscopic tool to detect very small internal magnetic fields. We derive the free induction decay and the frequency spectrum and amplitude of spin-echo signals for arbitrary orientation of fields with respect to crystalline axis for nuclei in a crystal of orthorhombic symmetry. Results reproduce the results that no modulation should be observed in tetragonal crystals for fields either along the c-axis or any direction in the basal plane and give details of the signal as a function of the orthorhombicity parameter. They are used to discuss recent experimental results and provide guidelines for future experiments.
To identify the superconducting gap symmetry in CeCoIn5 (Tc=2.3 K), we performed angle-resolved specific heat (C_phi) measurements in a field rotated around the c-axis down to very low temperatures 0.05Tc and detailed theoretical calculations. In a field of 1 T, a sign reversal of the fourfold angular oscillation in C_phi has been observed at T ~ 0.1Tc on entering a quasiclassical regime where the maximum of C_phi corresponds to the antinodal direction, coinciding with the angle-resolved density of states (ADOS) calculation. The C_phi behavior, which exhibits minima along [110] directions, unambiguously allows us to conclude d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry of this system. The ADOS-quasiclassical region is confined to a narrow T and H domain within T/Tc ~ 0.1 and 1.5 T (0.13Hc2).