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We show that a simple experimental setting of a locally pumped and lossy array of two-level quantum systems can stabilize states with strong long-range coherence. Indeed, by explicit analytic construction, we show there is an extensive set of steady-state density operators, from minimally to maximally entangled, despite this being an interacting open many-body problem. Such nonequilibrium steady states arise from a hidden symmetry that stabilizes Bell pairs over arbitrarily long distances, with unique experimental signatures. We demonstrate a protocol by which one can selectively prepare these states using dissipation. Our findings are accessible in present-day experiments.
We find a rich variety of counterintuitive features in the steady states of a qubit array coupled to a dissipative source and sink at two arbitrary sites, using a master equation approach. We show there are setups where increasing the pump and loss rates establishes long-range coherence. At sufficiently strong dissipation, the source or sink effectively generates correlation between its neighboring sites, leading to a striking density-wave order for a class of resonant geometries. This effect can be used more widely to engineer nonequilibrium phases. We show the steady states are generically distinct for hard-core bosons and free fermions, and differ significantly from the ones found before in special cases. They are explained by generally applicable ansatzes for the long-time dynamics at weak and strong dissipation. Our findings are relevant for existing photonic setups.
We observe the coherence of an interacting two-component Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) surviving for seconds in a trapped Ramsey interferometer. Mean-field driven collective oscillations of two components lead to periodic dephasing and rephasing of condensate wave functions with a slow decay of the interference fringe visibility. We apply spin echo synchronous with the self-rephasing of the condensate to reduce the influence of state-dependent atom losses, significantly enhancing the visibility up to 0.75 at the evolution time of 1.5s. Mean-field theory consistently predicts higher visibility than experimentally observed values. We quantify the effects of classical and quantum noise and infer a coherence time of 2.8 s for a trapped condensate of 5.5e4 interacting atoms.
Slow variations (quenches) of the magnetic field across the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition of spin systems produce heat. In systems with short-range interactions the heat exhibits universal power-law scaling as a function of the quench rate, known as Kibble-Zurek scaling. In this work we analyze slow quenches of the magnetic field in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick (LMG) model, which describes fully connected quantum spins. We analytically determine the quantum contribution to the residual heat as a function of the quench rate $delta$ by means of a Holstein-Primakoff expansion about the mean-field value. Unlike in the case of short-range interactions, scaling laws in the LMG model are only found for a ramp ending at the critical point. If instead the ramp is symmetric, as in the typical Kibble-Zurek scenario, after crossing the critical point the system tends to reabsorb the defects formed during the first part of the ramp: the number of excitations exhibits a crossover behavior as a function of $delta$ and tends to a constant in the thermodynamic limit. Previous, and seemingly contradictory, theoretical studies are identified as specific limits of this dynamics. Our results can be tested on several experimental platforms, including quantum gases and trapped ions.
The existence of quasi-long range order is demonstrated in nonequilibrium steady states in isotropic $XY$ spin chains including of two types of additional terms that each generate a gap in the energy spectrum. The system is driven out of equilibrium by initializing a domain-wall magnetization profile through application of an external magnetic field and switching off the magnetic field at the same time the energy gap is activated. An energy gap is produced by either applying a staggered magnetic field in the $z$ direction or introducing a modulation to the $XY$ coupling. The magnetization, spin current, and spin-spin correlation functions are computed analytically in the thermodynamic limit at long times after the quench. For both types of systems, we find the persistence of power-law correlations despite the ground-state correlation functions exhibiting exponential decay.
Ultracold bosonic atoms in optical lattices self-organize into a variety of structural and quantum phases when placed into a single-mode cavity and pumped by a laser. Cavity optomechanical effects induce an atom density modulation at the cavity-mode wave length that competes with the optical lattice arrangement. Simultaneously short-range interactions via particle hopping promote superfluid order, such that a variety of structural and quantum coherent phases can occur. We analyze the emerging phase diagram in two dimensions by means of an extended Bose-Hubbard model using a local mean field approach combined with a superfluid cluster analysis. For commensurate ratios of the cavity and external lattice wave lengths the Mott insulator-superfluid transition is modified by the appearance of charge density wave and supersolid phases, at which the atomic density supports the buildup of a cavity field. For incommensurate ratios, the optomechanical forces induce the formation of Bose-glass and superglass phases, namely non-superfluid and superfluid phases, respectively, displaying quasi-periodic density modulations, which in addition can exhibit structural and superfluid stripe formation. The onset of such structures is constrained by the onsite interaction and is favourable at fractional densities. Experimental observables are identified and discussed.