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Biophysically detailed mathematical models of multiscale cardiac active mechanics

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 Added by Francesco Regazzoni
 Publication date 2020
  fields Biology
and research's language is English

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We propose four novel mathematical models, describing the microscopic mechanisms of force generation in the cardiac muscle tissue, which are suitable for multiscale numerical simulations of cardiac electromechanics. Such models are based on a biophysically accurate representation of the regulatory and contractile proteins in the sarcomeres. Our models, unlike most of the sarcomere dynamics models that are available in the literature and that feature a comparable richness of detail, do not require the time-consuming Monte Carlo method for their numerical approximation. Conversely, the models that we propose only require the solution of a system of PDEs and/or ODEs (the most reduced of the four only involving 20 ODEs), thus entailing a significant computational efficiency. By focusing on the two models that feature the best trade-off between detail of description and identifiability of parameters, we propose a pipeline to calibrate such parameters starting from experimental measurements available in literature. Thanks to this pipeline, we calibrate these models for room-temperature rat and for body-temperature human cells. We show, by means of numerical simulations, that the proposed models correctly predict the main features of force generation, including the steady-state force-calcium and force-length relationships, the length-dependent prolongation of twitches and increase of peak force, the force-velocity relationship. Moreover, they correctly reproduce the Frank-Starling effect, when employed in multiscale 3D numerical simulation of cardiac electromechanics.

rate research

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Mechanosensation is a key part of the sensory repertoire of a vast array of different cells and organisms. The molecular dissection of the origins of mechanosensation is rapidly advancing as a result of both structural and functional studies. One intriguing mode of mechanosensation results from tension in the membrane of the cell (or vesicle) of interest. The aim of this review is to catalogue recent work that uses a mix of continuum and statistical mechanics to explore the role of the lipid bilayer in the function of mechanosensitive channels that respond to membrane tension. The role of bilayer deformation will be explored in the context of the well known mechanosensitive channel MscL. Additionally, we make suggestions for bridging gaps between our current theoretical understanding and common experimental techniques.
The temperature effect on the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR) function has been studied within the electron-conformational (EC) model. It is shown that simple EC model with the Arrhenius like temperature dependence of internal and external frictions and a specific thermosensitivity of the tunnelling open - close transitions can provide both qualitative and quantitative description of the temperature effects for isolated RyRs. The potential of the model was illustrated by explaining the experimental data on the temperature dependence of sheeps isolated cardiac RyR gating and conductance (R. Sitsapesan et al., J Physiol 434, 469 (1991)).
The prediction and prevention of spinal injury is an important aspect of preventive health science. The spine, or vertebral column, represents a chain of 26 movable vertebral bodies, joint together by transversal viscoelastic intervertebral discs and longitudinal elastic tendons. This paper proposes a new locally-coupled loading-rate hypothesis}, which states that the main cause of both soft- and hard-tissue spinal injury is a localized Euclidean jolt, or SE(3)-jolt, an impulsive loading that strikes a localized spine in several coupled degrees-of-freedom simultaneously. To show this, based on the previously defined covariant force law, we formulate the coupled Newton-Euler dynamics of the local spinal motions and derive from it the corresponding coupled SE(3)-jolt dynamics. The SE(3)-jolt is the main cause of two basic forms of spinal injury: (i) hard-tissue injury of local translational dislocations; and (ii) soft-tissue injury of local rotational disclinations. Both the spinal dislocations and disclinations, as caused by the SE(3)-jolt, are described using the Cosserat multipolar viscoelastic continuum model. Keywords: localized spinal injury, coupled loading-rate hypothesis, coupled Newton-Euler dynamics, Euclidean jolt dynamics, spinal dislocations and disclinations
The hematopoietic system has a highly regulated and complex structure in which cells are organized to successfully create and maintain new blood cells. Feedback regulation is crucial to tightly control this system, but the specific mechanisms by which control is exerted are not completely understood. In this work, we aim to uncover the underlying mechanisms in hematopoiesis by conducting perturbation experiments, where animal subjects are exposed to an external agent in order to observe the system response and evolution. Developing a proper experimental design for these studies is an extremely challenging task. To address this issue, we have developed a novel Bayesian framework for optimal design of perturbation experiments. We model the numbers of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in mice that are exposed to a low dose of radiation. We use a differential equations model that accounts for feedback and feedforward regulation. A significant obstacle is that the experimental data are not longitudinal, rather each data point corresponds to a different animal. This model is embedded in a hierarchical framework with latent variables that capture unobserved cellular population levels. We select the optimum design based on the amount of information gain, measured by the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the probability distributions before and after observing the data. We evaluate our approach using synthetic and experimental data. We show that a proper design can lead to better estimates of model parameters even with relatively few subjects. Additionally, we demonstrate that the model parameters show a wide range of sensitivities to design options. Our method should allow scientists to find the optimal design by focusing on their specific parameters of interest and provide insight to hematopoiesis. Our approach can be extended to more complex models where latent components are used.
255 - Ophir Flomenbom 2013
In numerous systems in biophysics and related fields, scientists measure (with very smart methods) individual molecules (e.g. biopolymers (proteins, DNA, RNA, etc), nano - crystals, ion channels), aiming at finding a model from the data. But the noise is not solved accurately in not so few cases and this may lead to misleading models. Here, we solve the noise. We consider two state photon trajectories from any on off kinetic scheme (KS): the process emitting photons with a rate {gamma}on when it is in the on state, and emitting with a rate {gamma}off when it is in the off state. We develop a filter that removes the noise resulting in clean data also in cases where binning fails. The filter is a numerical algorithm with various new statistical treatments. It is based on a new general likelihood function developed here, with observable dependent form. The filter can solve the noise, in the detectable region of the rate space: that is, we also find a region where the data is too noisy. Consistency tests will find the regions type from the data. If the data is ruled too noisy, binning obviously fails, and one should apply simpler methods on the raw data and realizing that the extracted information is partial. We show that not applying the filter while cleaning results in erroneous rates. This filter (with minor adjustments) can solve the noise in any discrete state trajectories, yet extensions are needed in tackling the noise from other data, e.g. continuous data and FRET data. The filter developed here is complementary with our previous projects in this field, where we have solved clean two state data with the development of reduced dimensions forms (RDFs): only the combined procedures enabling building the most accurate model from noisy trajectories from single molecules
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