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Parameterizing uncertainty by deep invertible networks, an application to reservoir characterization

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 Added by Ali Siahkoohi
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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Uncertainty quantification for full-waveform inversion provides a probabilistic characterization of the ill-conditioning of the problem, comprising the sensitivity of the solution with respect to the starting model and data noise. This analysis allows to assess the confidence in the candidate solution and how it is reflected in the tasks that are typically performed after imaging (e.g., stratigraphic segmentation following reservoir characterization). Classically, uncertainty comes in the form of a probability distribution formulated from Bayesian principles, from which we seek to obtain samples. A popular solution involves Monte Carlo sampling. Here, we propose instead an approach characterized by training a deep network that pushes forward Gaussian random inputs into the model space (representing, for example, density or velocity) as if they were sampled from the actual posterior distribution. Such network is designed to solve a variational optimization problem based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the posterior and the network output distributions. This work is fundamentally rooted in recent developments for invertible networks. Special invertible architectures, besides being computational advantageous with respect to traditional networks, do also enable analytic computation of the output density function. Therefore, after training, these networks can be readily used as a new prior for a related inversion problem. This stands in stark contrast with Monte-Carlo methods, which only produce samples. We validate these ideas with an application to angle-versus-ray parameter analysis for reservoir characterization.

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Many neural networks use the tanh activation function, however when given a probability distribution as input, the problem of computing the output distribution in neural networks with tanh activation has not yet been addressed. One important example is the initialization of the echo state network in reservoir computing, where random initialization of the reservoir requires time to wash out the initial conditions, thereby wasting precious data and computational resources. Motivated by this problem, we propose a novel solution utilizing a moment based approach to propagate uncertainty through an Echo State Network to reduce the washout time. In this work, we contribute two new methods to propagate uncertainty through the tanh activation function and propose the Probabilistic Echo State Network (PESN), a method that is shown to have better average performance than deterministic Echo State Networks given the random initialization of reservoir states. Additionally we test single and multi-step uncertainty propagation of our method on two regression tasks and show that we are able to recover similar means and variances as computed by Monte-Carlo simulations.
184 - Yu Zeng , Kebei Jiang , Jie Chen 2018
One of the most crucial tasks in seismic reflection imaging is to identify the salt bodies with high precision. Traditionally, this is accomplished by visually picking the salt/sediment boundaries, which requires a great amount of manual work and may introduce systematic bias. With recent progress of deep learning algorithm and growing computational power, a great deal of efforts have been made to replace human effort with machine power in salt body interpretation. Currently, the method of Convolutional neural networks (CNN) is revolutionizing the computer vision field and has been a hot topic in the image analysis. In this paper, the benefits of CNN-based classification are demonstrated by using a state-of-art network structure U-Net, along with the residual learning framework ResNet, to delineate salt body with high precision. Network adjustments, including the Exponential Linear Units (ELU) activation function, the Lov{a}sz-Softmax loss function, and stratified $K$-fold cross-validation, have been deployed to further improve the prediction accuracy. The preliminary result using SEG Advanced Modeling (SEAM) data shows good agreement between the predicted salt body and manually interpreted salt body, especially in areas with weak reflections. This indicates the great potential of applying CNN for salt-related interpretations.
92 - Zheng Zhou , Youzuo Lin , Yue Wu 2018
In carbon capture and sequestration, building an effective monitoring method is a crucial step to detect and respond to CO2 leakage. CO2 leakage detection methods rely on geophysical observations and monitoring sensor network. However, traditional methods usually require physical models to be interpreted by experts, and the accuracy of these methods will be restricted by different application conditions. In this paper, we develop a novel data-driven detection method based on densely connected convolutional networks. Our detection method learns a mapping relation between seismic data and the CO2 leakage mass. To account for the spatial and temporal characteristics of seismic data, we design a novel network architecture by combining 1-D and 2-D convolutional neural networks together. To overcome the expensive computational cost, we further apply a densely-connecting policy to our network architecture to reduce the network parameters. We employ our detection method to synthetic seismic datasets using Kimberlina model. The numerical results show that our leakage detection method accurately detects the leakage mass. Therefore, our novel CO2 leakage detection method has great potential for monitoring CO2 storage.
Invertible neural networks are a recent technique in machine learning promising neural network architectures that can be run in forward and reverse mode. In this paper, we will be introducing invertible surrogate models that approximate complex forward simulation of the physics involved in laser plasma accelerators: iLWFA. The bijective design of the surrogate model also provides all means for reconstruction of experimentally acquired diagnostics. The quality of our invertible laser wakefield acceleration network will be verified on a large set of numerical LWFA simulations.
With super-resolution optical microscopy, it is now possible to observe molecular interactions in living cells. The obtained images have a very high spatial precision but their overall quality can vary a lot depending on the structure of interest and the imaging parameters. Moreover, evaluating this quality is often difficult for non-expert users. In this work, we tackle the problem of learning the quality function of super- resolution images from scores provided by experts. More specifically, we are proposing a system based on a deep neural network that can provide a quantitative quality measure of a STED image of neuronal structures given as input. We conduct a user study in order to evaluate the quality of the predictions of the neural network against those of a human expert. Results show the potential while highlighting some of the limits of the proposed approach.

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