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MADMAX Status Report

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 Added by Alexander Schmidt
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In this report we present the status of the MAgnetized Disk and Mirror Axion eXperiment (MADMAX), the first dielectric haloscope for the direct search of dark matter axions in the mass range of 40 to 400 $mu$eV. MADMAX will consist of several parallel dielectric disks, which are placed in a strong magnetic field and with adjustable separations. This setting is expected to allow for an observable emission of axion induced electromagnetic waves at a frequency between 10 and 100 GHz corresponding to the axion mass. The present document orignated from a status report to the DESY PRC in 2019.

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126 - A.Portaa 2009
Double Chooz main target is to measure Theta13 oscillation parameter by comparing reactor neutrino fluxes in two identical detectors located respectively at 400 m and 1 km away from the 2 Chooz reactor cores. The far detector is now under construction, while we have just completed the design phase of the near one. In this report I will discuss the detector principle, sensitivity and its present construction status.
60 - Marco Mandurrino 2019
It is foreseen to significantly increase the luminosity of the LHC in order to harvest the maximum physics potential. Especially the Phase-II-Upgrade foreseen for 2023 will mean unprecedented radiation levels, significantly beyond the limits of the Silicon trackers currently employed. All-Silicon central trackers are being studied in ATLAS, CMS and LHCb, with extremely radiation-hard Silicon sensors to be employed on the innermost layers. Within the RD50 Collaboration, a large R&D program has been underway for more than a decade across experimental boundaries to develop Silicon sensors with sufficient radiation tolerance for HL-LHC trackers. Key areas of recent RD50 research include new sensor fabrication technologies such as HV-CMOS, exploiting the wide availability of the CMOS process in the semiconductor industry at very competitive prices compared to the highly specialized foundries that normally produce particle detectors on small wafers. We also seek for a deeper understanding of the connection between the macroscopic sensor properties such as radiation-induced increase of leakage current, doping concentration and trapping, and the microscopic properties at the defect level. Another strong activity is the development of advanced sensor types like 3D Silicon detectors, designed for the extreme radiation levels expected for the vertexing layers at the HL-LHC. A further focus area is the field of LGADs, where a dedicated multiplication layer to create a high field region is built into the sensor. LGADs are characterized by a high signal also after irradiation and a very fast signal compared to traditional Silicon detectors with make them ideal candidates for ATLAS and CMS timing layers in the HL-LHC. We will present the state of the art in several Silicon detector technologies as outlined above and at radiation levels corresponding to HL-LHC fluences and partially beyond.
243 - M.Harada , S.Hasegawa , Y.Kasugai 2015
At the 17th J-PARC PAC, which was held on September 2013, we proposed the sterile neutrino search at J-PARC MLF. After reviewing the proposal, PAC recommended to have a background measurement at the detectors candidate site location in their report to investigate whether the background rates can be manageable for the real experiment or not. Therefore, we have performed the background measurements (MLF; 2013BU1301 test experiment) during the summer of 2014, also following the 18th J-PARC PAC recommendations, and the measurements results are described here.
The current status of the QUAX R&D program is presented. QUAX is a feasibility study for a detection of axion as dark matter based on the coupling to the electrons. The relevant signal is a magnetization change of a magnetic material placed inside a resonant microwave cavity and polarized with a static magnetic field.
173 - M.Harada , S.Hasegawa , Y.Kasugai 2016
The JSNS$^2$ (J-PARC E56) experiment aims to search for a sterile neutrino at the J-PARC Materials and Life Sciences Experimental Facility (MLF). After the submission of a proposal to the J-PARC PAC, Stage-1 approval was granted to the JSNS$^2$ experiment on April 2015.This approval followed a series of background measurements which were performed in 2014. Recently, funding (the grant-in-aid for scientific research (S)) in Japan for building one 25~ton fiducial volume detector module was approved for the experiment. Therefore, we aim to start the experiment with one detector in JFY2018-2019. We are now working to produce precise cost estimates and schedule for construction, noting that most of the detector components can be produced within one year from the date of order. This will be reported at the next PAC meeting. In parallel to the detector construction schedule, JSNS$^2$ will submit a Technical Design report (TDR) to obtain the Stage-2 approval from the J-PARC PAC.The recent progress of the R$&$D efforts towards this TDR are shown in this report. In particular, the R$&$D status of the liquid scintillator, cosmic ray veto system, and software are shown. We have performed a test-experiment using 1.6~L of liquid scintillator at the 3rd floor of the MLF building in order to determine the identities of non-neutrino background particles coming to this detector location during the proton bunch. This is the so-called MLF 2015AU0001 experiment. We briefly show preliminary results from this test-experiment.
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