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Setting the Stage: Structures from Gaussian Random Fields

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 Added by Till Sawala
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study structure formation in a set of cosmological simulations to uncover the scales in the initial density field that gave rise to the formation of present-day structures. Our simulations share a common primordial power spectrum (here Lambda-CDM), but the introduction of hierarchical variations of the phase information allows us to systematically study the scales that determine the formation of structure at later times. We consider the variance in z=0 statistics such as the matter power spectrum and halo mass function. We also define a criterion for the existence of individual haloes across simulations, and determine what scales in the initial density field contain sufficient information for the non-linear formation of unique haloes. We study how the characteristics of individual haloes such as the mass and concentration, as well as the position and velocity, are affected by variations on different scales, and give scaling relations for haloes of different mass. Finally, we use the example of a cluster-mass halo to show how our hierarchical parametrisation of the initial density field can be used to create variants of particular objects. With properties such as mass, concentration, kinematics and substructure of haloes set on distinct and well-determined scales, and its unique ability to introduce variations localised in real space, our method is a powerful tool to study structure formation in cosmological simulations.

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161 - Marcello Musso 2013
Insight into a number of interesting questions in cosmology can be obtained from the first crossing distributions of physically motivated barriers by random walks with correlated steps. We write the first crossing distribution as a formal series, ordered by the number of times a walk upcrosses the barrier. Since the fraction of walks with many upcrossings is negligible if the walk has not taken many steps, the leading order term in this series is the most relevant for understanding the massive objects of most interest in cosmology. This first term only requires knowledge of the bivariate distribution of the walk height and slope, and provides an excellent approximation to the first crossing distribution for all barriers and smoothing filters of current interest. We show that this simplicity survives when extending the approach to the case of non-Gaussian random fields. For non-Gaussian fields which are obtained by deterministic transformations of a Gaussian, the first crossing distribution is simply related to that for Gaussian walks crossing a suitably rescaled barrier. Our analysis shows that this is a useful way to think of the generic case as well. Although our study is motivated by the possibility that the primordial fluctuation field was non-Gaussian, our results are general. In particular, they do not assume the non-Gaussianity is small, so they may be viewed as the solution to an excursion set analysis of the late-time, nonlinear fluctuation field rather than the initial one. They are also useful for models in which the barrier height is determined by quantities other than the initial density, since most other physically motivated variables (such as the shear) are usually stochastic and non-Gaussian. We use the Lognormal transformation to illustrate some of our arguments.
The topology and geometry of random fields - in terms of the Euler characteristic and the Minkowski functionals - has received a lot of attention in the context of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), as the detection of primordial non-Gaussianities would form a valuable clue on the physics of the early Universe. The virtue of both the Euler characteristic and the Minkowski functionals in general, lies in the fact that there exist closed form expressions for their expectation values for Gaussian random fields. However, the Euler characteristic and Minkowski functionals are summarizing characteristics of topology and geometry. Considerably more topological information is contained in the homology of the random field, as it completely describes the creation, merging and disappearance of topological features in superlevel set filtrations. In the present study we extend the topological analysis of the superlevel set filtrations of two-dimensional Gaussian random fields by analysing the statistical properties of the Betti numbers - counting the number of connected components and loops - and the persistence diagrams - describing the creation and mergers of homological features. Using the link between homology and the critical points of a function - as illustrated by the Morse-Smale complex - we derive a one-parameter fitting formula for the expectation value of the Betti numbers and forward this formalism to the persistent diagrams. We, moreover, numerically demonstrate the sensitivity of the Betti numbers and persistence diagrams to the presence of non-Gaussianities.
An international group of scientists has begun planning for the Planet Formation Imager (PFI,, a next-generation infrared interferometer array with the primary goal of imaging the active phases of planet formation in nearby star forming regions and taking planetary system snapshots of young systems to understand exoplanet architectures. PFI will be sensitive to warm dust emission using mid-infrared capabilities made possible by precise fringe tracking in the near-infrared. An L/M band beam combiner will be especially sensitive to thermal emission from young exoplanets (and their circumplanetary disks) with a high spectral resolution mode to probe the kinematics of CO and H2O gas. In this brief White Paper, we summarize the main science goals of PFI, define a baseline PFI architecture that can achieve those goals, and identify key technical challenges that must be overcome before the dreams of PFI can be realized within the typical cost envelope of a major observatory. We also suggest activities over the next decade at the flagship US facilities (CHARA, NPOI, MROI) that will help make the Planet Formation Imager facility a reality. The key takeaway is that infrared interferometry will require new experimental telescope designs that can scale to 8 m-class with the potential to reduce per area costs by x10, a breakthrough that would also drive major advances across astronomy.
This paper is concerned with the existence of multiple points of Gaussian random fields. Under the framework of Dalang et al. (2017), we prove that, for a wide class of Gaussian random fields, multiple points do not exist in critical dimensions. The result is applicable to fractional Brownian sheets and the solutions of systems of stochastic heat and wave equations.
338 - S. E. Sale , J. Magorrian 2014
We present a scheme for using stellar catalogues to map the three-dimensional distributions of extinction and dust within our Galaxy. Extinction is modelled as a Gaussian random field, whose covariance function is set by a simple physical model of the ISM that assumes a Kolmogorov-like power spectrum of turbulent fluctuations. As extinction is modelled as a random field, the spatial resolution of the resulting maps is set naturally by the data available; there is no need to impose any spatial binning. We verify the validity of our scheme by testing it on simulated extinction fields and show that its precision is significantly improved over previous dust-mapping efforts. The approach we describe here can make use of any photometric, spectroscopic or astrometric data; it is not limited to any particular survey. Consequently, it can be applied to a wide range of data from both existing and future surveys.
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