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Status of the TORCH Project

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 Added by Neville Harnew
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The TORCH time-of-flight detector will provide particle identification between 2-10 GeV/c momentum over a flight distance of 10 m, and is designed for large-area coverage, up to 30 m^2. A 15 ps time-of-flight resolution per incident particle is anticipated by measuring the arrival times from Cherenkov photons produced in a synthetic fused silica radiator plate of 10 mm thickness. Customised Micro-Channel Plate Photomultiplier Tube (MCP-PMT) photon detectors of 53 x 53 mm^2 active area with a 64 x 64 granularity have been developed with industrial partners. Test-beam studies using both a small-scale TORCH demonstrator and a half-length TORCH module are presented. The desired timing resolution of 70 ps per single photon is close to being achieved.

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315 - C. Baltay 2009
Other the past few years we have developed a monolithic CMOS pixel detector design for the ILC in collaboration with the SARNOFF Corporation. The unique feature of this design is the recorded time tag for each hit, allowing assignment of the hit to a particular bunch crossing (thus the name Chronopixel). The prototype design was completed in 2007. The first set of prototype devices was fabricated in 2008. We have developed a detailed testing plan and have designed the test electronics in collaboration with SLAC. Testing is expected to start early in 2009.
85 - Mathieu Guigue 2017
The Project 8 collaboration aims to measure the absolute neutrino mass scale using cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy on the beta decay of tritium. The second phase of the project will measure a continuous spectrum of molecular tritium beta decays and extract the tritium endpoint value with an eV or sub-eV scale precision. Monoenergetic electrons emitted by gaseous $^{83mathrm{m}}$Kr atoms are used to determine the relationship between cyclotron frequency and electron energy. This study allows us to optimize both the event reconstruction algorithm and the hardware configuration, in preparation for measuring the tritium beta decay spectrum. Phase II will benefit from a gas system of krypton and tritium that will allow measurement of and offline correction for magnetic field fluctuations. We present the recent progress in understanding the electron kinematics and implementing the magnetic field calibration.
173 - M.-F. Rivet 2012
FAZIA is designed for detailed studies of the isospin degree of freedom, extending to the limits the isotopic identification of charged products from nuclear collisions when using silicon detectors and CsI(Tl) scintillators. We show that the FAZIA telescopes give isotopic identification up to Z$sim$25 with a $Delta$E-E technique. Digital Pulse Shape Analysis makes possible elemental identification up to Z=55 and isotopic identification for Z=1-10 when using the response of a single silicon detector. The project is now in the phase of building a demonstrator comprising about 200 telescopes.
The status of the R&D on the Cylindrical-GEM (CGEM) detector foreseen as Inner Tracker for KLOE-2, the upgrade of the KLOE experiment at the DAFNE phi-factory, will be presented. The R&D includes several activities: i) the construction and complete characterization of the full-size CGEM prototype, equipped with 650 microns pitch 1-D longitudinal strips; ii) the study of the 2-D readout with XV patterned strips and operation in magnetic field (up to 1.5T), performed with small planar prototypes in a dedicated test at the H4-SPS beam facility; iii) the characterization of the single-mask GEM technology for the realization of large-area GEM foils.
The Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) plays an exceptional role in the modern nuclear engineering, especially in detection of hazardous substances. However, in the aquatic environment, there are still many problems to be solved for effective usage of this technique. We present status of SABAT (Stoichiometry Analysis By Activation Techniques), one of the projects aiming at construction of an underwater device for non-invasive threat detection based on the NAA.
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