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While the breakdown of the perturbation expansion for the many-electron problem has several formal consequences, here we unveil its physical effect: Flipping the sign of the effective electronic interaction in specific scattering channels. By decomposing local and uniform susceptibilities of the Hubbard model via their spectral representations, we prove how entering the non-perturbative regime causes an enhancement of the charge response, ultimately responsible for the phase-separation instabilities close to the Mott MIT. Our analysis opens a new route for understanding phase-transitions in the non-perturbative regime and clarifies why attractive effects emerging from a strong repulsion can induce phase-separations, but not s-wave pairing or charge-density wave instabilities.
We investigate theoretically the features of the Majorana hallmark in the presence of Coulomb repulsion between two quantum dots describing a spinless Aharonov-Bohm-like interferometer, where one of the dots is strongly coupled to a Kitaev wire within the topological phase. Such a system has been originally proposed without Coulomb interaction in J. of Appl. Phys. 116, 173701 (2014). Our findings reveal that for dots in resonance, the ratio between the strength of Coulomb repulsion and the dot-wire coupling changes the width of the Majorana zero-bias peak for both Fano regimes studied, indicating thus that the electronic interdots correlation influences the Majorana state lifetime in the dot hybridized with the wire. Moreover, for the off-resonance case, the swap between the energy levels of the dots also modifies the width of the Majorana peak, which does not happen for the noninteracting case. The results obtained here can guide experimentalists that pursuit a way of revealing Majorana signatures.
Dynamic cluster quantum Monte Carlo calculations for a doped two-dimensional extended Hubbard model are used to study the stability and dynamics of $d$-wave pairing when a near neighbor Coulomb repulsion $V$ is present in addition to the on-site Coulomb repulsion $U$. We find that $d$-wave pairing and the superconducting transition temperature $T_c$ are only weakly suppressed as long as $V$ does not exceed $U/2$. This stability is traced to the strongly retarded nature of pairing that allows the $d$-wave pairs to minimize the repulsive effect of $V$. When $V$ approaches $U/2$, large momentum charge fluctuations are found to become important and to give rise to a more rapid suppression of $d$-wave pairing and $T_c$ than for smaller $V$.
Looking for superconductors with higher transition temperature requires a guiding principle. In conventional superconductors, electrons pair up into Cooper pairs via the retarded attraction mediated by electron-phonon coupling. Higher-frequency phonon (or smaller atomic mass) leads to higher superconducting transition temperature, known as the isotope effect. Furthermore, superconductivity is the only instability channel of the metallic normal state. In correlated systems, the above simple scenario could be easily violated. The strong local interaction is poorly screened, and this conspires with a featured Fermi surface to promote various competing electronic orders, such as spin-density-wave, charge-density-wave and unconventional superconductivity. On top of the various phases, the effect of electron-phonon coupling is an intriguing issue. Using the functional renormalization group, here we investigated the interplay between the electron correlation and electron-phonon coupling in a prototype Hubbard-Holstein model on a square lattice. At half-filling, we found spin-density-wave and charge-density-wave phases and the transition between them, while no superconducting phase arises. Upon finite doping, d-wave/s-wave superconductivity emerges in proximity to spin-density-wave/charge-density-wave phases. Surprisingly, lower-frequency Holstein-phonons are either less destructive, or even beneficial, to the various phases, resulting in a negative isotope effect. We discuss the underlying mechanism behind and the implications of such anomalous effects.
High-temperature superconductivity emerges in a host of different quantum materials, often in a region of the phase diagram where the electronic kinetic energy is comparable in magnitude with the electron-electron Coulomb repulsion. Describing such an intermediate-coupling regime has proven challenging, as standard perturbative approaches are inapplicable. Hence, it is of enormous interest to find models that are amenable to be solved using exact methods. While important advances have been made in elucidating the properties of one such minimal model -- the Hubbard model -- via numerical simulations, the infamous fermionic sign-problem significantly limits the accessible parameter space. Here, we employ Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods to solve a multi-band version of the Hubbard model that does not suffer from the sign-problem and in which only repulsive interband interactions are present. In contrast to previous sign-problem-free QMC studies, this model does not have pre-existing fine-tuned magnetic order, and thus treats superconducting, magnetic, and charge degrees of freedom on an equal footing. We find that, as the electron-electron repulsion increases, a dome of antiferromagnetic order emerges in the intermediate-coupling regime, accompanied by a metal-to-insulator crossover line. Superconductivity is found only near the antiferromagnetic quantum phase transition located on the metallic side of the magnetic dome. Across the antiferromagnetic quantum phase transition we find a change in the dynamical character of the magnetic fluctuations, from slow and overdamped in the metallic side to fast and propagating in the insulating side. Our findings shed new light on the intertwining between superconductivity, magnetism, and charge correlations in quantum materials.
Alkali metal dosing (AMD) has been widely used as a way to control doping without chemical substitution. This technique, in combination with angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), often provides an opportunity to observe unexpected phenomena. However, the amount of transferred charge and the corresponding change in the electronic structure vary significantly depending on the material. Here, we report study on the correlation between the sample work function and alkali metal induced electronic structure change for three iron-based superconductors: FeSe, Ba(Fe$_{0.94}$Co$_{0.06}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ and NaFeAs which share a similar Fermi surface topology. Electronic structure change upon monolayer of alkali metal dosing and the sample work function were measured by ARPES. Our results show that the degree of electronic structure change is proportional to the difference between the work function of the sample and Mullikens absolute electronegativity of the dosed alkali metal. This finding provides a possible way to estimate the AMD induced electronic structure change.