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Networks are a fundamental and flexible way of representing various complex systems. Many domains such as communication, citation, procurement, biology, social media, and transportation can be modeled as a set of entities and their relationships. Temporal networks are a specialization of general networks where the temporal evolution of the system is as important to understand as the structure of the entities and relationships. We present the Independent Temporal Motif (ITeM) to characterize temporal graphs from different domains. The ITeMs are edge-disjoint temporal motifs that can be used to model the structure and the evolution of the graph. For a given temporal graph, we produce a feature vector of ITeM frequencies and apply this distribution to the task of measuring the similarity of temporal graphs. We show that ITeM has higher accuracy than other motif frequency-based approaches. We define various metrics based on ITeM that reveal salient properties of a temporal network. We also present importance sampling as a method for efficiently estimating the ITeM counts. We evaluate our approach on both synthetic and real temporal networks.
Investigating the frequency and distribution of small subgraphs with a few nodes/edges, i.e., motifs, is an effective analysis method for static networks. Motif-driven analysis is also useful for temporal networks where the spectrum of motifs is significantly larger due to the additional temporal information on edges. This variety makes it challenging to design a temporal motif model that can consider all aspects of temporality. In the literature, previous works have introduced various models that handle different characteristics. In this work, we compare the existing temporal motif models and evaluate the facets of temporal networks that are overlooked in the literature. We first survey four temporal motif models and highlight their differences. Then, we evaluate the advantages and limitations of these models with respect to the temporal inducedness and timing constraints. In addition, we suggest a new lens, event pairs, to investigate temporal correlations. We believe that our comparative survey and extensive evaluation will catalyze the research on temporal network motif models.
Many real-world systems can be expressed in temporal networks with nodes playing far different roles in structure and function and edges representing the relationships between nodes. Identifying critical nodes can help us control the spread of public opinions or epidemics, predict leading figures in academia, conduct advertisements for various commodities, and so on. However, it is rather difficult to identify critical nodes because the network structure changes over time in temporal networks. In this paper, considering the sequence topological information of temporal networks, a novel and effective learning framework based on the combination of special GCNs and RNNs is proposed to identify nodes with the best spreading ability. The effectiveness of the approach is evaluated by weighted Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model. Experimental results on four real-world temporal networks demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms both traditional and deep learning benchmark methods in terms of the Kendall $tau$ coefficient and top $k$ hit rate.
This work investigates the problem of learning temporal interaction networks. A temporal interaction network consists of a series of chronological interactions between users and items. Previous methods tackle this problem by using different variants of recurrent neural networks to model sequential interactions, which fail to consider the structural information of temporal interaction networks and inevitably lead to sub-optimal results. To this end, we propose a novel Deep Structural Point Process termed as DSPP for learning temporal interaction networks. DSPP simultaneously incorporates the topological structure and long-range dependency structure into our intensity function to enhance model expressiveness. To be specific, by using the topological structure as a strong prior, we first design a topological fusion encoder to obtain node embeddings. An attentive shift encoder is then developed to learn the long-range dependency structure between users and items in continuous time. The proposed two modules enable our model to capture the user-item correlation and dynamic influence in temporal interaction networks. DSPP is evaluated on three real-world datasets for both tasks of item prediction and time prediction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model achieves consistent and significant improvements over state-of-the-art baselines.
The full range of activity in a temporal network is captured in its edge activity data -- time series encoding the tie strengths or on-off dynamics of each edge in the network. However, in many practical applications, edge-level data are unavailable, and the network analyses must rely instead on node activity data which aggregates the edge-activity data and thus is less informative. This raises the question: Is it possible to use the static network to recover the richer edge activities from the node activities? Here we show that recovery is possible, often with a surprising degree of accuracy given how much information is lost, and that the recovered data are useful for subsequent network analysis tasks. Recovery is more difficult when network density increases, either topologically or dynamically, but exploiting dynamical and topological sparsity enables effective solutions to the recovery problem. We formally characterize the difficulty of the recovery problem both theoretically and empirically, proving the conditions under which recovery errors can be bounded and showing that, even when these conditions are not met, good quality solutions can still be derived. Effective recovery carries both promise and peril, as it enables deeper scientific study of complex systems but in the context of social systems also raises privacy concerns when social information can be aggregated across multiple data sources.
We present Temporal and Object Quantification Networks (TOQ-Nets), a new class of neuro-symbolic networks with a structural bias that enables them to learn to recognize complex relational-temporal events. This is done by including reasoning layers that implement finite-domain quantification over objects and time. The structure allows them to generalize directly to input instances with varying numbers of objects in temporal sequences of varying lengths. We evaluate TOQ-Nets on input domains that require recognizing event-types in terms of complex temporal relational patterns. We demonstrate that TOQ-Nets can generalize from small amounts of data to scenarios containing more objects than were present during training and to temporal warpings of input sequences.