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Simulating Star Clusters Across Cosmic Time: II. Escape Fraction of Ionizing Photons from Molecular Clouds

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 Added by Chong-Chong He
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We calculate the hydrogen and helium-ionizing radiation escaping star-forming molecular clouds, as a function of the star cluster mass and compactness, using a set of high-resolution radiation-magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of star formation in self-gravitating, turbulent molecular clouds. In these simulations, presented in He, Ricotti and Geen (2019), the formation of individual massive stars are well resolved, and their UV radiation feedback and lifetime on the main sequence are modeled self-consistently. We find that the escape fraction of ionizing radiation from molecular clouds, $langle f_{rm esc}^{scriptscriptstyle rm MC}rangle$, decreases with increasing mass of the star cluster and with decreasing compactness. Molecular clouds with densities typically found in the local Universe have negligible $langle f_{rm esc}^{scriptscriptstyle rm MC}rangle$, ranging between $0.5%$ to $5%$. Ten times denser molecular clouds have $langle f_{rm esc}^{scriptscriptstyle rm MC}rangle approx 10%-20%$, while $100times$ denser clouds, which produce globular cluster progenitors, have $langle f_{rm esc}^{scriptscriptstyle rm MC}rangle approx 20%-60%$. We find that $langle f_{rm esc}^{scriptscriptstyle rm MC}rangle$ increases with decreasing gas metallicity, even when ignoring dust extinction, due to stronger radiation feedback. However, the total number of escaping ionizing photons decreases with decreasing metallicity because the star formation efficiency is reduced. We conclude that the sources of reionization at $z>6$ must have been very compact star clusters forming in molecular clouds about $100times$ denser than in todays Universe, which leads to a significant production of old globular clusters progenitors.

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Giant molecular clouds (GMCs) are well-studied in the local Universe, however, exactly how their properties vary during galaxy evolution is poorly understood due to challenging resolution requirements, both observational and computational. We present the first time-dependent analysis of giant molecular clouds in a Milky Way-like galaxy and an LMC-like dwarf galaxy of the FIRE-2 (Feedback In Realistic Environments) simulation suite, which have sufficient resolution to predict the bulk properties of GMCs in cosmological galaxy formation self-consistently. We show explicitly that the majority of star formation outside the galactic center occurs within self-gravitating gas structures that have properties consistent with observed bound GMCs. We find that the typical cloud bulk properties such as mass and surface density do not vary more than a factor of 2 in any systematic way after the first Gyr of cosmic evolution within a given galaxy from its progenitor. While the median properties are constant, the tails of the distributions can briefly undergo drastic changes, which can produce very massive and dense self-gravitating gas clouds. Once the galaxy forms, we identify only two systematic trends in bulk properties over cosmic time: a steady increase in metallicity produced by previous stellar populations and a weak decrease in bulk cloud temperatures. With the exception of metallicity we find no significant differences in cloud properties between the Milky Way-like and dwarf galaxies. These results have important implications for cosmological star and star cluster formation and put especially strong constraints on theories relating the stellar initial mass function to cloud properties.
In this paper we calculate the escape fraction ($f_{rm esc}$) of ionizing photons from starburst galaxies. Using 2-D axisymmetric hydrodynamic simulations, we study superbubbles created by overlapping supernovae in OB associations. We calculate the escape fraction of ionizing photons from the center of the disk along different angles through the superbubble and the gas disk. After convolving with the luminosity function of OB associations, we show that the ionizing photons escape within a cone of $sim 40 ^circ$, consistent with observations of nearby galaxies. The evolution of the escape fraction with time shows that it falls initially as cold gas is accumulated in a dense shell. After the shell crosses a few scale heights and fragments, the escape fraction through the polar regions rises again. The angle-averaged escape fraction cannot exceed $sim [1- cos (1 , {rm radian})] = 0.5$ from geometrical considerations (using the emission cone opening angle). We calculate the dependence of the time- and angle-averaged escape fraction on the mid-plane disk gas density (in the range $n_0=0.15-50$ cm $^{-3}$) and the disk scale height (between $z_0=10-600$ pc). We find that the escape fraction is related to the disk parameters (the mid-plane disk density and scale height) roughly so that $f_{rm esc}^alpha n_0^2 z_0^3$ (with $alphaapprox 2.2$) is a constant. For disks with a given WNM temperature, massive disks have lower escape fraction than low mass galaxies. For Milky Way ISM parameters, we find $f_{rm esc}sim 5%$, and it increases to $approx 10%$ for a galaxy ten times less massive. We discuss the possible effects of clumpiness of the ISM on the estimate of the escape fraction and the implications of our results for the reionization of the universe.
We demonstrate a new method for measuring the escape fraction of ionizing photons using Hubble Space Telescope imaging of resolved stars in NGC 4214, a local analog of high-redshift starburst galaxies that are thought to be responsible for cosmic reionization. Specifically, we forward model the UV through near-IR spectral energy distributions of $sim$83,000 resolved stars to infer their individual ionizing flux outputs. We constrain the local escape fraction by comparing the number of ionizing photons produced by stars to the number that are either absorbed by dust or consumed by ionizing the surrounding neutral hydrogen in individual star-forming regions. We find substantial spatial variation in the escape fraction (0-40%). Integrating over the entire galaxy yields a global escape fraction of 25% (+16%/-15%). This value is much higher than previous escape fractions of zero reported for this galaxy. We discuss sources of this apparent tension, and demonstrate that the viewing angle and the 3D ISM geometric effects are the cause. If we assume the NGC 4214 has no internal dust, like many high-redshift galaxies, we find an escape fraction of 59% (an upper-limit for NGC 4214). This is the first non-zero escape fraction measurement for UV-faint (M$_{rm FUV}$ = -15.9) galaxies at any redshift, and supports the idea that starburst UV-faint dwarf galaxies can provide a sufficient amount of ionizing photons to the intergalactic medium.
We present radiation-magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of star formation in self-gravitating, turbulent molecular clouds, modeling the formation of individual massive stars, including their UV radiation feedback. The set of simulations have cloud masses between $m_{rm gas}=10^3$~M$_odot$ to $3 times 10^5$~M$_odot$ and gas densities typical of clouds in the local universe ($overline n_{rm gas} sim 1.8times 10^2$~cm$^{-3}$) and 10$times$ and 100$times$ denser, expected to exist in high-redshift galaxies. The main results are: {it i}) The observed Salpeter power-law slope and normalisation of the stellar initial mass function at the high-mass end can be reproduced if we assume that each star-forming gas clump (sink particle) fragments into stars producing on average a maximum stellar mass about $40%$ of the mass of the sink particle, while the remaining $60%$ is distributed into smaller mass stars. Assuming that the sinks fragment according to a power-law mass function flatter than Salpeter, with log-slope $0.8$, satisfy this empirical prescription. {it ii}) The star formation law that best describes our set of simulation is $drho_*/dt propto rho_{gas}^{1.5}$ if $overline n_{gas}<n_{cri}approx 10^3$~cm$^{-3}$, and $drho_*/dt propto rho_{rm gas}^{2.5}$ otherwise. The duration of the star formation episode is roughly $6$ clouds sound crossing times (with $c_s=10$~km/s). {it iii}) The total star formation efficiency in the cloud is $f_*=2% (m_{rm gas}/10^4~M_odot)^{0.4}(1+overline n_{rm gas}/n_{rm cri})^{0.91}$, for gas at solar metallicity, while for metallicity $Z<0.1$~Z$_odot$, based on our limited sample, $f_*$ is reduced by a factor of $sim 5$. {it iv)} The most compact and massive clouds appear to form globular cluster progenitors, in the sense that star clusters remain gravitationally bound after the gas has been expelled.
The escape fraction of ionizing photons from galaxies is a crucial quantity controlling the cosmic ionizing background radiation and the reionization. Various estimates of this parameter can be obtained in the redshift range, z=0--6, either from direct observations or from the observed ionizing background intensities. We compare them homogeneously in terms of the observed flux density ratio of ionizing ($sim900$ AA rest-frame) to non-ionizing ultraviolet ($sim1500$ AA rest-frame) corrected for the intergalactic absorption. The escape fraction is found to increase by an order of magnitude, from a value less than 0.01 at $zla1$ to about 0.1 at $zga4$.
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