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First direct measurement of $^{22}$Mg($alpha$,p)$^{25}$Al and implications for X-ray burst model-observation comparisons

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 Publication date 2020
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Type-I X-ray burst (XRB) light curves are sensitive to the models nuclear input and consequently affects the model-observation comparisons. $^{22}$Mg($alpha$,p)$^{25}$Al is among the most important reactions which directly impact the XRB light curve. We report the first direct measurement of $^{22}$Mg($alpha$,p)$^{25}$Al using the Active Target Time Projection Chamber. XRB light curve model-observation comparison for the source $tt{GS 1826-24}$ using new reaction rate implies a less-compact neutron star than previously inferred. Additionally, our result removes an important uncertainty in XRB model calculations that previously hindered extraction of the neutron star compactness.

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78 - J. Hu , H. Yamaguchi , Y. H. Lam 2021
We report the first (in)elastic scattering measurement of $^{25}mathrm{Al}+p$ with the capability to select and measure in a broad energy range the proton resonances in $^{26}$Si contributing to the $^{22}$Mg$(alpha,p)$ reaction at type I x-ray burst energies. We measured spin-parities of four resonances above the $alpha$ threshold of $^{26}$Si that are found to strongly impact the $^{22}$Mg$(alpha,p)$ rate. The new rate advances a state-of-the-art model to remarkably reproduce lightcurves of the GS 1826$-$24 clocked burster with mean deviation $<$9 % and permits us to discover a strong correlation between the He abundance in the accreting envelope of photospheric radius expansion burster and the dominance of $^{22}$Mg$(alpha,p)$ branch.
The competing $^{22}$Ne($alpha,gamma$)$^{26}$Mg and $^{22}$Ne($alpha,n$)$^{25}$Mg reactions control the production of neutrons for the weak $s$-process in massive and AGB stars. In both systems, the ratio between the corresponding reaction rates strongly impacts the total neutron budget and strongly influences the final nucleosynthesis. The $^{22}$Ne($alpha,gamma$)$^{26}$Mg and $^{22}$Ne($alpha,n$)$^{25}$Mg reaction rates was re-evaluated by using newly available information on $^{26}$Mg given by various recent experimental studies. Evaluations of The evaluated $^{22}$Ne($alpha,gamma$)$^{26}$Mg reaction rate remains substantially similar to that of Longland {it et al.} but, including recent results from Texas A&M, the $^{22}$Ne($alpha,n$)$^{25}$Mg reaction rate is lower at a range of astrophysically important temperatures. Stellar models computed with NEWTON and MESA predict decreased production of the weak branch $s$-process due to the decreased efficiency of $^{22}$Ne as a neutron source. Using the new reaction rates in the MESA model results in $^{96}$Zr/$^{94}$Zr and $^{135}$Ba/$^{136}$Ba ratios in much better agreement with the measured ratios from presolar SiC grains.
The $^{22}$Ne($alpha$,$gamma$)$^{26}$Mg and $^{22}$Ne($alpha$,n)$^{25}$Mg reactions play an important role in astrophysics because they have significant influence on the neutron flux during the weak branch of the s-process. We constrain the astrophysical rates for these reactions by measuring partial $alpha$-widths of resonances in $^{26}$Mg located in the Gamow window for the $^{22}$Ne+$alpha$ capture. These resonances were populated using $^{22}$Ne($^6$Li,d)$^{26}$Mg and $^{22}$Ne($^7$Li,t)$^{26}$Mg reactions at energies near the Coulomb barrier. At these low energies $alpha$-transfer reactions favor population of low spin states and the extracted partial $alpha$-widths for the observed resonances exhibit only minor dependence on the model parameters. The astrophysical rates for both the $^{22}$Ne($alpha$,$gamma$)$^{26}$Mg and the $^{22}$Ne($alpha$,n)$^{25}$Mg reactions are shown to be significantly different than the previously suggested values.
317 - Claudio Ugalde 2008
The current status of the reaction rate of $^{22}$Ne($alpha$,n)$^{25}$Mg is summarized. Among the latest new results, probably the most relevant is the conclusion that the E$_x$=11.15 MeV state in $^{26}$Mg has a non-natural parity, so it does not contribute to the rates of the $alpha$ + $^{22}$Ne reactions. However, it may be possible that other neighboring states contribute to the neutron yield at stellar temperatures. Here we make an account of some of the experimental work in the literature that is relevant to this state. Indeed, it would have been possible to avoid the controversy regarding this state before it even started.
The rate of the $^{25}$Al($p$,$gamma$)$^{26}$Si reaction is one of the few key remaining nuclear uncertainties required for predicting the production of the cosmic $gamma$-ray emitter $^{26}$Al in explosive burning in novae. This reaction rate is dominated by three key resonances ($J^{pi}=0^{+}$, $1^{+}$ and $3^{+}$) in $^{26}$Si. Only the $3^{+}$ resonance strength has been directly constrained by experiment. A high resolution measurement of the $^{25}$Mg($d$,$p$) reaction was used to determine spectroscopic factors for analog states in the mirror nucleus, $^{26}$Mg. A first spectroscopic factor value is reported for the $0^{+}$ state at 6.256 MeV, and a strict upper limit is set on the value for the $1^{+}$ state at 5.691 MeV, that is incompatible with an earlier ($^{4}$He,$^{3}$He) study. These results are used to estimate proton partial widths, and resonance strengths of analog states in $^{26}$Si contributing to the $^{25}$Al($p$,$gamma$)$^{26}$Si reaction rate in nova burning conditions.
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