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High-Temperature Ferromagnetic Semiconductors: Janus Monolayer Vanadium Trihalides

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 Added by Yulu Ren
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Two-dimensional (2D) intrinsic ferromagnetic semiconductors are expected to stand out in the spintronic field. Recently, the monolayer VI$_{3}$ has been experimentally synthesized but the weak ferromagnetism and low Curie temperature ($T_C$) limit its potential application. Here we report that the Janus structure can elevate the $T_C$ to 240 K. And it is discussed that the reason for high $T_C$ in Janus structure originates from the lower virtual exchange gap between $t_{2g}$ and $e_{g}$ states of nearest-neighbor V atoms. Besides, $T_C$ can be further substantially enhanced by tensile strain due to the increasing ferromagnetism driven by rapidly quenched direct exchange interaction. Our work supports a feasible approach to enhance Curie temperature of monolayer VI$_{3}$ and unveils novel stable intrinsic FM semiconductors for realistic applications in spintronics.

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Diluted magnetic semiconductors including Mn-doped GaAs are attractive for gate-controlled spintronics but Curie transition at room temperature with long-range ferromagnetic order is still debatable to date. Here, we report the room-temperature ferromagnetic domains with long-range order in semiconducting V-doped WSe2 monolayer synthesized by chemical vapor deposition. Ferromagnetic order is manifested using magnetic force microscopy up to 360K, while retaining high on/off current ratio of ~105 at 0.1% V-doping concentration. The V-substitution to W sites keep a V-V separation distance of 5 nm without V-V aggregation, scrutinized by high-resolution scanning transmission-electron microscopy, which implies the possibility of the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida interaction (or Zener model) by establishing the long-range ferromagnetic order in V-doped WSe2 monolayer through free hole carriers. More importantly, the ferromagnetic order is clearly modulated by applying a back gate. Our findings open new opportunities for using two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides for future spintronics.
Dilute magnetic semiconductors, achieved through substitutional doping of spin-polarized transition metals into semiconducting systems, enable experimental modulation of spin dynamics in ways that hold great promise for novel magneto-electric or magneto-optical devices, especially for two-dimensional systems such as transition metal dichalcogenides that accentuate interactions and activate valley degrees of freedom. Practical applications of 2D magnetism will likely require room-temperature operation, air stability, and (for magnetic semiconductors) the ability to achieve optimal doping levels without dopant aggregation. Here we describe room-temperature ferromagnetic order obtained in semiconducting vanadium-doped tungsten disulfide monolayers produced by a reliable single-step film sulfidation method across an exceptionally wide range of vanadium concentrations, up to 12 at% with minimal dopant aggregation. These monolayers develop p-type transport as a function of vanadium incorporation and rapidly reach ambipolarity. Ferromagnetism peaks at an intermediate vanadium concentration of a few atomic percent and decreases for higher concentrations, which is consistent with quenching due to orbital hybridization at closer vanadium-vanadium spacings, as supported by transmission electron microscopy, magnetometry and first-principles calculations. Room-temperature two-dimensional dilute magnetic semiconductors provide a new component to expand the functional scope of van der Waals heterostructures and bring semiconducting magnetic 2D heterostructures them into the realm of practical application.
68 - R. Sant , M. Gay , A. Marty 2020
Janus single-layer transition metal dichalcogenides, in which the two chalcogen layers have a different chemical nature, push chemical composition control beyond what is usually achievable with van der Waals heterostructures. Here we report such a novel Janus compound, SPtSe, which is predicted to exhibit strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We synthetized it by conversion of a single-layer of PtSe$_2$ on Pt(111) via sulphurization under H$_2$S atmosphere. Our in situ and operando structural analysis with grazing incidence synchrotron X-ray diffraction reveals the process by which the Janus alloy forms. The crystalline long-range order of the as-grown PtSe$_2$ monolayer is first lost due to thermal annealing. A subsequent recrystallization in presence of a source of sulphur yields a highly ordered SPtSe alloy, which is iso-structural to the pristine PtSe$_2$. The chemical composition is resolved, layer-by-layer, using angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, demonstrating that Se-by-S substitution occurs selectively in the topmost chalcogen layer.
Magnetic skyrmions are nano-scale spin structures that are promising for ultra-dense memory and logic devices. Recent progresses in two-dimensional magnets encourage the idea to realize skyrmionic states in freestanding monolayers. However, monolayers such as CrI3 lack Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI) and thus do not naturally exhibit skyrmions but rather a ferromagnetic state. Here we propose the fabrication of Cr(I,X)3 Janus monolayers, in which the Cr atoms are covalently bonded to the underlying I ions and top-layer Br or Cl atoms. By performing first-principles calculations and Monte-Carlo simulations, we identify strong enough DMI, which leads to not only helical cycloid phases, but also to intrinsic skyrmionic states in Cr(I,Br)3 and magnetic-field-induced skyrmions in Cr(I,Cl)3.
Two dimensional magnetic materials, with tunable electronic properties could lead to new spintronic, magnetic and magneto-optic applications. Here, we explore intrinsic magnetic ordering in two dimensional monolayers of transition metal tri-halides (MX$_3$, M = V, Cr, Mn, Fe and Ni, and X = F, Cl, Br and I), using density functional theory. We find that other than FeX$_3$ family which has an anti-ferromagnetic ground state, rest of the trihalides are ferromagnetic. Amongst these the VX$_3$ and NiX$_3$ family are found to have the highest magnetic transition temperature, beyond the room temperature. In terms of electronic properties, the tri-halides of Mn and Ni are either half metals or Dirac half metals, while the tri-halides of V, Fe and Cr are insulators. Among all the trihalides studied in this paper, we find the existence of very clean spin polarized Dirac half metallic state in MnF$_3$, MnCl$_3$, MnBr$_3$, NiF$_3$ and NiCl$_3$. These spin polarized Dirac half metals will be immensely useful for spin-current generation and other spintronic applications.
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