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Despite much effort for over the two decades, the paring symmetry of a Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ superconductor has been still unclear. In this Rapid Communication, motivated by the recent rapid progress in fabrication techniques for Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ thin-films, we propose a promising strategy for identifying the spin-triplet superconductivity in the thin-film geometry by employing an antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling potential and a Zeeman potential due to an external magnetic field. We demonstrate that a spin-triplet superconducting thin-film undergoes a phase transition from a helical state to a chiral state by increasing the applied magnetic field. This phase transition is accompanied by a drastic change in the property of surface Andreev bound states. As a consequence, the helical-chiral phase transition, which is unique to the spin-triplet superconductors, can be detected through a sudden change in a tunneling conductance spectrum of a normal-metal/superconductor junction. Importantly, our proposal is constructed by combining fundamental and rigid concepts regarding physics of spin-triplet superconductivity.
Motivated by the success of experimental manipulation of the band structure through biaxial strain in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ thin film grown on a mismatched substrate, we investigate theoretically the effects of biaxial strain on the electronic instabilities, such as superconductivity (SC) and spin density wave (SDW), by functional renormalization group. According to the experiment, the positive strain (from lattice expansion) causes charge transfer to the $gamma$-band and consequently Lifshitz reconstruction of the Fermi surface. Our theoretical calculations show that within a limited range of positive strain a p-wave superconducting order is realized. However, as the strain is increased further the system develops into the SDW state well before the Lifshitz transition is reached. We also consider the effect of negative strains (from lattice constriction). As the strain increases, there is a transition from p-wave SC state to nodal s-wave SC state. The theoretical results are discussed in comparison to experiment and can be checked by further experiments.
The synthesis of stoichiometric Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ thin films has been a challenge because of the high volatility of ruthenium oxide precursors, which gives rise to ruthenium vacancies in the films. Ru vacancies greatly affect the transport properties and electronic phase behavior of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$, but their direct detection is difficult due to their atomic dimensions and low concentration. We applied polarized X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the oxygen K-edge and confocal Raman spectroscopy to Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ thin films synthesized under different conditions. The results show that these methods can serve as sensitive probes of the electronic and vibrational properties of Ru vacancies, respectively. The intensities of the vacancy-related spectroscopic features extracted from these measurements are well correlated with the transport properties of the films. The methodology introduced here can thus help to understand and control the stoichiometry and transport properties in films of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ and other ruthenates.
We use functional renormalization group method to study a three-orbital model for superconducting Sr$_2$RuO$_4$. Although the pairing symmetry is found to be chiral $p$-wave, the atomic spin-orbit coupling induces near-nodes for quasiparticle excitations. Our theory explains a major experimental puzzle between $d$-wave-like feature observed in thermal experiments and the chiral $p$-wave triplet pairing revealed in nuclear-magnetic-resonance and Kerr effect.
In conventional and high transition temperature copper oxide and iron pnictide superconductors, the Cooper pairs all have even parity. As a rare exception, Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ is the first prime candidate for topological chiral p-wave superconductivity, which has time-reversal breaking odd-parity Cooper pairs known to exist before only in the neutral superfluid $^3$He. However, there are several key unresolved issues hampering the microscopic description of the unconventional superconductivity. Spin fluctuations at both large and small wavevectors are present in experiments, but how they arise and drive superconductivity is not yet clear. Spontaneous edge current is expected but not observed conclusively. Specific experiments point to highly band- and/or momentum-dependent energy gaps for quasiparticle excitations in the superconducting state. Here, by comprehensive functional renormalization group calculations with all relevant bands, we disentangle the various competing possibilities. In particular we show the small wavevector spin fluctuations, driven by a single two-dimensional band, trigger p-wave superconductivity with quasi-nodal energy gaps.
Unambiguous identification of the superconducting order parameter symmetry of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ has remained elusive for more than a quarter century. While a chiral $p$-wave ground state analogue to superfluid $^3$He-$A$ was ruled out only very recently, other proposed $p$-wave scenarios are still viable. Here, field-dependent $^{17}$O Knight shift measurements are compared to corresponding specific heat measurements, previously reported. We conclude that the shift results can be accounted for by the expected field-induced quasiparticle response only. An upper bound for the condensate magnetic response of $<10%$ of the normal state susceptibility is sufficient to exclude odd-parity candidates.