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Quantum fluctuations are imprinted with valuable information about transport processes. Experimental access to this information is possible, but challenging. We introduce the dynamical Coulomb blockade (DCB) as a local probe for fluctuations in a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and show that it provides information about the conduction channels. In agreement with theoretical predictions, we find that the DCB disappears in a single-channel junction with increasing transmission following the Fano factor, analogous to what happens with shot noise. Furthermore we demonstrate local differences in the DCB expected from changes in the conduction channel configuration. Our experimental results are complemented by ab initio transport calculations that elucidate the microscopic nature of the conduction channels in our atomic-scale contacts. We conclude that probing the DCB by STM provides a technique complementary to shot noise measurements for locally resolving quantum transport characteristics.
We observe and comprehend the dynamical Coulomb blockade suppression of the electrical conductance across an electronic quantum channel submitted to a temperature difference. A broadly tunable, spin-polarized Ga(Al)As quantum channel is connected on-chip, through a micron-scale metallic node, to a linear $RC$ circuit. The latter is made up of the nodes geometrical capacitance $C$ in parallel with an adjustable resistance $Rin {1/2,1/3,1/4}times h/e^2$ formed by 2--4 quantum Hall channels. The system is characterized by three temperatures: a temperature of the electrons in the large electrodes ($T$) and in the node ($T_mathrm{node}$), and a temperature of the electromagnetic modes of the $RC$ circuit ($T_mathrm{env}$). The temperature in the node is selectively increased by local Joule dissipation, and characterized from current fluctuations. For a quantum channel in the tunnel regime, a close match is found between conductance measurements and tunnel dynamical Coulomb blockade theory. In the opposite near ballistic regime, we develop a theory that accounts for different electronic and electromagnetic bath temperatures, again in very good agreement with experimental data. Beyond these regimes, for an arbitrary quantum channel set in the far out-of-equilibrium situation where the temperature in the node significantly exceeds the one in the large electrodes, the equilibrium (uniform temperature) prediction for the conductance is recovered, albeit at a rescaled temperature $alpha T_mathrm{node}$.
We observe the suppression of the finite frequency shot-noise produced by a voltage biased tunnel junction due to its interaction with a single electromagnetic mode of high impedance. The tunnel junction is embedded in a quarter wavelength resonator containing a dense SQUID array providing it with a characteristic impedance in the kOhms range and a resonant frequency tunable in the 4-6 GHz range. Such high impedance gives rise to a sizeable Coulomb blockade on the tunnel junction (roughly 30% reduction in the differential conductance) and allows an efficient measurement of the spectral density of the current fluctuations at the resonator frequency. The observed blockade of shot-noise is found in agreement with an extension of the dynamical Coulomb blockade theory.
We review the quantum interference effects in a system of interacting electrons confined to a quantum dot. The review starts with a description of an isolated quantum dot. We discuss the status of the Random Matrix theory (RMT) of the one-electron states in the dot, present the universal form of the interaction Hamiltonian compatible with the RMT, and derive the leading corrections to the universal interaction Hamiltonian. Next, we discuss a theoretical description of a dot connected to leads via point contacts. Having established the theoretical framework to describe such an open system, we discuss its transport and thermodynamic properties. We review the evolution of the transport properties with the increase of the contact conductances from small values to values $sim e^2/pihbar$. In the discussion of transport, the emphasis is put on mesoscopic fluctuations and the Kondo effect in the conductance.
Spin-orbit coupling is key to all-electrical control of quantum-dot spin qubits, and is frequently stronger for holes than for electrons. Here we investigate Pauli spin blockade for two heavy holes in a gated double quantum dot in an in-plane magnetic field. The interplay of the complex Zeeman and spin-orbit couplings causes a blockade leakage current anisotropic in the field direction. The period of the anisotropic leakage is critically dependent on the relative magnitude of Zeeman interaction terms linear and cubic in the magnetic field. The current and singlet-triplet exchange splitting can be effectively adjusted by an appropriate choice of field direction, providing a simple control variable for quantum information processing and a way of tailoring magnetic interactions in hole spin qubits.
The conductance through a quantum wire of cylindrical cross section and a weak bulge is solved exactly for two electrons within the Landauer-Buettiker formalism. We show that this open quantum dot exhibits spin-dependent Coulomb blockade resonances resulting in two anomalous structure on the rising edge to the first conductance plateau, one near 0.25(2e^2/h), related to a singlet resonance, and one near 0.7(2e^2/h), related to a triplet resonance. These resonances are generic and robust, occurring for other types of quantum wire and surviving to temperatures of a few degrees.