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The Initial Mass Function in the Extended Ultraviolet Disk of M83

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 Added by Gerhardt Meurer
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Using Hubble Space Telescope ACS/WFC data we present the photometry and spatial distribution of resolved stellar populations of four fields within the extended ultraviolet disk (XUV disk) of M83. These observations show a clumpy distribution of main-sequence stars and a mostly smooth distribution of red giant branch stars. We constrain the upper-end of the initial mass function (IMF) in the outer disk using the detected population of main-sequence stars and an assumed constant star formation rate (SFR) over the last 300 Myr. By comparing the observed main-sequence luminosity function to simulations, we determine the best-fitting IMF to have a power law slope $alpha=-2.35 pm 0.3$ and an upper-mass limit $rm M_{u}=25_{-3}^{+17} , M_odot$. This IMF is consistent with the observed H$alpha$ emission, which we use to provide additional constraints on the IMF. We explore the influence of deviations from the constant SFR assumption, finding that our IMF conclusions are robust against all but strong recent variations in SFR, but these are excluded by causality arguments. These results, along with our similar studies of other nearby galaxies, indicate that some XUV disks are deficient in high-mass stars compared to a Kroupa IMF. There are over one hundred galaxies within 5 Mpc, many already observed with HST, thus allowing a more comprehensive investigation of the IMF, and how it varies, using the techniques developed here.

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We report deep Subaru Halpha observations of the XUV disk of M83. These new observations enable the first complete census of very young stellar clusters over the entire XUV disk. Combining Subaru and GALEX data with a stellar population synthesis model, we find that (1) the standard, but stochastically-sampled, initial mass function (IMF) is preferred over the truncated IMF, because there are low mass stellar clusters (10^{2-3}Msun) that host massive O-type stars; that (2) the standard Salpeter IMF and a simple aging effect explain the counts of FUV-bright and Halpha-bright clusters with masses >10^3Msun; and that (3) the Halpha to FUV flux ratio over the XUV disk supports the standard IMF. The Subaru Prime Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam) covers a large area even outside the XUV disk -- far beyond the detection limit of the HI gas. This enables us to statistically separate the stellar clusters in the disk from background contamination. The new data, model, and previous spectroscopic studies provide overall consistent results with respect to the internal dust extinction (Av~0.1 mag) and low metallicity (~0.2Zsun) using the dust extinction curve of SMC.
200 - Fabio Bresolin 2009
We have obtained deep multi-object optical spectra of 49 HII regions in the outer disk of the spiral galaxy M83 (=NGC 5236) with the FORS2 spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. The targets span the range in galactocentric distance between 0.64 and 2.64 times the R25 isophotal radius (5.4-22.3 kpc), and 31 of them are located at R>R25, thus belonging to the extreme outer disk of the galaxy, populated by UV complexes revealed recently by the GALEX satellite. In order to derive the nebular chemical abundances, we apply several diagnostics of the oxygen abundance, including R23, [NII]/[OII] and the [OIII]4363 auroral line, which was detected in four HII regions. We find that, while inwards of the optical edge the O/H ratio follows the radial gradient known from previous investigations, the outer abundance trend flattens out to an approximately constant value. The latter varies, according to the adopted diagnostic, between 12+log(O/H)=8.2 and 12+log(O/H)=8.6 (i.e. from approximately 1/3 the solar oxygen abundance to nearly the solar value). An abrupt discontinuity in the radial oxygen abundance trend is also detected near the optical edge of the disk. These results are tentatively linked to the flat gas surface density in the outskirts of the galaxy, the relatively unevolved state of the extended disk of M83, and the redistribution of chemically enriched gas following a past galaxy encounter.
We have undertaken the largest systematic study of the high-mass stellar initial mass function (IMF) to date using the optical color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of 85 resolved, young (4 Myr < t < 25 Myr), intermediate mass star clusters (10^3-10^4 Msun), observed as part of the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT) program. We fit each clusters CMD to measure its mass function (MF) slope for stars >2 Msun. For the ensemble of clusters, the distribution of stellar MF slopes is best described by $Gamma=+1.45^{+0.03}_{-0.06}$ with a very small intrinsic scatter. The data also imply no significant dependencies of the MF slope on cluster age, mass, and size, providing direct observational evidence that the measured MF represents the IMF. This analysis implies that the high-mass IMF slope in M31 clusters is universal with a slope ($Gamma=+1.45^{+0.03}_{-0.06}$) that is steeper than the canonical Kroupa (+1.30) and Salpeter (+1.35) values. Using our inference model on select Milky Way (MW) and LMC high-mass IMF studies from the literature, we find $Gamma_{rm MW} sim+1.15pm0.1$ and $Gamma_{rm LMC} sim+1.3pm0.1$, both with intrinsic scatter of ~0.3-0.4 dex. Thus, while the high-mass IMF in the Local Group may be universal, systematics in literature IMF studies preclude any definitive conclusions; homogenous investigations of the high-mass IMF in the local universe are needed to overcome this limitation. Consequently, the present study represents the most robust measurement of the high-mass IMF slope to date. We have grafted the M31 high-mass IMF slope onto widely used sub-solar mass Kroupa and Chabrier IMFs and show that commonly used UV- and Halpha-based star formation rates should be increased by a factor of ~1.3-1.5 and the number of stars with masses >8 Msun are ~25% fewer than expected for a Salpeter/Kroupa IMF. [abridged]
As a young massive cluster in the Central Molecular Zone, the Arches cluster is a valuable probe of the stellar Initial Mass Function (IMF) in the extreme Galactic Center environment. We use multi-epoch Hubble Space Telescope observations to obtain high-precision proper motion and photometric measurements of the cluster, calculating cluster membership probabilities for stars down to 1.8 M$_{odot}$ between cluster radii of 0.25 pc -- 3.0 pc. We achieve a cluster sample with just ~8% field contamination, a significant improvement over photometrically-selected samples which are severely compromised by the differential extinction across the field. Combining this sample with K-band spectroscopy of 5 cluster members, we forward model the Arches cluster to simultaneously constrain its IMF and other properties (such as age and total mass) while accounting for observational uncertainties, completeness, mass segregation, and stellar multiplicity. We find that the Arches IMF is best described by a 1-segment power law that is significantly top-heavy: $alpha$ = 1.80 $pm$ 0.05 (stat) $pm$ 0.06 (sys), where dN/dm $propto$ m$^{-alpha}$, though we cannot discount a 2-segment power law model with a high-mass slope only slightly shallower than local star forming regions ($alpha$ = 2.04$^{+0.14}_{-0.19}$ $pm$ 0.04) but with a break at 5.8$^{+3.2}_{-1.2}$ $pm$ 0.02 M$_{odot}$. In either case, the Arches IMF is significantly different than the standard IMF. Comparing the Arches to other young massive clusters in the Milky Way, we find tentative evidence for a systematically top-heavy IMF at the Galactic Center.
We test the hypothesis that the initial mass function (IMF) is determined by the density probability distribution function (PDF) produced by supersonic turbulence. We compare 14 simulations of star cluster formation in 50 solar mass molecular cloud cores where the initial turbulence contains either purely solenoidal or purely compressive modes, in each case resolving fragmentation to the opacity limit to determine the resultant IMF. We find statistically indistinguishable IMFs between the two sets of calculations, despite a factor of two difference in the star formation rate and in the standard deviation of $log(rho)$. This suggests that the density PDF, while determining the star formation rate, is not the primary driver of the IMF.
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