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Paper-intensive industries like insurance, law, and government have long leveraged optical character recognition (OCR) to automatically transcribe hordes of scanned documents into text strings for downstream processing. Even in 2019, there are still many scanned documents and mail that come into businesses in non-digital format. Text to be extracted from real world documents is often nestled inside rich formatting, such as tabular structures or forms with fill-in-the-blank boxes or underlines whose ink often touches or even strikes through the ink of the text itself. Further, the text region could have random ink smudges or spurious strokes. Such ink artifacts can severely interfere with the performance of recognition algorithms or other downstream processing tasks. In this work, we propose DeepErase, a neural-based preprocessor to erase ink artifacts from text images. We devise a method to programmatically assemble real text images and real artifacts into realistic-looking dirty text images, and use them to train an artifact segmentation network in a weakly supervised manner, since pixel-level annotations are automatically obtained during the assembly process. In addition to high segmentation accuracy, we show that our cleansed images achieve a significant boost in recognition accuracy by popular OCR software such as Tesseract 4.0. Finally, we test DeepErase on out-of-distribution datasets (NIST SDB) of scanned IRS tax return forms and achieve double-digit improvements in accuracy. All experiments are performed on both printed and handwritten text. Code for all experiments is available at
Histopathology slides are routinely marked by pathologists using permanent ink markers that should not be removed as they form part of the medical record. Often tumour regions are marked up for the purpose of highlighting features or other downstream processing such an gene sequencing. Once digitised there is no established method for removing this information from the whole slide images limiting its usability in research and study. Removal of marker ink from these high-resolution whole slide images is non-trivial and complex problem as they contaminate different regions and in an inconsistent manner. We propose an efficient pipeline using convolution neural networks that results in ink-free images without compromising information and image resolution. Our pipeline includes a sequential classical convolution neural network for accurate classification of contaminated image tiles, a fast region detector and a domain adaptive cycle consistent adversarial generative model for restoration of foreground pixels. Both quantitative and qualitative results on four different whole slide images show that our approach yields visually coherent ink-free whole slide images.
Weakly Supervised Object Localization (WSOL) methodsusually rely on fully convolutional networks in order to ob-tain class activation maps(CAMs) of targeted labels. How-ever, these networks always highlight the most discriminativeparts to perform the task, the located areas are much smallerthan entire targeted objects. In this work, we propose a novelend-to-end model to enlarge CAMs generated from classifi-cation models, which can localize targeted objects more pre-cisely. In detail, we add an additional module in traditionalclassification networks to extract foreground object propos-als from images without classifying them into specific cate-gories. Then we set these normalized regions as unrestrictedpixel-level mask supervision for the following classificationtask. We collect a set of images defined as Background ImageSet from the Internet. The number of them is much smallerthan the targeted dataset but surprisingly well supports themethod to extract foreground regions from different pictures.The region extracted is independent from classification task,where the extracted region in each image covers almost en-tire object rather than just a significant part. Therefore, theseregions can serve as masks to supervise the response mapgenerated from classification models to become larger andmore precise. The method achieves state-of-the-art results onCUB-200-2011 in terms of Top-1 and Top-5 localization er-ror while has a competitive result on ILSVRC2016 comparedwith other approaches.
In the last few years, deep learning classifiers have shown promising results in image-based medical diagnosis. However, interpreting the outputs of these models remains a challenge. In cancer diagnosis, interpretability can be achieved by localizing the region of the input image responsible for the output, i.e. the location of a lesion. Alternatively, segmentation or detection models can be trained with pixel-wise annotations indicating the locations of malignant lesions. Unfortunately, acquiring such labels is labor-intensive and requires medical expertise. To overcome this difficulty, weakly-supervised localization can be utilized. These methods allow neural network classifiers to output saliency maps highlighting the regions of the input most relevant to the classification task (e.g. malignant lesions in mammograms) using only image-level labels (e.g. whether the patient has cancer or not) during training. When applied to high-resolution images, existing methods produce low-resolution saliency maps. This is problematic in applications in which suspicious lesions are small in relation to the image size. In this work, we introduce a novel neural network architecture to perform weakly-supervised segmentation of high-resolution images. The proposed model selects regions of interest via coarse-level localization, and then performs fine-grained segmentation of those regions. We apply this model to breast cancer diagnosis with screening mammography, and validate it on a large clinically-realistic dataset. Measured by Dice similarity score, our approach outperforms existing methods by a large margin in terms of localization performance of benign and malignant lesions, relatively improving the performance by 39.6% and 20.0%, respectively. Code and the weights of some of the models are available at
This paper addresses the task of detecting and localising fetal anatomical regions in 2D ultrasound images, where only image-level labels are present at training, i.e. without any localisation or segmentation information. We examine the use of convolutional neural network architectures coupled with soft proposal layers. The resulting network simultaneously performs anatomical region detection (classification) and localisation tasks. We generate a proposal map describing the attention of the network for a particular class. The network is trained on 85,500 2D fetal Ultrasound images and their associated labels. Labels correspond to six anatomical regions: head, spine, thorax, abdomen, limbs, and placenta. Detection achieves an average accuracy of 90% on individual regions, and show that the proposal maps correlate well with relevant anatomical structures. This work presents itself as a powerful and essential step towards subsequent tasks such as fetal position and pose estimation, organ-specific segmentation, or image-guided navigation. Code and additional material is available at
Using state-of-the-art deep learning models for cancer diagnosis presents several challenges related to the nature and availability of labeled histology images. In particular, cancer grading and localization in these images normally relies on both image- and pixel-level labels, the latter requiring a costly annotation process. In this survey, deep weakly-supervised learning (WSL) models are investigated to identify and locate diseases in histology images, without the need for pixel-level annotations. Given training data with global image-level labels, these models allow to simultaneously classify histology images and yield pixel-wise localization scores, thereby identifying the corresponding regions of interest (ROI). Since relevant WSL models have mainly been investigated within the computer vision community, and validated on natural scene images, we assess the extent to which they apply to histology images which have challenging properties, e.g. very large size, similarity between foreground/background, highly unstructured regions, stain heterogeneity, and noisy/ambiguous labels. The most relevant models for deep WSL are compared experimentally in terms of accuracy (classification and pixel-wise localization) on several public benchmark histology datasets for breast and colon cancer -- BACH ICIAR 2018, BreaKHis, CAMELYON16, and GlaS. Furthermore, for large-scale evaluation of WSL models on histology images, we propose a protocol to construct WSL datasets from Whole Slide Imaging. Results indicate that several deep learning models can provide a high level of classification accuracy, although accurate pixel-wise localization of cancer regions remains an issue for such images. Code is publicly available.