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Identifying Mood Episodes Using Dialogue Features from Clinical Interviews

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 Added by Zakaria Aldeneh
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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Bipolar disorder, a severe chronic mental illness characterized by pathological mood swings from depression to mania, requires ongoing symptom severity tracking to both guide and measure treatments that are critical for maintaining long-term health. Mental health professionals assess symptom severity through semi-structured clinical interviews. During these interviews, they observe their patients spoken behaviors, including both what the patients say and how they say it. In this work, we move beyond acoustic and lexical information, investigating how higher-level interactive patterns also change during mood episodes. We then perform a secondary analysis, asking if these interactive patterns, measured through dialogue features, can be used in conjunction with acoustic features to automatically recognize mood episodes. Our results show that it is beneficial to consider dialogue features when analyzing and building automated systems for predicting and monitoring mood.

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Conversations between a clinician and a patient, in natural conditions, are valuable sources of information for medical follow-up. The automatic analysis of these dialogues could help extract new language markers and speed-up the clinicians reports. Yet, it is not clear which speech processing pipeline is the most performing to detect and identify the speaker turns, especially for individuals with speech and language disorders. Here, we proposed a split of the data that allows conducting a comparative evaluation of speaker role recognition and speaker enrollment methods to solve this task. We trained end-to-end neural network architectures to adapt to each task and evaluate each approach under the same metric. Experimental results are reported on naturalistic clinical conversations between Neuropsychologist and Interviewees, at different stages of Huntingtons disease. We found that our Speaker Role Recognition model gave the best performances. In addition, our study underlined the importance of retraining models with in-domain data. Finally, we observed that results do not depend on the demographics of the Interviewee, highlighting the clinical relevance of our methods.
The understanding and interpretation of speech can be affected by various external factors. The use of face masks is one such factors that can create obstruction to speech while communicating. This may lead to degradation of speech processing and affect humans perceptually. Knowing whether a speaker wears a mask may be useful for modeling speech for different applications. With this motivation, finding whether a speaker wears face mask from a given speech is included as a task in Computational Paralinguistics Evaluation (ComParE) 2020. We study novel acoustic features based on linear filterbanks, instantaneous phase and long-term information that can capture the artifacts for classification of speech with and without face mask. These acoustic features are used along with the state-of-the-art baselines of ComParE functionals, bag-of-audio-words, DeepSpectrum and auDeep features for ComParE 2020. The studies reveal the effectiveness of acoustic features, and their score level fusion with the ComParE 2020 baselines leads to an unweighted average recall of 73.50% on the test set.
122 - Zhan Zhang , Xi Chen , Yuehai Wang 2021
The performance of voice-controlled systems is usually influenced by accented speech. To make these systems more robust, the frontend accent recognition (AR) technologies have received increased attention in recent years. As accent is a high-level abstract feature that has a profound relationship with the language knowledge, AR is more challenging than other language-agnostic audio classification tasks. In this paper, we use an auxiliary automatic speech recognition (ASR) task to extract language-related phonetic features. Furthermore, we propose a hybrid structure that incorporates the embeddings of both a fixed acoustic model and a trainable acoustic model, making the language-related acoustic feature more robust. We conduct several experiments on the Accented English Speech Recognition Challenge (AESRC) 2020 dataset. The results demonstrate that our approach can obtain a 6.57% relative improvement on the validation set. We also get a 7.28% relative improvement on the final test set for this competition, showing the merits of the proposed method.
Recent efforts have been made on domestic activities classification from audio recordings, especially the works submitted to the challenge of DCASE (Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events) since 2018. In contrast, few studies were done on domestic activities clustering, which is a newly emerging problem. Domestic activities clustering from audio recordings aims at merging audio clips which belong to the same class of domestic activity into a single cluster. Domestic activities clustering is an effective way for unsupervised estimation of daily activities performed in home environment. In this study, we propose a method for domestic activities clustering using a convolutional capsule autoencoder network (CCAN). In the method, the deep embeddings are learned by the autoencoder in the CCAN, while the deep embeddings which belong to the same class of domestic activities are merged into a single cluster by a clustering layer in the CCAN. Evaluated on a public dataset adopted in DCASE-2018 Task 5, the results show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of the metrics of clustering accuracy and normalized mutual information.
Multi-task learning (MTL) and attention mechanism have been proven to effectively extract robust acoustic features for various speech-related tasks in noisy environments. In this study, we propose an attention-based MTL (ATM) approach that integrates MTL and the attention-weighting mechanism to simultaneously realize a multi-model learning structure that performs speech enhancement (SE) and speaker identification (SI). The proposed ATM system consists of three parts: SE, SI, and attention-Net (AttNet). The SE part is composed of a long-short-term memory (LSTM) model, and a deep neural network (DNN) model is used to develop the SI and AttNet parts. The overall ATM system first extracts the representative features and then enhances the speech signals in LSTM-SE and specifies speaker identity in DNN-SI. The AttNet computes weights based on DNN-SI to prepare better representative features for LSTM-SE. We tested the proposed ATM system on Taiwan Mandarin hearing in noise test sentences. The evaluation results confirmed that the proposed system can effectively enhance speech quality and intelligibility of a given noisy input. Moreover, the accuracy of the SI can also be notably improved by using the proposed ATM system.
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