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Scalar model of flocking dynamics on complex social networks

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 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the effects of long-range social interactions in flocking dynamics by studying the dynamics of a scalar model of collective motion embedded in a complex network representing a pattern of social interactions, as observed in several social species. In this scalar model we find a phenomenology analogous to that observed in the classic Vicsek model: In networks with low heterogeneity, a phase transition separates an ordered from a disordered phase. At high levels of heterogeneity, instead, the transition is suppressed and the system is always ordered. This observation is backed up analytically by the solution of a modified scalar model within an heterogeneous mean-field approximation. Our work extends the understanding of the effects of social interactions in flocking dynamics and opens the path to the analytical study of more complex topologies of social ties.

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Social relationships characterize the interactions that occur within social species and may have an important impact on collective animal motion. Here, we consider a variation of the standard Vicsek model for collective motion in which interactions are mediated by an empirically motivated scale-free topology that represents a heterogeneous pattern of social contacts. We observe that the degree of order of the model is strongly affected by network heterogeneity: more heterogeneous networks show a more resilient ordered state; while less heterogeneity leads to a more fragile ordered state that can be destroyed by sufficient external noise. Our results challenge the previously accepted equivalence between the {em static} Vicsek model and the equilibrium XY model on the network of connections, and point towards a possible equivalence with models exhibiting a different symmetry.
193 - Jiuhua Zhao , Qipeng Liu , 2014
We consider a dynamical network model in which two competitors have fixed and different states, and each normal agent adjusts its state according to a distributed consensus protocol. The state of each normal agent converges to a steady value which is a convex combination of the competitors states, and is independent of the initial states of agents. This implies that the competition result is fully determined by the network structure and positions of competitors in the network. We compute an Influence Matrix (IM) in which each element characterizing the influence of an agent on another agent in the network. We use the IM to predict the bias of each normal agent and thus predict which competitor will win. Furthermore, we compare the IM criterion with seven node centrality measures to predict the winner. We find that the competitor with higher Katz Centrality in an undirected network or higher PageRank in a directed network is much more likely to be the winner. These findings may shed new light on the role of network structure in competition and to what extent could competitors adjust network structure so as to win the competition.
Vaccination and outbreak monitoring are essential tools for preventing and minimizing outbreaks of infectious diseases. Targeted strategies, where the individuals most important for monitoring or preventing outbreaks are selected for intervention, offer a possibility to significantly improve these measures. Although targeted strategies carry a strong potential, identifying optimal target groups remains a challenge. Here we consider the problem of identifying target groups based on digital communication networks (telecommunication, online social media) in order to predict and contain an infectious disease spreading on a real-world person-to-person network of more than 500 individuals. We show that target groups for efficient outbreak monitoring can be determined based on both telecommunication and online social network information. In case of vaccination the information regarding the digital communication networks improves the efficacy for short-range disease transmissions but, surprisingly, performance is severely reduced in the case of long-range transmission. These results are robust with respect to the strategy used to identify targeted individuals and time-gap between identification of targets and the intervention. Thus, we demonstrate that data available from telecommunication and online social networks can greatly improve epidemic control measures, but it is important to consider the details of the pathogen spreading mechanism when such policies are applied.
We propose a bare-bones stochastic model that takes into account both the geographical distribution of people within a country and their complex network of connections. The model, which is designed to give rise to a scale-free network of social connections and to visually resemble the geographical spread seen in satellite pictures of the Earth at night, gives rise to a power-law distribution for the ranking of cities by population size (but for the largest cities) and reflects the notion that highly connected individuals tend to live in highly populated areas. It also yields some interesting insights regarding Gibrats law for the rates of city growth (by population size), in partial support of the findings in a recent analysis of real data [Rozenfeld et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 18702 (2008)]. The model produces a nontrivial relation between city population and city population density and a superlinear relationship between social connectivity and city population, both of which seem quite in line with real data.
There is currently growing interest in modeling the information diffusion on social networks across multi-disciplines. The majority of the corresponding research has focused on information diffusion independently, ignoring the network evolution in the diffusion process. Therefore, it is more reasonable to describe the real diffusion systems by the co-evolution between network topologies and information states. In this work, we propose a mechanism considering the coevolution between information states and network topology simultaneously, in which the information diffusion was executed as an SIS process and network topology evolved based on the adaptive assumption. The theoretical analyses based on the Markov approach were very consistent with simulation. Both simulation results and theoretical analyses indicated that the adaptive process, in which informed individuals would rewire the links between the informed neighbors to a random non-neighbor node, can enhance information diffusion (leading to much broader spreading). In addition, we obtained that two threshold values exist for the information diffusion on adaptive networks, i.e., if the information propagation probability is less than the first threshold, information cannot diffuse and dies out immediately; if the propagation probability is between the first and second threshold, information will spread to a finite range and die out gradually; and if the propagation probability is larger than the second threshold, information will diffuse to a certain size of population in the network. These results may shed some light on understanding the co-evolution between information diffusion and network topology.
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