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Cascaded Lattice Boltzmann Modeling and Simulations of Three-Dimensional Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows

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 Added by Kannan Premnath
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Non-Newtonian fluid flows, especially in three dimensions (3D), arise in numerous settings of interest to physics. Prior studies using the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) of such flows have so far been limited to mainly to two dimensions and used less robust collision models. In this paper, we develop a new 3D cascaded LBM based on central moments and multiple relaxation times on a three-dimensional, nineteen velocity (D3Q19) lattice for simulation of generalized Newtonian (power law) fluid flows. The relaxation times of the second order moments are varied locally based on the local shear rate and parameterized by the consistency coefficient and the power law index of the nonlinear constitutive relation of the power law fluid. Numerical validation study of the 3D cascaded LBM for various benchmark problems, including the complex 3D non-Newtonian flow in a cubic cavity at different Reynolds numbers and power law index magnitudes encompassing shear thinning and shear thickening fluids, are presented. Furthermore, numerical stability comparisons of the proposed advanced LBM scheme against the LBM based on other collision models, such as the SRT model and MRT model based on raw moments, are made. Numerical results demonstrate the accuracy, second order grid convergence and significant improvements in stability of the 3D cascaded LBM for simulation of 3D non-Newtonian flows of power law fluids.

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228 - Q. Li , Y. L. He , G. H. Tang 2009
In this brief report, a thermal lattice-Boltzmann (LB) model is presented for axisymmetric thermal flows in the incompressible limit. The model is based on the double-distribution-function LB method, which has attracted much attention since its emergence for its excellent numerical stability. Compared with the existing axisymmetric thermal LB models, the present model is simpler and retains the inherent features of the standard LB method. Numerical simulations are carried out for the thermally developing laminar flows in circular ducts and the natural convection in an annulus between two coaxial vertical cylinders. The Nusselt number obtained from the simulations agrees well with the analytical solutions and/or the results reported in previous studies.
We show that, when a single relaxation time lattice Boltzmann algorithm is used to solve the hydrodynamic equations of a binary fluid for which the two components have different viscosities, strong spurious velocities in the steady state lead to incorrect results for the equilibrium contact angle. We identify the origins of these spurious currents, and demonstrate how the results can be greatly improved by using a lattice Boltzmann method based on a multiple-relaxation-time algorithm. By considering capillary filling we describe the dependence of the advancing contact angle on the interface velocity.
155 - Q. Li , K. H. Luo , Y. L. He 2011
In this paper, a coupling lattice Boltzmann (LB) model for simulating thermal flows on the standard D2Q9 lattice is developed in the framework of the double-distribution-function (DDF) approach in which the viscous heat dissipation and compression work are considered. In the model, a density distribution function is used to simulate the flow field, while a total energy distribution function is employed to simulate the temperature field. The discrete equilibrium density and total energy distribution functions are obtained from the Hermite expansions of the corresponding continuous equilibrium distribution functions. The pressure given by the equation of state of perfect gases is recovered in the macroscopic momentum and energy equations. The coupling between the momentum and energy transports makes the model applicable for general thermal flows such as non-Boussinesq flows, while the existing DDF LB models on standard lattices are usually limited to Boussinesq flows in which the temperature variation is small. Meanwhile, the simple structure and basic advantages of the DDF LB approach are retained. The model is tested by numerical simulations of thermal Couette flow, attenuation-driven acoustic streaming, and natural convection in a square cavity with small and large temperature differences. The numerical results are found to be in good agreement with the analytical solutions and/or other numerical results reported in the literature.
A hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann (LB) model is presented to simulate thermal multiphase flows with phase change based on an improved pseudopotential LB approach [Q. Li, K. H. Luo, and X. J. Li, Phys. Rev. E 87, 053301 (2013)]. The present model does not suffer from the spurious term caused by the forcing-term effect, which was encountered in some previous thermal LB models for liquid-vapor phase change. Using the model, the liquid-vapor boiling process is simulated. The boiling curve together with the three boiling stages (nucleate boiling, transition boiling, and film boiling) is numerically reproduced in the LB community for the first time. The numerical results show that the basic features and the fundamental characteristics of boiling heat transfer are well captured, such as the severe fluctuation of transient heat flux in the transition boiling and the feature that the maximum heat transfer coefficient lies at a lower wall superheat than that of the maximum heat flux. Furthermore, the effects of the heating surface wettability on boiling heat transfer are investigated. It is found that an increase in contact angle promotes the onset of boiling but reduces the critical heat flux, and makes the boiling process enter into the film boiling regime at a lower wall superheat, which is consistent with the findings from experimental studies.
Fluid motion driven by thermal effects, such as that due to buoyancy in differentially heated three-dimensional (3D) enclosures, arise in several natural settings and engineering applications. It is represented by the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) in conjunction with the thermal energy transport equation represented as a convection-diffusion equation (CDE) for the temperature field. In this study, we develop new 3D lattice Boltzmann (LB) methods based on central moments and using multiple relaxation times for the three-dimensional, fifteen velocity (D3Q15) lattice, as well as it subset, i.e. the three-dimensional, seven velocity (D3Q7) lattice to solve the 3D CDE for the temperature field in a double distribution function framework. Their collision operators lead to a cascaded structure involving higher order terms resulting in improved stability. In this approach, the fluid motion is solved by another 3D cascaded LB model from prior work. Owing to the differences in the number of collision invariants to represent the dynamics of flow and the transport of the temperature field, the structure of the collision operator for the 3D cascaded LB formulation for the CDE is found to be markedly different from that for the NSE. The new 3D cascaded (LB) models for thermal convective flows are validated for natural convection of air driven thermally on two vertically opposite faces in a cubic cavity enclosure at different Rayleigh numbers against prior numerical benchmark solutions. Results show good quantitative agreement of the profiles of the flow and thermal fields, and the magnitudes of the peak convection velocities as well as the heat transfer rates given in terms of the Nusselt number.
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