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Metal-free perovskites for non-linear optical materials

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 Added by Pieremanuele Canepa
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We identify the existence of nonlinear optical (NLO) activity in a number of novel $ABX_3$-type metal-free perovskites, where $A$ is a highly tuneable organic cation, $B$ is a NH$_4$ cation and $X$ a halide anion. Through systematic first-principles calculations, we identify important trends to chart the second-harmonic generation of this class of materials. We study three perovskites MDABCO-NH$_4$I$_3$, CNDABCO-NH$_4$I$_3$ and ODABCO-NH$_4$I$_3$ for use as deep-UV second-harmonic generation materials. We identify the role of the dipole moment imparted by the organic group on the $A$ cation as an important parameter to tune the NLO properties of these materials. We apply this knowledge functionalising the organic group DABCO with the highly polar cyanide CN$^-$ group, and we demonstrate a significant improvement of the NLO response in this family of materials. These findings can accelerate the application of metal free perovskites as inexpensive, non-toxic, earth-abundant materials for the next generation of optical communication applications.

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Using density-functional theory calculations, we analyze the optical absorption properties of lead (Pb)-free metal halide perovskites (AB$^{2+}$X$_3$) and double perovskites (AB$^+$B$^{3+}$X$_6$) (A = Cs or monovalent organic ion, B$^{2+}$ = non-Pb divalent metal, B$^+$ = monovalent metal, B$^{3+}$ = trivalent metal, X = halogen). We show that, if B$^{2+}$ is not Sn or Ge, Pb-free metal halide perovskites exhibit poor optical absorptions because of their indirect bandgap nature. Among the nine possible types of Pb-free metal halide double perovskites, six have direct bandgaps. Of these six types, four show inversion symmetry-induced parity-forbidden or weak transitions between band edges, making them not ideal for thin-film solar cell application. Only one type of Pb-free double perovskite shows optical absorption and electronic properties suitable for solar cell applications, namely those with B$^+$ = In, Tl and B$^{3+}$ = Sb, Bi. Our results provide important insights for designing new metal halide perovskites and double perovskites for optoelectronic applications.
A method was developed to calculate the free energy of 2D materials on substrates and was demonstrated by the system of graphene and {gamma}-graphyne on copper substrate. The method works at least 3 orders faster than state-of-the-art algorithms, and the accuracy was tested by molecular dynamics simulations, showing that the precision for calculations of the internal energy achieves up to 0.03% in a temperature range from 100 to 1300K. As expected, the calculated the free energy of a graphene sheet on Cu (111) or Ni (111) surface in a temperature range up to 3000K is always smaller than the one of a {gamma}-graphyne sheet with the same number of C atoms, which is consistent with the fact that growth of graphene on the substrates is much easier than {gamma}-graphyne.
The MechElastic Python package evaluates the mechanical and elastic properties of bulk and 2D materials using the elastic coefficient matrix ($C_{ij}$) obtained from any ab-initio density-functional theory (DFT) code. The current version of this package reads the output of VASP, ABINIT, and Quantum Espresso codes (but it can be easily generalized to any other DFT code) and performs the appropriate post-processing of elastic constants as per the requirement of the user. This program can also detect the input structures crystal symmetry and test the mechanical stability of all crystal classes using the Born-Huang criteria. Various useful material-specific properties such as elastic moduli, longitudinal and transverse elastic wave velocities, Debye temperature, elastic anisotropy, 2D layer modulus, hardness, Pughs ratio, Cauchys pressure, Kleinman parameter, and Lames coefficients, can be estimated using this program. Another existing feature of this program is to employ the ELATE package [J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28, 275201 (2016)] and plot the spatial variation of several elastic properties such as Poissons ratio, linear compressibility, shear modulus, and Youngs modulus in three dimensions. Further, the MechElastic package can plot the equation of state (EOS) curves for energy and pressure for a variety of EOS models such as Murnaghan, Birch, Birch-Murnaghan, and Vinet, by reading the inputted energy/pressure versus volume data obtained via numerical calculations or experiments. This package is particularly useful for the high-throughput analysis of elastic and mechanical properties of materials.
Hybrid organolead perovskites (HOP) have started to establish themselves in the field of photovoltaics, mainly due to their great optoelectronic properties and steadily improving solar cell efficiency. Study of the lattice dynamics is key in understanding the electron-phonon interactions at play, responsible for such properties. Here, we investigate, via neutron and Raman spectroscopies, the optical phonon spectrum of four different HOP single crystals: MAPbBr$_3$, FAPbBr$_3$, MAPbI$_3$, and $alpha$-FAPbI$_3$. Low temperature spectra reveal weakly dispersive optical phonons, at energies as low as 2-5~meV, which seem to be the origin of the limit of the charge carriers mobilities in these materials. The temperature dependence of our neutron spectra shows as well a significant anharmonic behaviour, resulting in optical phonon overdamping at temperatures as low as 80~K, questionning the validity of the quasi-particle picture for the low energy optical modes at room temperature where the solar cells operate.
Using spectroscopic ellipsometry, the refractive index and absorption versus wavelength of the ferroelectric antiferromagnet Bismuth Ferrite, BiFeO_3 is reported. The material has a direct band-gap at 442 nm wavelength (2.81 eV). Using optical second harmonic generation, the nonlinear optical coefficients were determined to be d_15/d_22 = 0.20 +/- 0.01, d_31/d_22 = 0.35 +/- 0.02, d_33/d_22 = -11.4 +/- 0.20 and |d_22| = 298.4 +/- 6.1 pm/V at a fundamental wavelength of 800 nm.
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