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We consider a search problem on a $2$-dimensional infinite grid with a single mobile agent. The goal of the agent is to find her way home, which is located in a grid cell chosen by an adversary. Initially, the agent is provided with an infinite sequence of instructions, that dictate the movements performed by the agent. Each instruction corresponds to a movement to an adjacent grid cell and the set of instructions can be a function of the initial locations of the agent and home. The challenge of our problem stems from faults in the movements made by the agent. In every step, with some constant probability $0 leq p leq 1$, the agent performs a random movement instead of following the current instruction. This paper provides two results on this problem. First, we show that for some values of $p$, there does not exist any set of instructions that guide the agent home in finite expected time. Second, we complement this impossibility result with an algorithm that, for sufficiently small values of $p$, yields a finite expected hitting time for home. In particular, we show that for any $p < 1$, our approach gives a hitting rate that decays polynomially as a function of time. In that sense, our approach is far superior to a standard random walk in terms of hitting time. The main contribution and take-home message of this paper is to show that, for some value of $0.01139dots < p < 0.6554ldots$, there exists a phase transition on the solvability of the problem.
This contribution is devoted to the study of positional numeration systems with negative base introduced by Ito and Sadahiro in 2009, called (-beta)-expansions. We give an admissibility criterion for more general case of (-beta)-expansions and discuss the properties of the set of (-beta)-integers. We give a description of distances within this set and show that this set can be coded by an infinite word over an infinite alphabet, which is a fixed point of a non-erasing non-trivial morphism.
We propose a new ternary infinite (even full-infinite) square-free sequence. The sequence is defined both by an iterative method and by a direct definition. Both definitions are analogous to those of the Thue-Morse sequence. The direct definition is given by a deterministic finite automaton with output. In short, the sequence is automatic.
Wings of flying animals can not only generate lift and control torques but also can sense their surroundings. Such dual functions of sensing and actuation coupled in one element are particularly useful for small sized bio-inspired robotic flyers, whose weight, size, and power are under stringent constraint. In this work, we present the first flapping-wing robot using its flapping wings for environmental perception and navigation in tight space, without the need for any visual feedback. As the test platform, we introduce the Purdue Hummingbird, a flapping-wing robot with 17cm wingspan and 12 grams weight, with a pair of 30-40Hz flapping wings driven by only two actuators. By interpreting the wing loading feedback and its variations, the vehicle can detect the presence of environmental changes such as grounds, walls, stairs, obstacles and wind gust. The instantaneous wing loading can be obtained through the measurements and interpretation of the current feedback by the motors that actuate the wings. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is experimentally demonstrated on several challenging flight tasks without vision: terrain following, wall following and going through a narrow corridor. To ensure flight stability, a robust controller was designed for handling unforeseen disturbances during the flight. Sensing and navigating ones environment through actuator loading is a promising method for mobile robots, and it can serve as an alternative or complementary method to visual perception.
We study navigation with limited information in networks and demonstrate that many real-world networks have a structure which can be described as favoring communication at short distance at the cost of constraining communication at long distance. This feature, which is robust and more evident with limited than with complete information, reflects both topological and possibly functional design characteristics. For example, the characteristics of the networks studied derived from a city and from the Internet are manifested through modular network designs. We also observe that directed navigation in typical networks requires remarkably little information on the level of individual nodes. By studying navigation, or specific signaling, we take a complementary approach to the common studies of information transfer devoted to broadcasting of information in studies of virus spreading and the like.
We consider the problem of computing a binary linear transformation using unreliable components when all circuit components are unreliable. Two noise models of unreliable components are considered: probabilistic errors and permanent errors. We introduce the ENCODED technique that ensures that the error probability of the computation of the linear transformation is kept bounded below a small constant independent of the size of the linear transformation even when all logic gates in the computation are noisy. Further, we show that the scheme requires fewer operations (in order sense) than its uncoded counterpart. By deriving a lower bound, we show that in some cases, the scheme is order-optimal. Using these results, we examine the gain in energy-efficiency from use of voltage-scaling scheme where gate-energy is reduced by lowering the supply voltage. We use a gate energy-reliability model to show that tuning gate-energy appropriately at different stages of the computation (dynamic voltage scaling), in conjunction with ENCODED, can lead to order-sense energy-savings over the classical uncoded approach. Finally, we also examine the problem of computing a linear transformation when noiseless decoders can be used, providing upper and lower bounds to the problem.