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This contribution is devoted to the study of positional numeration systems with negative base introduced by Ito and Sadahiro in 2009, called (-beta)-expansions. We give an admissibility criterion for more general case of (-beta)-expansions and discuss the properties of the set of (-beta)-integers. We give a description of distances within this set and show that this set can be coded by an infinite word over an infinite alphabet, which is a fixed point of a non-erasing non-trivial morphism.
Let $P = {p(i)}$ be a measure of strictly positive probabilities on the set of nonnegative integers. Although the countable number of inputs prevents usage of the Huffman algorithm, there are nontrivial $P$ for which known methods find a source code that is optimal in the sense of minimizing expected codeword length. For some applications, however, a source code should instead minimize one of a family of nonlinear objective functions, $beta$-exponential means, those of the form $log_a sum_i p(i) a^{n(i)}$, where $n(i)$ is the length of the $i$th codeword and $a$ is a positive constant. Applications of such minimizations include a problem of maximizing the chance of message receipt in single-shot communications ($a<1$) and a problem of minimizing the chance of buffer overflow in a queueing system ($a>1$). This paper introduces methods for finding codes optimal for such exponential means. One method applies to geometric distributions, while another applies to distributions with lighter tails. The latter algorithm is applied to Poisson distributions. Both are extended to minimizing maximum pointwise redundancy.
We consider a search problem on a $2$-dimensional infinite grid with a single mobile agent. The goal of the agent is to find her way home, which is located in a grid cell chosen by an adversary. Initially, the agent is provided with an infinite sequence of instructions, that dictate the movements performed by the agent. Each instruction corresponds to a movement to an adjacent grid cell and the set of instructions can be a function of the initial locations of the agent and home. The challenge of our problem stems from faults in the movements made by the agent. In every step, with some constant probability $0 leq p leq 1$, the agent performs a random movement instead of following the current instruction. This paper provides two results on this problem. First, we show that for some values of $p$, there does not exist any set of instructions that guide the agent home in finite expected time. Second, we complement this impossibility result with an algorithm that, for sufficiently small values of $p$, yields a finite expected hitting time for home. In particular, we show that for any $p < 1$, our approach gives a hitting rate that decays polynomially as a function of time. In that sense, our approach is far superior to a standard random walk in terms of hitting time. The main contribution and take-home message of this paper is to show that, for some value of $0.01139dots < p < 0.6554ldots$, there exists a phase transition on the solvability of the problem.
We propose a new ternary infinite (even full-infinite) square-free sequence. The sequence is defined both by an iterative method and by a direct definition. Both definitions are analogous to those of the Thue-Morse sequence. The direct definition is given by a deterministic finite automaton with output. In short, the sequence is automatic.
We determine the Z-module structure of the preprojective algebra and its zeroth Hochschild homology, for any non-Dynkin quiver (and hence the structure working over any base commutative ring, of any characteristic). This answers (and generalizes) a conjecture of Hesselholt and Rains, producing new $p$-torsion classes in degrees 2p^l, l >= 1, We relate these classes by p-th power maps and interpret them in terms of the kernel of Verschiebung maps from noncommutative Witt theory. An important tool is a generalization of the Diamond Lemma to modules over commutative rings, which we give in the appendix. In the previous version, additional results are included, such as: the Poisson center of $text{Sym } HH_0(Pi)$ for all quivers, the BV algebra structure on Hochschild cohomology, including how the Lie algebra structure $HH_0(Pi_Q)$ naturally arises from it, and the cyclic homology groups of $Pi_Q$.
We propose a Monte Carlo simulation method to generate stress tests by VaR scenarios under Solvency II for dependent risks on the basis of observed data. This is of particular interest for the construction of Internal Models and requirements on evaluation processes formulated in the Commission Delegated Regulation. The approach is based on former work on partition-ofunity copulas, however with a direct scenario estimation of the joint density by product beta distributions after a suitable transformation of the original data.