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The ability to convert spin accumulation to charge currents is essential for applications in spintronics. In semiconductors, spin-to-charge conversion is typically achieved using the inverse spin Hall effect or using a large magnetic field. Here we demonstrate a general method that exploits the non-linear interactions between spin and charge currents to perform all-electrical, rapid and non-invasive detection of spin accumulation without the need for a magnetic field. We demonstrate the operation of this technique with ballistic GaAs holes as a model system with strong spin-orbit coupling, in which a quantum point contact provides the non-linear energy filter. This approach is generally applicable to electron and hole systems with strong spin orbit coupling.
A status of lattice QCD thermodynamics, as of 2013, is summarized. Only bulk thermodynamics is considered. There is a separate section on magnetic fields.
The Rashba-Edelstein effect stems from the interaction between the electrons spin and its momentum induced by spin-orbit interaction at an interface or a surface. It was shown that the inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect can be used to convert a spin- into a charge current. Here, we demonstrate that a Bi/Ag Rashba interface can even drive an adjacent ferromagnet to resonance. We employ a spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance excitation/detection scheme which was developed originally for a bulk spin-orbital effect, the spin Hall effect. In our experiment, the direct Rashba-Edelstein effect generates an oscillating spin current from an alternating charge current driving the magnetization precession in a neighboring permalloy (Py, Ni80Fe20) layer. Electrical detection of the magnetization dynamics is achieved by a rectification mechanism of the time dependent multilayer resistance arising from the anisotropic magnetoresistance.
In solid, the crystalline structure can endow electron an internal degree of freedom known as valley, which characterizes the degenerate energy minima in momentum space. The recent success in optical pumping of valley polarization in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) has greatly promoted the concept of valley-based informatics and electronics. However, between the demonstrated valley polarization of transient electron-hole pair excitations and practical valleytronic operations, there exist obvious gaps to fill, among which is the valley pump of long-lived charge carriers. Here we discover that the quested valley pump of electrons or holes can be realized simply by scattering at the ubiquitous nonmagnetic disorders, not relying on any specific material property. The mechanism is rooted in the nature of valley as a momentum space index: the intervalley backscattering in general has valley contrasted rate due to the distinct momentum transfers, causing a net transfer of population from one valley to another. As examples, we numerically demonstrate the sizable valley pump effects driven by charge current in nanoribbons of monolayer TMDs, where the spin-orbit scattering by non-magnetic disorders also realizes spin pump for the spin-valley locked holes. Our finding points to an unexpected new opportunity towards valley-spintronics, turning disorders from a deleterious factor to a resource of valley and spin polarization.
We study the non-linear conductance $mathcal{G}simpartial^2I/partial V^2|_{V=0}$ in coherent quasi-1D weakly disordered metallic wires. The analysis is based on the calculation of two fundamental correlators (correlations of conductances functional derivatives and correlations of injectivities), which are obtained explicitly by using diagrammatic techniques. In a coherent wire of length $L$, we obtain $mathcal{G}sim0.006,E_mathrm{Th}^{-1}$ (and $langlemathcal{G}rangle=0$), where $E_mathrm{Th}=D/L^2$ is the Thouless energy and $D$ the diffusion constant; the small dimensionless factor results from screening, i.e. cannot be obtained within a simple theory for non-interacting electrons. Electronic interactions are also responsible for an asymmetry under magnetic field reversal: the antisymmetric part of the non-linear conductance (at high magnetic field) being much smaller than the symmetric one, $mathcal{G}_asim0.001,(gE_mathrm{Th})^{-1}$, where $ggg1$ is the dimensionless (linear) conductance of the wire. Weakly coherent regimes are also studied: for $L_varphill L$, where $L_varphi$ is the phase coherence length, we get $mathcal{G}sim(L_varphi/L)^{7/2}E_mathrm{Th}^{-1}$, and $mathcal{G}_asim(L_varphi/L)^{11/2}(gE_mathrm{Th})^{-1}llmathcal{G}$ (at high magnetic field). When thermal fluctuations are important, $L_Tll L_varphill L$ where $L_T=sqrt{D/T}$, we obtain $mathcal{G}sim(L_T/L)(L_varphi/L)^{7/2}E_mathrm{Th}^{-1}$ (the result is dominated by the effect of screening) and $mathcal{G}_asim(L_T/L)^2(L_varphi/L)^{7/2}(gE_mathrm{Th})^{-1}$. All the precise dimensionless prefactors are obtained. Crossovers towards the zero magnetic field regime are also analysed.
Ballistic electron transport is a key requirement for existence of a topological phase transition in proximitized InSb nanowires. However, measurements of quantized conductance as direct evidence of ballistic transport have so far been obscured due to the increased chance of backscattering in one dimensional nanowires. We show that by improving the nanowire-metal interface as well as the dielectric environment we can consistently achieve conductance quantization at zero magnetic field. Additionally, studying the sub-band evolution in a rotating magnetic field reveals an orbital degeneracy between the second and third sub-bands for perpendicular fields above 1T.