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Harnessing Fluctuations in Thermodynamic Computing via Time-Reversal Symmetries

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 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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We experimentally demonstrate that highly structured distributions of work emerge during even the simple task of erasing a single bit. These are signatures of a refined suite of time-reversal symmetries in distinct functional classes of microscopic trajectories. As a consequence, we introduce a broad family of conditional fluctuation theorems that the component work distributions must satisfy. Since they identify entropy production, the component work distributions encode both the frequency of various mechanisms of success and failure during computing, as well giving improved estimates of the total irreversibly-dissipated heat. This new diagnostic tool provides strong evidence that thermodynamic computing at the nanoscale can be constructively harnessed. We experimentally verify this functional decomposition and the new class of fluctuation theorems by measuring transitions between flux states in a superconducting circuit.

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We study dynamical reversibility in stationary stochastic processes from an information theoretic perspective. Extending earlier work on the reversibility of Markov chains, we focus on finitary processes with arbitrarily long conditional correlations. In particular, we examine stationary processes represented or generated by edge-emitting, finite-state hidden Markov models. Surprisingly, we find pervasive temporal asymmetries in the statistics of such stationary processes with the consequence that the computational resources necessary to generate a process in the forward and reverse temporal directions are generally not the same. In fact, an exhaustive survey indicates that most stationary processes are irreversible. We study the ensuing relations between model topology in different representations, the processs statistical properties, and its reversibility in detail. A processs temporal asymmetry is efficiently captured using two canonical unifilar representations of the generating model, the forward-time and reverse-time epsilon-machines. We analyze example irreversible processes whose epsilon-machine presentations change size under time reversal, including one which has a finite number of recurrent causal states in one direction, but an infinite number in the opposite. From the forward-time and reverse-time epsilon-machines, we are able to construct a symmetrized, but nonunifilar, generator of a process---the bidirectional machine. Using the bidirectional machine, we show how to directly calculate a processs fundamental information properties, many of which are otherwise only poorly approximated via process samples. The tools we introduce and the insights we offer provide a better understanding of the many facets of reversibility and irreversibility in stochastic processes.
184 - David Andrieux 2010
Large fluctuations have received considerable attention as they encode information on the fine-scale dynamics. Large deviation relations known as fluctuation theorems also capture crucial nonequilibrium thermodynamical properties. Here we report that, using the technique of uniformization, the thermodynamic large deviation functions of continuous-time Markov processes can be obtained from Markov chains evolving in discrete time. This formulation offers new theoretical and numerical approaches to explore large deviation properties. In particular, the time evolution of autonomous and non-autonomous processes can be expressed in terms of a single Poisson rate. In this way the uniformization procedure leads to a simple and efficient way to simulate stochastic trajectories that reproduce the exact fluxes statistics. We illustrate the formalism for the current fluctuations in a stochastic pump model.
For ordinary hermitian Hamiltonians, the states show the Kramers degeneracy when the system has a half-odd-integer spin and the time reversal operator obeys Theta^2=-1, but no such a degeneracy exists when Theta^2=+1. Here we point out that for non-hermitian systems, there exists a degeneracy similar to Kramers even when Theta^2=+1. It is found that the new degeneracy follows from the mathematical structure of split-quaternion, instead of quaternion from which the Kramers degeneracy follows in the usual hermitian cases. Furthermore, we also show that particle/hole symmetry gives rise to a pair of states with opposite energies on the basis of the split quaternion in a class of non-hermitian Hamiltonians. As concrete examples, we examine in detail NxN Hamiltonians with N=2 and 4 which are non-hermitian generalizations of spin 1/2 Hamiltonian and quadrupole Hamiltonian of spin 3/2, respectively.
Fluctuation theorems establish deep relations between observables away from thermal equilibrium. Until recently, the research on fluctuation theorems was focused on time-reversal-invariant systems. In this review we address some newly discovered fluctuation relations that hold without time-reversal symmetry, in particular, in the presence of an external magnetic field. One family of relations connects non-linear transport coefficients in the opposite magnetic fields. Another family relates currents and noises at a fixed direction of the magnetic field in chiral systems, such as the edges of some quantum Hall liquids. We review the recent experimental and theoretical research, including the controversy on the microreversibility without time-reversal symmetry, consider the applications of fluctuation theorems to the physics of topological states of matter, and discuss open problems.
We study the entropy production in non-equilibrium quantum systems without dissipation, which is generated exclusively by the spontaneous breaking of time-reversal invariance. Systems which preserve the total energy and particle number and are in contact with two heat reservoirs are analysed. Focussing on point-like interactions, we derive the probability distribution induced by the entropy production operator. We show that all its moments are positive in the zero frequency limit. The analysis covers both Fermi and Bose statistics.
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