No Arabic abstract
The most accessible method to measure polarization features of the CMB radiation is by means of a Stokes Polarimeter based on the rotation of an Half Wave Plate. The current observational cosmology is starting to be limited by the presence of systematic effects. The Stokes polarimeter with a rotating Half Wave Plate (HWP) has the advantage of mitigating a long list of potential systematics, by modulation of the linearly polarized component of the radiation, but the presence of the rotating HWP can by itself introduce new systematic effects, which must be under control, representing one of the most critical part in the design of a B-Modes experiment. In this paper we present, simulate and analyse the spurious signal arising from the precession of a rotating HWP. We first find an analytical formula for the impact of the systematic effect induced by the HWP precession on the propagating radiation, using the 3D generalization of the Muller formalism. We then perform several numerical simulations, showing the effect induced on the Stokes parameters by this systematic. We also derive and discuss the impact into B-modes measured by a satellite experiment. We find the analytical formula for the Stokes parameters from a Stokes polarimeter where the HWP follows a precessional motion with an angle $theta_0$. We show the result depending on the HWP inertia tensor, spinning speed and on $theta_0$. The result of numerical simulations is reported as a simple timeline of the electric fields. Finally, assuming to observe all the sky with a satellite mission, we analyze the effect on B-modes measurements. The effect is not negligible giving the current B-modes experiments sensitivity, therefore it is a systematic which needs to be carefully considered for future experiments.
We study the impact of the spectral dependence of the linear polarization rotation induced by an achromatic half-wave plate on measurements of cosmic microwave background polarization in the presence of astrophysical foregrounds. We focus on the systematic effects induced on the measurement of inflationary gravitational waves by uncertainties in the polarization and spectral index of Galactic dust. We find that for the experimental configuration and noise levels of the balloon-borne EBEX experiment, which has three frequency bands centered at 150, 250, and 410 GHz, a crude dust subtraction process mitigates systematic effects to below detectable levels for 10% polarized dust and tensor to scalar ratio of as low as r = 0.01. We also study the impact of uncertainties in the spectral response of the instrument. With a top-hat model of the spectral response for each band, characterized by band-center and band-width, and with the same crude dust subtraction process, we find that these parameters need to be determined to within 1 and 0.8 GHz at 150 GHz; 9 and 2.0 GHz at 250 GHz; and 20 and 14 GHz at 410 GHz, respectively. The approach presented in this paper is applicable to other optical elements that exhibit polarization rotation as a function of frequency.
The detection of the primordial B-mode polarization signal of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) would provide evidence for inflation. Yet as has become increasingly clear, the detection of a such a faint signal requires an instrument with both wide frequency coverage to reject foregrounds and excellent control over instrumental systematic effects. Using a polarizing Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) for CMB observations meets both these requirements. In this work, we present an analysis of instrumental systematic effects in polarizing Fourier transform spectrometers, using the Primordial Inflation Explorer (PIXIE) as a worked example. We analytically solve for the most important systematic effects inherent to the FTS - emissive optical components, misaligned optical components, sampling and phase errors, and spin synchronous effects - and demonstrate that residual systematic error terms after corrections will all be at the sub-nK level, well below the predicted 100 nK B-mode signal.
We present the design and laboratory evaluation of a cryogenic continuously rotating half-wave plate (CHWP) for the POLARBEAR-2b (PB-2b) cosmic microwave background (CMB) receiver, the second installment of the Simons Array. PB-2b will observe at 5,200 m elevation in the Atacama Desert of Chile in two frequency bands centered at 90 and 150 GHz. In order to suppress atmospheric 1/f noise and mitigate systematic effects that arise when differencing orthogonal detectors, PB-2b modulates linear sky polarization using a CHWP rotating at 2 Hz. The CHWP has a 440 mm clear aperture diameter and is cooled to $approx$ 50 K in the PB-2b receiver cryostat. It consists of a low-friction superconducting magnetic bearing (SMB) and a low-torque synchronous electromagnetic motor, which together dissipate < 2 W. During cooldown, a grip-and-release mechanism centers the rotor to < 0.5 mm, and during continuous rotation, an incremental optical encoder measures the rotor angle with a noise level of 0.1 $mathrm{mu rad / sqrt{Hz}}$. We discuss the experimental requirements for the PB-2b CHWP, the designs of its various subsystems, and the results of its evaluation in the laboratory. The presented CHWP has been deployed to Chile and is expected to see first light on PB-2b in 2020 or 2021.
We present an evaluation of systematic effects associated with a continuously-rotating, ambient-temperature half-wave plate (HWP) based on two seasons of data from the Atacama B-Mode Search (ABS) experiment located in the Atacama Desert of Chile. The ABS experiment is a microwave telescope sensitive at 145 GHz. Here we present our in-field evaluation of celestial (CMB plus galactic foreground) temperature-to-polarization leakage. We decompose the leakage into scalar, dipole, and quadrupole leakage terms. We report a scalar leakage of ~0.01%, consistent with model expectations and an order of magnitude smaller than other CMB experiments have reported. No significant dipole or quadrupole terms are detected; we constrain each to be <0.07% (95% confidence), limited by statistical uncertainty in our measurement. Dipole and quadrupole leakage at this level lead to systematic error on r<0.01 before any mitigation due to scan cross-linking or boresight rotation. The measured scalar leakage and the theoretical level of dipole and quadrupole leakage produce systematic error of r<0.001 for the ABS survey and focal-plane layout before any data correction such as so-called deprojection. This demonstrates that ABS achieves significant beam systematic error mitigation from its HWP and shows the promise of continuously-rotating HWPs for future experiments.
We discuss MAXIPOL, a bolometric balloon-borne experiment designed to measure the E-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). MAXIPOL is the first bolometric CMB experiment to observe the sky using rapid polarization modulation. To build MAXIPOL, the CMB temperature anisotropy experiment MAXIMA was retrofitted with a rotating half-wave plate and a stationary analyzer. We describe the instrument, the observations, the calibration and the reduction of data collected with twelve polarimeters operating at 140 GHz and with a FWHM beam size of 10 arcmin. We present maps of the Q and U Stokes parameters of an 8 deg^2 region of the sky near the star Beta Ursae Minoris. The power spectra computed from these maps give weak evidence for an EE signal. The maximum-likelihood amplitude of l(l+1)C^{EE}_{l}/(2 pi) is 55_{-45}^{+51} uK^2 (68%), and the likelihood function is asymmetric and skewed positive such that with a uniform prior the probability that the amplitude is positive is 96%. This result is consistent with the expected concordance LCDM amplitude of 14 uK^2. The maximum likelihood amplitudes for l(l+1)C^{BB}_{l}/(2 pi) and $ell(ell+1)C^{EB}_{ell}/2pi$ are -31_{-19}^{+31} and 18_{-34}^{+27} uK^2 (68%), respectively, which are consistent with zero. All of the results are for one bin in the range 151 < l < 693. Tests revealed no residual systematic errors in the time or map domain. A comprehensive discussion of the analysis of the data is presented in a companion paper.