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Based on a pQCD inspired dynamical model of jet-medium interactions, Jewel, we have studied possible modifications to inclusive jet yields and a set of jet shape observables, namely, the fragmentation functions and radial momentum distributions when jets propagate through a deconfined partonic medium created in collisions of heavy nuclei at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) energies. Jets are reconstructed with anti-k T algorithm in the pseudorapidity range $|eta_{rm jet} | < 2.1$ for resolution parameter R= 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4. For background subtraction, a Jewel-compatible 4-Momenta subtraction technique (4MomSub) have been used. The modification of inclusive jet-yields in Pb-Pb collisions relative to proton-proton interactions, quantified by $R^{rm jet}_{AA}$, are seen to be in reasonable agreement with ALICE, ATLAS and CMS data over a broad transverse momentum range. Jewel is able to capture the qualitative features of the modifications to the fragmentation functions and radial momentum distributions in data but not always quantitatively. This quantitative discrepancy may be related to the simplified treatment of recoil partons in the background model and partly due to background subtraction procedure itself. Nevertheless, observed modification of jet shape variables in Jewel corroborates the fact that in-medium fragmentation is harder and more collimated than the fragmentation in vacuum. We further observe that these modifications depend on the transverse momentum of jets and it seems that medium resolves the core structure of low momentum jets below 100 GeV/c at LHC energies.
Realistic modeling of medium-jet interactions in heavy ion collisions is becoming increasingly important to successfully predict jet structure and shape observables. In JEWEL, all partons belonging to the parton showers initiated by hard scattered partons undergo collisions with thermal partons from the medium, leading to both elastic and radiative energy loss. The recoiling medium partons carry away energy and momentum from the jet. Since the thermal component of these recoils momenta is part of the soft background activity, comparison with data requires the implementation of a subtraction procedure. We present two independent procedures through which background subtraction can be performed and discuss the impact of the medium recoil on jet shape observables. Keeping track of the medium response significantly improves the JEWEL description of jet shape measurements.
Central lead-lead collisions at the LHC energies may pose a particular challenge for jet identification as multiple jets are produced per each collision event. We simulate the jet evolution in central Pb-Pb events at $sqrt{s_{rm NN}} = 2.76$ GeV collision energy with EPOS3 initial state, which typically contains multiple hard scatterings in each event. Therefore the partons from different jets have a significant chance to overlap in momentum space. We find that 30% of the jets with $p_perp > 50$ GeV, identified by the standard anti-$k_perp$ jet finding algorithm with jet cone size R=0.3, contain `intruder particles from overlapping generator-level jets. This fraction increases with increasing beam energy and increasing R. The reconstructed momentum of the jet differs from that of the modelled jet by the loss due to jet partons which are outside of the jet cone and by the gain due to intruder partons. The sum of both may be positive or negative. These intruder partons particularly affect the radial jet momentum distribution because they contribute mostly at large angles $Delta r$ with respect to the jet centre. The study stresses the importance of the jet overlap effect emerging in central lead-lead collisions at the LHC energies, while being negligible in peripheral PbPb or $p$Pb/$pp$ collisions.
Processes in which a jet recoils against an electroweak boson complement studies of jet quenching in heavy ion collisions at the LHC. As the boson does not interact strongly it escapes the dense medium unmodified and thus provides a more direct access to the hard scattering kinematics than can be obtained in di-jet events. First measurements of jet modification in these processes are now available from the LHC experiments and will improve greatly with better statistics in the future. We present an extension of JEWEL to boson-jet processes. JEWEL is a dynamical framework for jet evolution in a dense background based on perturbative QCD, that is in agreement with a large variety of jet observables. We also obtain a good description of the CMS and ATLAS data for y+jet and Z+jet processes at 2.76 TeV and 5.02 TeV.
The jet-medium interaction in high energy heavy ion collisions is an important phenomena to characterize the hot and dense medium produced in such collisions. The study of medium-induced modifications to the substructure of inclusive charged jets indicates a redistribution of energy inside the jet cone and provides insight into the energy loss mechanisms of jets in the medium. We investigate the in-medium modification to two jet shape observables i.e., the differential jet shape ($rho$(r)) and the angularity (g) in the most central $Pb-Pb$ collisions at $sqrt{s_{NN}} ~=~ 2.76 $ TeV using two commonly used event generators i.e., JEWEL (recoil OFF) and EPOS-3 in the jet-p$_T$ range of 20-40 GeV/c. JEWEL with recoil OFF has been used primarily as a reference system as that has been found to explain the global jet observables satisfactorily but lacks in jet-shape variables at higher jet-radii. EPOS-3 that explains the bulk properties in such collisions quite well takes into account a hydrodynamically evolving bulk matter, jets and hard-soft interactions. A comparison between the results from these models shows that while JEWEL (recoil OFF) does not explain the distribution of lost energy at higher radii with respect to the jet-axis, EPOS-3 explains the effect quite well. However, in EPOS-3, the partonic energy loss mechanism and secondary hard-soft interactions during hadronization and hadronic cascade phase are different from the conventional jet energy loss models. The current study can, therefore, provide important new insights on mechanisms regarding the modeling of the medium and hard-soft interactions in heavy ion collisions.
Key features of jet-medium interactions in heavy-ion collisions are modifications to the jet structure. Recent results from experiments at the LHC and RHIC have motivated several theoretical calculations and monte carlo models towards predicting these observables simultaneously. In this report, the recoil picture in textsc{Jewel} is summarized and two independent procedures through which background subtraction can be performed in textsc{Jewel} are introduced. Information of the medium recoil in textsc{Jewel} significantly improves its description of several jet shape measurements.