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Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis (LAMBDA): An Overview

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 Added by Graeme Addison
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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This is an overview of the data products and other resources available through NASAs LAMBDA site An up-to-date version of this document, along with code tools actively maintained and developed by LAMBDA staff, can be found on the LAMBDA GitHub page at New data products and other updates are announced on LAMBDAs twitter account at If you have questions or suggestions relating to LAMBDA, or are interested in joining a LAMBDA advisory group, please contact us using the form here:

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A public release of slitless spectra, obtained with ACS/WFC and the G800L grism, is presented. Spectra were automatically extracted in a uniform way from 153 archival fields (or associations) distributed across the two Galactic caps, covering all observations to 2008. The ACS G800L grism provides a wavelength range of 0.55-1.00 mu$m, with a dispersion of $40 AA / pixel$ and a resolution of $sim 80 AA$ for point-like sources. The ACS G800L images and matched direct images were reduced with an automatic pipeline that handles all steps from archive retrieval, alignment and astrometric calibration, direct image combination, catalogue generation, spectral extraction and collection of metadata. The large number of extracted spectra (73,581) demanded automatic methods for quality control and an automated classification algorithm was trained on the visual inspection of several thousand spectra. The final sample of quality controlled spectra includes 47,919 datasets (65% of the total number of extracted spectra) for $32,149$ unique objects, with a median $i_{rm AB}$-band magnitude of 23.7, reaching 26.5 AB for the faintest objects. Each released dataset contains science-ready 1D and 2D spectra, as well as multi-band image cutouts of corresponding sources and a useful preview page summarising the direct and slitless data, astrometric and photometric parameters. In order to characterize the slitless spectra, emission-line flux and equivalent width sensitivity of the ACS data were compared with public ground-based spectra in the GOODS-South field. An example list of emission line galaxies with two or more identified lines is also included, covering the redshift range $0.2-4.6$.
64 - Jon E. Gudmundsson 2019
We present a compact two-lens HDPE f/1.6 refractor design that is capable of supporting a 28-deg diffraction-limited field of view at 1-mm wavelengths and contrast it to a similar two-lens refractor using silicon lenses. We compare the optical properties of these two systems as predicted by both geometrical and physical optics. The presented analysis suggests that by relaxing telecentricity requirements, a plastic two-lens refractor system can perform comparably to a similar silicon system across a wide field of view and wavelengths up to 1 mm. We show that for both telescope designs, cold stop spillover changes significantly across the field of view in a way that is somewhat inconsistent with Gaussian beam formalism and simple f-number scaling. We present results that highlight beam ellipticity dependence on both pixel location and pixel aperture size --- an effect that is challenging to reproduce in standard geometrical optics. We show that a silicon refractor design suffers from larger cross-polarization compared to the HDPE design. Our results address the limitations of solely relying on geometrical optics to assess relative performance of two optical systems. We discuss implications for future refractor designs.
333 - Rob Seaman 2014
From the moment astronomical observations are made the resulting data products begin to grow stale. Even if perfect binary copies are preserved through repeated timely migration to more robust storage media, data standards evolve and new tools are created that require different kinds of data or metadata. The expectations of the astronomical community change even if the data do not. We discuss data engineering to mitigate the ensuing risks with examples from a recent project to refactor seven million archival images to new standards of nomenclature, metadata, format, and compression.
We present results from an end-to-end simulation pipeline interferometric observations of cosmic microwave background polarization. We use both maximum-likelihood and Gibbs sampling techniques to estimate the power spectrum. In addition, we use Gibbs sampling for image reconstruction from interferometric visibilities. The results indicate the level to which various systematic errors (e.g., pointing errors, gain errors, beam shape errors, cross- polarization) must be controlled in order to successfully detect and characterize primordial B modes as well as other scientific goals. In addition, we show that Gibbs sampling is an effective method of image reconstruction for interferometric data in other astrophysical contexts.
We apply a messenger field method to solve the linear minimum-variance mapmaking equation in the context of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations. In simulations, the method produces sky maps that converge significantly faster than those from a conjugate gradient descent algorithm with a diagonal preconditioner, even though the computational cost per iteration is similar. The messenger method recovers large scales in the map better than conjugate gradient descent, and yields a lower overall $chi^2$. In the single, pencil beam approximation, each iteration of the messenger mapmaking procedure produces an unbiased map, and the iterations become more optimal as they proceed. A variant of the method can handle differential data or perform deconvolution mapmaking. The messenger method requires no preconditioner, but a high-quality solution needs a cooling parameter to control the convergence. We study the convergence properties of this new method, and discuss how the algorithm is feasible for the large data sets of current and future CMB experiments.
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