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We introduce and study a minimum two-orbital Hubbard model on a triangular lattice, which captures the key features of both the trilayer ABC-stacked graphene-boron nitride heterostructure and twisted transition metal dichalcogenides in a broad parameter range. Our model comprises first- and second-nearest neighbor hoppings with valley-contrasting flux that accounts for trigonal warping in the band structure. For the strong-coupling regime with one electron per site, we derive a spin-orbital exchange Hamiltonian and find the semiclassical ground state to be a spin-valley density wave. We show that a relatively small second-neighbor exchange interaction is sufficient to stabilize the ordered state against quantum fluctuations. Effects of spin- and valley Zeeman fields as well as thermal fluctuations are also examined.
Twisting moire heterostructures to the flatband regime allows for the formation of strongly correlated quantum states, since the dramatic reduction of the bandwidth can cause the residual electronic interactions to set the principal energy scale. An effective description for such correlated moire heterostructures, derived in the strong-coupling limit at integer filling, generically leads to spin-valley Heisenberg models. Here we explore the emergence and stability of spin liquid behavior in an SU(2)$^{mathrm{spin}}otimes$SU(2)$^{mathrm{valley}}$ Heisenberg model upon inclusion of Hunds-induced and longer-ranged exchange couplings, employing a pseudofermion functional renormalization group approach. We consider two lattice geometries, triangular and honeycomb (relevant to different moire heterostructures), and find, for both cases, an extended parameter regime surrounding the SU(4) symmetric point where no long-range order occurs, indicating a stable realm of quantum spin liquid behavior. For large Hunds coupling, we identify the adjacent magnetic orders, with both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic ground states emerging in the separate spin and valley degrees of freedom. For both lattice geometries the inclusion of longer-ranged exchange couplings is found to have both stabilizing and destabilizing effects on the spin liquid regime depending on the sign of the additional couplings.
We present an infinite density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) study of an interacting continuum model of twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) near the magic angle. Because of the long-range Coulomb interaction and the large number of orbital degrees of freedom, tBLG is difficult to study with standard DMRG techniques -- even constructing and storing the Hamiltonian already poses a major challenge. To overcome these difficulties, we use a recently developed compression procedure to obtain a matrix product operator representation of the interacting tBLG Hamiltonian which we show is both efficient and accurate even when including the spin, valley and orbital degrees of freedom. To benchmark our approach, we focus mainly on the spinless, single-valley version of the problem where, at half-filling, we find that the ground state is a nematic semimetal. Remarkably, we find that the ground state is essentially a k-space Slater determinant, so that Hartree-Fock and DMRG give virtually identical results for this problem. Our results show that the effects of long-range interactions in magic angle graphene can be efficiently simulated with DMRG, and opens up a new route for numerically studying strong correlation physics in spinful, two-valley tBLG, and other moire materials, in future work.
We investigate the chirality of phonon modes in twisted bilayer WSe2. We demonstrate distinct chiral behavior of the K/K valley phonon modes for twist angles close to 0 degrees and close to 60 degrees. Moreover, we discover two sets of well-separated chiral valley modes in moire lattices for angles close to 60 degrees. These emergent moire chiral valley phonons originate from inversion symmetry breaking at the moire scale. We also find similar emergent chiral modes in moire patterns of strain-engineered bilayer WSe2 and MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructure. Furthermore, we observe the flattening of bands near the phononic band-gap edges for a broad range of twist angles in twisted bilayer WSe2. Our findings, which are expected to be generic for moire systems composed of two-dimensional materials that break inversion symmetry, are relevant for understanding electron-phonon and exciton-phonon scattering, and for designing phononic crystals to mimic behaviors of electrons in moire materials.
Ferromagnetic (FM) and incommensurate spin-density wave (ISDW) states are an unusual set of competing magnetic orders that are seldom observed in the same material without application of a polarizing magnetic field. We report, for the first time, the discovery of an ISDW state that is derived from a FM ground state through a Fermi surface (FS) instability in Fe$_3$Ga$_4$. This was achieved by combining neutron scattering experiments with first principles simulations. Neutron diffraction demonstrates that Fe$_3$Ga$_4$ is in an ISDW state at intermediate temperatures and that there is a conspicuous re-emergence of ferromagnetism above 360 K. First principles calculations show that the ISDW ordering wavevector is in excellent agreement with a prominent nesting condition in the spin-majority FS demonstrating the discovery of a novel instability for FM metals; ISDW formation due to Fermi surface nesting in a spin-polarized Fermi surface.
Recent experiments have observed correlated insulating and possible superconducting phases in twisted homobilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). Besides the spin-valley locked moire bands due to the intrinsic Ising spin-orbit coupling, homobilayer moire TMDs also possess either logarithmic or power-law divergent Van Hove singularities (VHS) near the Fermi surface, controllable by an external displacement field. The former and the latter are dubbed conventional and higher-order VHS, respectively. Here, we perform a perturbative renormalization group (RG) analysis to unbiasedly study the dominant instabilities in homobilayer TMDs for both the conventional and higher-order VHS cases. We find that the spin-valley locking largely alters the RG flows and leads to instabilities unexpected in the corresponding extensively-studied graphene-based moire systems, such as spin- and valley-polarized ferromagnetism and topological superconductivity with mixed parity. In particular, for the case with two higher-order VHS, we find a spin-valley-locking-driven metallic state with no symmetry breaking in the TMDs despite the diverging bare susceptibility. Our results show how the spin-valley locking significantly affects the RG analysis and demonstrate that moire TMDs are suitable platforms to realize various interaction-induced spin-valley locked phases, highlighting physics fundamentally different from the well-studied graphene-based moire systems.