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Quasi-Periodicity of Supermassive Binary Black Hole Accretion Approaching Merger

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 Added by Dennis Bowen
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In this paper we continue the first ever study of magnetized mini-disks coupled to circumbinary accretion in a supermassive binary black hole (SMBBH) approaching merger reported in Bowen et al. 2018. We extend this simulation from 3 to 12 binary orbital periods. We find that relativistic SMBBH accretion acts as a resonant cavity, where quasi-periodic oscillations tied to the the frequency at which the black holes orbital phase matches a non-linear $m=1$ density feature, or ``lump, in the circumbinary accretion disk permeate the system. The rate of mass accretion onto each of the mini-disks around the black holes is modulated at the beat frequency between the binary frequency and the lumps mean orbital frequency, i.e., $Omega_{rm beat} = Omega_{rm bin} - bar{Omega}_{rm lump}$, while the total mass accretion rate of this equal-mass binary is modulated at two different frequencies, $gtrsim bar{Omega}_{rm lump}$ and $approx 2 Omega_{rm beat}$. The instantaneous rotation rate of the lump itself is also modulated at two frequencies close to the modulation frequencies of the total accretion rate, $bar{Omega}_{rm lump}$ and $2 Omega_{rm beat}$. Because of the compact nature of the mini-disks in SMBBHs approaching merger, the inflow times within the mini-disks are comparable to the period on which their mass-supply varies, so that their masses---and the accretion rates they supply to their black holes---are strongly modulated at the same frequency. In essence, the azimuthal symmetry of the circumbinary disk is broken by the dynamics of orbits near a binary, and this $m=1$ asymmetry then drives quasi-periodic variation throughout the system, including both accretion and disk-feeding. In SMBBHs approaching merger, such time variability could introduce distinctive, increasingly rapid, fluctuations in their electromagnetic emission.

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We present the first fully relativistic prediction of the electromagnetic emission from the surrounding gas of a supermassive binary black hole system approaching merger. Using a ray-tracing code to post-process data from a general relativistic 3-d MHD simulation, we generate images and spectra, and analyze the viewing angle dependence of the light emitted. When the accretion rate is relatively high, the circumbinary disk, accretion streams, and mini-disks combine to emit light in the UV/EUV bands. We posit a thermal Compton hard X-ray spectrum for coronal emission; at high accretion rates, it is almost entirely produced in the mini-disks, but at lower accretion rates it is the primary radiation mechanism in the mini-disks and accretion streams as well. Due to relativistic beaming and gravitational lensing, the angular distribution of the power radiated is strongly anisotropic, especially near the equatorial plane.
82 - Khai Nguyen 2020
We estimate the merger timescale of spectroscopically-selected, subparsec supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB) candidates by comparing their expected contribution to the gravitational wave background (GWB) with the sensitivity of current pulsar timing array (PTA) experiments and in particular, with the latest upper limit placed by the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav). We find that the average timescale to coalescence of such SMBHBs is $langle t_{rm evol} rangle > 6times 10^4,$yr, assuming that their orbital evolution in the PTA frequency band is driven by emission of gravitational waves. If some fraction of SMBHBs do not reside in spectroscopically detected active galaxies, and their incidence in active and inactive galaxies is similar, then the merger timescale could be $sim 10$ times longer, $langle t_{rm evol} rangle > 6times 10^5,$yr. These limits are consistent with the range of timescales predicted by theoretical models and imply that all the SMBHB candidates in our spectroscopic sample could be binaries without violating the observational constraints on the GWB. This result illustrates the power of the multi-messenger approach, facilitated by the PTAs, in providing an independent statistical test of the nature of SMBHB candidates discovered in electromagnetic searches.
116 - Chang-Shuo Yan 2015
Supermassive binary black holes (BBHs) are unavoidable products of galaxy mergers and are expected to exist in the cores of many quasars. Great effort has been made during the past several decades to search for BBHs among quasars; however, observational evidence for BBHs remains elusive and ambiguous, which is difficult to reconcile with theoretical expectations. In this paper, we show that the distinct optical-to-UV spectrum of Mrk 231 can be well interpreted as emission from accretion flows onto a BBH, with a semimajor axis of ~590AU and an orbital period of ~1.2 year. The flat optical and UV continua are mainly emitted from a circumbinary disk and a mini-disk around the secondary black hole (BH), respectively; and the observed sharp drop off and flux deficit at wavelength lambda ~ 4000-2500 Angstrom is due to a gap (or hole) opened by the secondary BH migrating within the circumbinary disk. If confirmed by future observations, this BBH will provide a unique laboratory to study the interplay between BBHs and accretion flows onto them. Our result also demonstrates a new method to find sub-parsec scale BBHs by searching for deficits in the optical-to-UV continuum among the spectra of quasars.
86 - Khai Nguyen 2018
We present an improved semi-analytic model for calculation of the broad optical emission-line signatures from sub-parsec supermassive black hole binaries (SBHBs) in circumbinary disks. The second-generation model improves upon the treatment of radiative transfer by taking into account the effect of the radiation driven accretion disk wind on the properties of the emission-line profiles. Analysis of 42.5 million modeled emission-line profiles shows that correlations between the profile properties and SBHB parameters identified in the first-generation model are preserved, indicating that their diagnostic power is not diminished. The profile shapes are a more sensitive measure of the binary orbital separation and the degree of alignment of the black hole mini-disks, and are less sensitive to the SBHB mass ratio and orbital eccentricity. We also find that modeled profile shapes are more compatible with the observed sample of SBHB candidates than with our control sample of regular AGNs. Furthermore, if the observed sample of SBHBs is made up of genuine binaries, it must include compact systems with comparable masses, and misaligned mini-disks. We note that the model described in this paper can be used to interpret the observed emission-line profiles once a sample of confirmed SBHBs is available but cannot be used to prove that the observed SBHB candidates are true binaries.
232 - Scott C. Noble 2012
As 2 black holes bound to each other in a close binary approach merger their inspiral time becomes shorter than the characteristic inflow time of surrounding orbiting matter. Using an innovative technique in which we represent the changing spacetime in the region occupied by the orbiting matter with a 2.5PN approximation and the binary orbital evolution with 3.5PN, we have simulated the MHD evolution of a circumbinary disk surrounding an equal-mass non-spinning binary. Prior to the beginning of the inspiral, the structure of the circumbinary disk is predicted well by extrapolation from Newtonian results. The binary opens a low-density gap whose radius is roughly two binary separations, and matter piles up at the outer edge of this gap as inflow is retarded by torques exerted by the binary; nonetheless, the accretion rate is diminished relative to its value at larger radius by only about a factor of 2. During inspiral, the inner edge of the disk at first moves inward in coordination with the shrinking binary, but as the orbital evolution accelerates, the rate at which the inner edge moves toward smaller radii falls behind the rate of binary compression. In this stage, the rate of angular momentum transfer from the binary to the disk slows substantially, but the net accretion rate decreases by only 10-20%. When the binary separation is tens of gravitational radii, the rest-mass efficiency of disk radiation is a few percent, suggesting that supermassive binary black holes in galactic nuclei could be very luminous at this stage of their evolution. If the luminosity were optically thin, it would be modulated at a frequency that is a beat between the orbital frequency of the disks surface density maximum and the binary orbital frequency. However, a disk with sufficient surface density to be luminous should also be optically thick; as a result, the periodic modulation may be suppressed.
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