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$sigma$-Continuous functions and related cardinal characteristics of the continuum

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 Added by Taras Banakh
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English
 Authors Taras Banakh

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A function $f:Xto Y$ between topological spaces is called $sigma$-$continuous$ (resp. $barsigma$-$continuous$) if there exists a (closed) cover ${X_n}_{ninomega}$ of $X$ such that for every $ninomega$ the restriction $f{restriction}X_n$ is continuous. By $mathfrak c_sigma$ (resp. $mathfrak c_{barsigma}$) we denote the largest cardinal $kappalemathfrak c$ such that every function $f:Xtomathbb R$ defined on a subset $Xsubsetmathbb R$ of cardinality $|X|<kappa$ is $sigma$-continuous (resp. $barsigma$-continuous). It is clear that $omega_1lemathfrak c_{barsigma}lemathfrak c_sigmalemathfrak c$. We prove that $mathfrak plemathfrak q_0=mathfrak c_{barsigma}=min{mathfrak c_sigma,mathfrak b,mathfrak q}lemathfrak c_sigmalemin{mathrm{non}(mathcal M),mathrm{non}(mathcal N)}$. The equality $mathfrak c_{barsigma}=mathfrak q_0$ resolves a problem from the initial version of the paper.

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Assume that X is a metrizable separable space, and each clopen-valued lower semicontinuous multivalued map Phi from X to Q has a continuous selection. Our main result is that in this case, X is a sigma-space. We also derive a partial converse implication, and present a reformulation of the Scheepers Conjecture in the language of continuous selections.
112 - Taras Banakh 2019
We prove that every usco multimap $Phi:Xto Y$ from a metrizable separable space $X$ to a GO-space $Y$ has an $F_sigma$-measurable selection. On the other hand, for the split interval $ddot{mathbb I}$ and the projection $P:ddot{mathbb I}^2to{mathbb I}^2$ of its square onto the unit square ${mathbb I}^2$, the usco multimap $P^{-1}:{mathbb I}^2multimapddot{mathbb I}^2$ has a Borel ($F_sigma$-measurable) selection if and only if the Continuum Hypothesis holds. This CH-example shows that know results on Borel selections of usco maps into fragmentable compact spaces cannot be extended to a wider class of compact spaces.
We obtain several game characterizations of Baire 1 functions between Polish spaces X, Y which extends the recent result of V. Kiss. Then we propose similar characterizations for equi-Bare 1 families of functions. Also, using similar ideas, we give game characterizations of Baire measurable and Lebesgue measurable functions.
By the {em Suslinian number} $Sln(X)$ of a continuum $X$ we understand the smallest cardinal number $kappa$ such that $X$ contains no disjoint family $C$ of non-degenerate subcontinua of size $|C|gekappa$. For a compact space $X$, $Sln(X)$ is the smallest Suslinian number of a continuum which contains a homeomorphic copy of $X$. Our principal result asserts that each compact space $X$ has weight $leSln(X)^+$ and is the limit of an inverse well-ordered spectrum of length $le Sln(X)^+$, consisting of compacta with weight $leSln(X)$ and monotone bonding maps. Moreover, $w(X)leSln(X)$ if no $Sln(X)^+$-Suslin tree exists. This implies that under the Suslin Hypothesis all Suslinian continua are metrizable, which answers a question of cite{DNTTT1}. On the other hand, the negation of the Suslin Hypothesis is equivalent to the existence of a hereditarily separable non-metrizable Suslinian continuum. If $X$ is a continuum with $Sln(X)<2^{aleph_0}$, then $X$ is 1-dimensional, has rim-weight $leSln(X)$ and weight $w(X)geSln(X)$. Our main tool is the inequality $w(X)leSln(X)cdot w(f(X))$ holding for any light map $f:Xto Y$.
The linear continuity of a function defined on a vector space means that its restriction on every affine line is continuous. For functions defined on $mathbb R^m$ this notion is near to the separate continuity for which it is required only the continuity on the straight lines which are parallel to coordinate axes. The classical Lebesgue theorem states that every separately continuous function $f:mathbb R^mtomathbb R$ is of the $(m-1)$-th Baire class. In this paper we prove that every linearly continuous function $f:mathbb R^mtomathbb R$ is of the first Baire class. Moreover, we obtain the following result. If $X$ is a Baire cosmic topological vector space, $Y$ is a Tychonoff topological space and $f:Xto Y$ is a Borel-measurable (even BP-measurable) linearly continuous function, then $f$ is $F_sigma$-measurable. Using this theorem we characterize the discontinuity point set of an arbitrary linearly continuous function on $mathbb R^m$. In the final part of the article we prove that any $F_sigma$-measurable function $f:partial Uto mathbb R$ defined on the boundary of a strictly convex open set $Usubsetmathbb R^m$ can be extended to a linearly continuous function $bar f:Xto mathbb R$. This fact shows that in the ``descriptive sense the linear continuity is not better than the $F_sigma$-measurability.
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