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We study the interlayer scattering mediated by long-range Coulomb interaction between electrons (density n) and holes (p) in a double-layer system. The gated device is made of InAs (e) and InGaSb (h) quantum wells separated by a AlSb middle barrier such that the interlayer tunneling is negligibly small. By using independent-layer contacts we measure the transport tensor r{ho}_xx and r{ho}_xy that are solely from the InAs layer, while sweeping p in the InGaSb layer. We found a strongly enhanced resistive scattering signal as the carrier densities approach a total charge neutrality, n = p, which cannot be described by the Fermi-liquid theory. Results of data analysis for density, temperature, and magnetic field dependences are consistent with the emergence of excitonic coupling between the two layers, stressing the dominance of Coulomb interaction even in the presence of disorder.
Superfluidity in e-h bilayers in graphene and GaAs has been predicted many times but not observed. A key problem is how to treat the screening of the Coulomb interaction for pairing. Different mean-field theories give dramatically different conclusions, and we test them against diffusion Monte-Carlo calculations. We get excellent agreement with the mean-field theory that uses screening in the superfluid state, but large discrepancies with the others. The theory predicts no superfluidity in existing devices and gives pointers for new devices to generate superfluidity.
We consider a two-band spinless model describing an excitonic insulator (EI) on the two-dimensional square lattice with anisotropic hopping parameters and electron-phonon (el-ph) coupling, inspired by the EI candidate Ta$_2$NiSe$_5$. We systematically study the nature of the collective excitations in the ordered phase which originates from the interband Coulomb interaction and the el-ph coupling. When the ordered phase is stabilized only by the Coulomb interaction (pure EI phase), its collective response exhibits a massless phase mode in addition to the amplitude mode. We show that in the BEC regime, the signal of the amplitude mode becomes less prominent and that the anisotropy in the phase mode velocities is relaxed compared to the model bandstructure. Through coupling to the lattice, the phase mode acquires a mass and the signal of the amplitude mode becomes less prominent. Importantly, character of the softening mode at the boundary between the normal semiconductor phase and the ordered phase depends on the parameter condition. In particular, we point out that even for el-ph coupling smaller than the Coulomb interaction the mode that softens to zero at the boundary can have a phonon character. We also discuss how the collective modes can be observed in the optical conductivity. Furthermore, we study the effects of nonlocal interactions on the collective modes and show the possibility of realizing a coexistence of an in-gap mode and an above-gap mode split off from the single amplitude mode in the system with the local interaction only.
We investigate theoretically the features of the Majorana hallmark in the presence of Coulomb repulsion between two quantum dots describing a spinless Aharonov-Bohm-like interferometer, where one of the dots is strongly coupled to a Kitaev wire within the topological phase. Such a system has been originally proposed without Coulomb interaction in J. of Appl. Phys. 116, 173701 (2014). Our findings reveal that for dots in resonance, the ratio between the strength of Coulomb repulsion and the dot-wire coupling changes the width of the Majorana zero-bias peak for both Fano regimes studied, indicating thus that the electronic interdots correlation influences the Majorana state lifetime in the dot hybridized with the wire. Moreover, for the off-resonance case, the swap between the energy levels of the dots also modifies the width of the Majorana peak, which does not happen for the noninteracting case. The results obtained here can guide experimentalists that pursuit a way of revealing Majorana signatures.
We have used a field-penetration method to measure thermodynamic compressibility of a moderately interacting two-dimensional electron system ($r_{s}$ $approx$ 0.5-3) in a three terminal GaAs/AlGaAs device, fabricated with an epitaxial lift-off technique. We found that the density and temperature dependencies of the compressibility are qualitatively different from that observed in earlier studies of the 2D hole system, where interaction energies are considerably stronger. We show that the observed characteristics can be described by the recently developed formalism for compressibility of the droplet state.
We show that the disappearance of the chemical potential jumps over the range of perpendicular magnetic fields at fixed integer filling factor in a double quantum well with a tunnel barrier is caused by the interaction-induced level merging. The distribution function in the merging regime is special in that the probability to find an electron with energy equal to the chemical potential is different for the two merged levels.