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We propose a scheme for mixed dynamical decoupling (MDD), where we combine continuous dynamical decoupling with robust sequences of phased pulses. Specifically, we use two fields for decoupling, where the first continuous driving field creates dressed states that are robust to environmental noise. Then, a second field implements a robust sequence of phased pulses to perform
We show that topological equivalence classes of circles in a two-dimensional square lattice can be used to design dynamical decoupling procedures to protect qubits attached on the edges of the lattice. Based on the circles of the topologically trivial class in the original and the dual lattices, we devise a procedure which removes all kinds of local Hamiltonians from the dynamics of the qubits while keeping information stored in the homological degrees of freedom unchanged. If only the linearly independent interaction and nearest-neighbor two-qubit interactions are concerned, a much simpler procedure which involves the four equivalence classes of circles can be designed. This procedure is compatible with Eulerian and concatenated dynamical decouplings, which make it possible to implement the procedure with bounded-strength controls and for a long time period. As an application, it is shown that our method can be directly generalized to finite square lattices to suppress uncorrectable errors in surface codes.
We investigate the possibility to suppress interactions between a finite dimensional system and an infinite dimensional environment through a fast sequence of unitary kicks on the finite dimensional system. This method, called dynamical decoupling, is known to work for bounded interactions, but physical environments such as bosonic heat baths are usually modelled with unbounded interactions, whence here we initiate a systematic study of dynamical decoupling for unbounded operators. We develop a sufficient decoupling criterion for arbitrary Hamiltonians and a necessary decoupling criterion for semibounded Hamiltonians. We give examples for unbounded Hamiltonians where decoupling works and the limiting evolution as well as the convergence speed can be explicitly computed. We show that decoupling does not always work for unbounded interactions and provide both physically and mathematically motivated examples.
We present rigorous performance bounds for the optimal dynamical decoupling pulse sequence protecting a quantum bit (qubit) against pure dephasing. Our bounds apply under the assumption of instantaneous pulses and of bounded perturbing environment and qubit-environment Hamiltonians. We show that if the total sequence time is fixed the optimal sequence can be used to make the distance between the protected and unperturbed qubit states arbitrarily small in the number of applied pulses. If, on the other hand, the minimum pulse interval is fixed and the total sequence time is allowed to scale with the number of pulses, then longer sequences need not always be advantageous. The rigorous bound may serve as testbed for approximate treatments of optimal decoupling in bounded models of decoherence.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) schemes can be applied to micron-, and nanometer-sized samples by the aid of quantum sensors such as nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers in diamond. These minute devices allow for magnetometry of nuclear spin ensembles with high spatial and frequency resolution at ambient conditions, thus having a clear impact in different areas such as chemistry, biology, medicine, and material sciences. In practice, NV quantum sensors are driven by microwave (MW) control fields with a twofold objective: On the one hand, MW fields bridge the energy gap between NV and nearby nuclei which enables a coherent and selective coupling among them while, on the other hand, MW fields remove environmental noise on the NV leading to enhanced interrogation time. In this work we review distinct MW radiation patterns, or dynamical decoupling techniques, for nanoscale NMR applications.
The validity of optimized dynamical decoupling (DD) is extended to analytically time dependent Hamiltonians. As long as an expansion in time is possible the time dependence of the initial Hamiltonian does not affect the efficiency of optimized dynamical decoupling (UDD, Uhrig DD). This extension provides the analytic basis for (i) applying UDD to effective Hamiltonians in time dependent reference frames, for instance in the interaction picture of fast modes and for (ii) its application in hierarchical DD schemes with $pi$ pulses about two perpendicular axes in spin space. to suppress general decoherence, i.e., longitudinal relaxation and dephasing.